Breakfast with a stranger

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Around 6am, Ali was able to come downstairs to eat breakfast. Her foot was still wrapped up from the nail but it didn't seem to hurt like before. Still, she became mindful of the nail at the steps. After successfully avoiding the nail this time, Ali saw Carlos making himself some eggs and bacon. Ali's nose cringed at the smell of eggs.

It's not that she didn't like eggs. In the foster home, it was the only thing that Ali was allowed to eat. So every time she notices eggs, she won't eat it. Ali looked over on the table to see some pancakes. They were topped with butter and syrup and had bacon on the side. Ali's mouth water just by looking at it and without thinking, Ali climbed onto the chair and began to stuff the pancake down her throat.

Carlos turned around just in time to see Ali stuffing her face. Carlos was originally saving it for himself but he figured she earned it after injuring herself on the nail. Carlos grabbed his now cooked eggs onto his plate and sat across from Ali. Carlos took a bite out of his breakfast before he talked to the 7 year old. "So Ali, how's the food?" he asked her, keeping his questions to one topic after another. Ali gave him a thumbs up sense her mouth was already filled with pancakes and syrup. Carlos rolled his eyes. "Oh quit stuffing your face you look like a piglet."

"So?" Ali replied, finally swallowing her meal even though she still had syrup around her mouth. Carlos sighed and continued. "So, are you gonna tell me why you woke up last night?"

"I just wanted a snack."

"Ali come on, you're all dressed up in yesterday's clothes and all you're trying to do is get a midnight snack? Yeah no, I'm not buying it."

"It's nothing." Ali said, now stuffing herself with bacon. Carlos raised his eyebrow. "Alyssa, now." Ali ate her bacon and stuck her tongue out at him. "You're not my dad."

"Maybe so, but I'm sure your own dad wouldn't like it if you brushed him off." Ali looked away this time. She did not have to tell him anything. Why should she? It's not like he actually cared. Did he?

Carlos got up from his seat and walked towards her. "What're gonna do now? Spank me?" Ali asked her mouth speaking before her brain could think. Carlos picked up Ali by her hoodie and walked upstairs. "Hey, let me go!" Ali cried trying to get free of the big man's grasp. "If you're not going to tell me," Carlos started as he opened the door to his room and placed Ali on the bed. "I guess I'll have to make you."

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