Chapter 33

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Ellie POV

we started heading back to the wall again.

why? because of the plan were following

i blinked twice.

Demo stared at me. it's like we are having a staring contest going on

"why are we staring at each other?"

Demo hummed 'i don't know'

"because it's a passtime?"

"uhhh no. let's not do that. it's too creepy let's say."

Demo groaned. did she wanted to do it?! i mean it's kinda impossible to not blink in, let's say: an hour.

too crazy. i mean i'm a strong ass person. but that's something too crazy to my thought.

"you lost in your train of thought Ellie?"

i quickly shook my head when i heard Charles speak to me.

"um..yes? if it's important for you too know."

i didn't mean to bark back. i mean i didn't say it in a mean way. i'm just trying to reason with Charles anyway.

"oh okay! just trying to cheek on you"

i scoffed a bit. it's getting quite boring if you ask me. even with ruby bouncing around the room.

"will you tell Ruby to stay still for once??"

Demo asked. she was tried of seeing her pounce around the room like if it was her prey.

i shook my head. 

"Demo you think she is a child? no. she's a dog. she needs to move a lot."


I remember the book i found back at the abandoned 'blood test' room.

i opened my backpack to reveal it. i opened it.

i didn't like the content they was shown inside this book either.

it talks a lot about, legends, death, how to get revange and shitty stuff like that.

a perfect book for Scar from the lion king

some of the pictures her shown where disturbing as well.

i didn't like the book not one bit.

though i'm quite surprised no one questioned the book i'm even reading. not even Demo who's right in front of me.

maybe she didn't want to me stop reading.

well, if you want more questions for this book, you can ask the fucking person who wrote this damn book.

i mean, what company even allowed this to be published?! what ever got into to their minds was indeed bullshit

A\N: i'm soo sorry for so much cursing ;<;

i sighed as i closed the book. wanting to burn the book.

into ashes.

well, that'll need to wait for a while though.

"hey Ellie."

Demo finally spoke. i mean finally!

"yeah Demo?"

"what was that book you were reading"


i knew she'd asked that

"'s some type of book i found back at a abandoned 'blood test' room"

"oh..woah. i bet lots of things happened there."

"yeah? well yes bad things happened"

"oh. ouch."

"yeah ouch!"

then Henry walked to both of us. 

"how yall doing?"

"quite fine. mostly killed in the damn back"

i responded.

"what about you Demo?"

"me? well..i'm good!"

"how are things with you and Charles?"

"good? why??"

"oh i don't know..what if you him did-"

"go to horny jail Ellie"

we bursted in laughter when we heard Demo say that.

                                                            464 words

                                      sorry for much cursing in this chapter by Ellie. 

                                      bro i can't even write more then 400 or 300 words ;<;

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