Chapter 20

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A\N: 20?! 20?!?!?! OMFG AAAAAA

Charles POV

I sat down. i sighed as i know that i'm lonely.

I used to it but sometimes it doesn't feel right.

the silent was cut off by a noise, a loud noise.

it came from a box. it started shacking around like crazy!

without thinking i grabbed a something nearby. i grabbed a book. that was really the only thing  can grab?? wow.

i walked to the shacking box slowly. terrified what could be in there, it could be toppat! but how can they reach us here now? 

getting that off of my head i was getting my book ready to smack that someone in the head.


nothing. the box was still shacking.


still shacking


still shacking.


same, still shacking.


I opened the box to reveal a surprise. 

Ruby barked was smiling at me. I sighed in relief. i placed the book down and carried Ruby.

I sat back down where i was. I stroked Ruby's fluffy fur. she still had that black jacket on.

why did Ellie leave her behind? was she saving her for something? a plan?

questions entered my mind at this point. i heard a bark coming from Ruby.

maybe is was asking me where was Henry and Ellie. and why i'm the only one here. alone. with a dog.

"Henry wants me to stay here. to be safe of course. Ellie went with Henry in the wall! so, be glad Henry told me to stay here so you don't have to lonely!"

Ruby barked. I took that as an 'oh'. 

Ruby started licking me. I couldn't stop giggling when she was doing that. she put her paw on my hand. 

I was put a smile on my face as I showed Ruby the palm of my hand. she placed her paw in the center on my hand.

I was glad that Ruby was here with me. so thank god i'm not lonely.

"Ruby why did Ellie left you behind??"

Ruby looked at me and barked. it's like she's talking to me. 

i didn't know really what Ruby was saying. so i pretend i understand.

"Oh! that makes sense!"

I smiled at Ruby as she started licking my face.

I couldn't stop smiling and giggling when she was licking me.

I'm glad Ruby's with me. i'm gonna tell Ellie that she left Ruby behind.

                                               387 words

                                        *spits out water* *chokes* 20?! chapters?! that's a new record!!

                                          thank you for supporting!! <3

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