Party Beats X Vinyl Scratch (Fluff)

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Vinyl's POV

*Beep,Beep,Beep,Bee-SLAM!* Ouch! That one hurt my hoof!

Another day as a DJ, I can't complain though. The company said that they were going to hire another DJ to work with me but I haven't met her yet so I'm excited to today.

I walked out of my room and brushed my mane followed by sliding on my signature glasses. "AWW HELL YEAH!!" I screamed sliding out of my room, it's a good thing no one is home or I would be getting a lot of strange looks.

I ran out the door up to the venue. I'm so excited that I accidentally knocked over Derpy. "SORRY!!" I called out while still galloping to meet this new pony. "IT'S OK VINYLL!" She called back standing up and brushing herself off.

Finally after what seemed like hours but was probably on 3 minutes, I reached the venue.

"Name?" The stallion out front asked not looking up from his clipboard. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me before stepping aside. "Sorry, Miss Scratch!" He said with an apologetic look on his muzzle. "It's ok sir,busy day?" I asked him slowly walking past "You know it" he sighed "have fun!" "Thank you, I will!" I called halfway down the steps.

As I stepped through the crowd making my way to the DJ station, I noticed there was already a pony there.

She is a Pegasus pony with a mauve coat, beautiful light green eyes, one of them being covered by the black strip in her light blue mane.

She didn't seem to notice me even though I was right in front of the turntables. "Hello!" I said energetically. She looked confused for a moment before turning in my direction. "Oh...... Hello" she said shyly. "You must be Party Beats!" "Oh, yeah that's me!" She smiled "I'm Vinyll!" I introduced placing out my hoof for her to shake.

But she didn't shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you!" She said while continuing to play. I put my hoof down slightly embarrassed and stood closer to her. Is that weird? Oh well if it's not what I did next was.


That's right I sniffed her mane. So many face hooves! Her smile turned into a poker face as she faced me.

"Did you just-"


"Why would you-"

"Because you smell nice!"

"Are you-"




"Are you going to-"

"No I'm not going to do it again"


"I promise"


With that awkward conversation she turned around and continued to DJ.

(Time skip to after the party)

Party Beats' POV

"DONE!" Vinyll yelled causing me to slightly jump. "Tough day" I said rolling my eyes.




"Ok we really need to stop now!" I said while relaxing.

So, do you like my glasses?" She asked me. "I'm sure they would look awesome!" I said not facing her way, or maybe I was, I dunno. "They would look awesome? What do you mean?" She asked politely urging for the answer. "Well, I'm not really sure I can say..."
"Oh come on! You can tell me! Unless you're a spy!" "Ok!" I slightly yelled not liking being questioned.

I stumbled over to her, looked her right in the eye and asked her "Can you see my problem now?" "No, I can't" I sighed and sat back.

"Vinyll,I'm blind" I said kind of bluntly. I started to walk away from her when I heard a set of hoofs galloping towards me.

I tried to run thinking that because I didn't know her that she would use this against me.

I tripped over something and fell muzzle first on the ground.

It began to bleed as I heard the pony getting closer by the second. Of course it was Vinyll, she helped me up with her hooves and wrapped around me in a tight embrace. She wiped off the blood off with her hooves and hugged me tighter. "I thought you would leave me..." I sighed.

"Why would I do that?" She asked. "Everyone does" I responded on the verge of tears. "I will always be here for you" With that she kissed me on the forehead. "Why?" I asked.

"Because I love you"

"I love you too Vinyll" I replied hugging her tighter than I've hugged anyone in my life.


I actually really enjoyed writing that one for my friend Miss_Vampy hope you enjoyed it! :D

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