Chapter 2

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Hey guys it's late at night so I figured I'd work on this. Hope you enjoy.

Envy POV

As I walked away from the girl's house I couldn't help but wonder about her.

There was something....different. I couldn't explain though. It was a weird feeling. I wasn't too pleased about it. I decided to ignore it for now. Maybe messing with some people in town would help.

I transformed into a human girl around the age of 10 or so and walked into a nearby shop. The clerk looked at me and smiled.

"Aww, how can I help you little cutie?", he asked.

The fool. I had to hold in laughter as I got closer. "There's something that I need help with", I said in my most convincing voice.

"Oh yeah? What's that?", he asked. I then turned my hand into a blade and stabbed his neck.

Blood rushed from the wound and onto the floor. He looked at me shocked as I transformed back. "Your death", I stated. He fell to the ground dead.

I couldn't help but laugh at his corpse. The idiot died out of his own foolishness.

"What pathetic creatures you humans are", I said. Luckily no one seemed to see so I snuck out while I still could. I started wandering around alleyways cause I was bored, again.

I sighed and looked at the sun. It seemed to finally be going down.

"Well, perhaps I should be heading back to Father", I thought. Suddenly I heard something and looked behind me. Before I knew it I had soldiers surrounding me.

"Be careful men, this is still a homunculus we're dealing with" one of them stated. I sighed. Am I really gonna have to fight? I hate fighting.

I was about to attack but then suddenly a bullet was out through the head of a soldier. Everyone stared for a moment before the body fell over. My eyes widened.

It was (y/n). She had a gun in her hand.

The men stared at her and aimed their weapons. "Shoot her down!!", the leader ordered. As the guns fired and the bullets flew she jumped into the air and landed on top of a man, cracking his neck with her legs.

Then she jumped up and killed three as she shot them in mid-air.

Then one by one they all fell to the ground dead. Her clothes were filthy with blood. She looked at me and smiled. "You alright Palm tree?", she asked.

I needed to process what happened before I realized what she said. "Not a palm tree, but that was very impressive", I stated.

She simply bowed and started to walk away. I was very confused. But I soon thought about this.

Father could use her. Maybe I should keep an eye on her more. She looked back at me. "Whatcha gonna do? It's almost night", she stated.

It was getting fairly dark. I shrugged and followed her. When we got back to her house she went into another room. I sat down in with chair and waited. Then I saw the sketchbook she was drawing in earlier.

I wondered if she had finished the picture. I took it and opened it. My eyes widened and I almost dropped the book.

I knew the lady she was drawing seemed familiar. It was a picture of Lust. I couldn't believe it.

I heard footsteps and soon (y/n) stepped back into the room wearing fresh clothing. I looked at her seriously and pointed at the picture.

"How do you know her?! Tell me!!!", I demanded. She gave me a blank look then walked into another room. When she came back she had more paper in her hands.

She laid each one out on the table. I gasped. They were pictures of each of the homunculi. Greed, Sloth, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath, and now Lust. (The brotherhood ones)

The only one I didn't see....was me. Where was Envy?! 

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