My Fave Book Characters as things i've said

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Yeah yeah I know it's weird I remember what I say all the time but these aren't exact!

Mare barrow: "the electric shock will kill you if you keep poking at that with a fork"

Kilorn Warren: "the fish doesn't seem cooked, you dipshìt the oven isn't even on"

Cal/Tiberius Calore: "My duties to this household are much more important than doing an English paper"

Maven Calore: "I hate my life, fūck everyone and leave me alone mom"

Evangeline Samos: "I'm going to stab you with this fork"

Maxon Shreave: "darling that's a turtle not a green rock"

America Shreave: "I want food, I'm only here for food, you got me to come here for food!"

Marlee Woodwork: "I would literally give you my last piece of toast right now, and I love toast"

Bella swan: "I just fell down the stairs fir the third time today"

Edward Cullen: "I'm taking my self control to the limit today"

(No Jacob won't be on here Jacob sucks!)

Alice Cullen: "woah I just had serious déjà vu! I saw that in my dream! I'm physic!"

June: "I'm the only responsible person in a six mile radius"

Day: "my hair like looks super shiny today! It's like golden!"

This was super fun! Lol ima tag people because why not! I only did popular book series I've read including Red Queen, The Selection, Twilight, And Legend (which I'm still reading though I'm about the start the third book)


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