Ticklish interrogation

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Ali gasped again and started to move out of the bed to escape from Carlos. But Carlos's arms were around her waist before she could make it to the other side of the bed. Carlos smirked and gently poked Ali's hips. And just like that, he was given with the same reaction as before. "No hehehehehe stop please hehehe."

"No way. Goochie goochie goo." Carlos said not wiggling his fingers towards Ali's armpits. Ali squealed and giggled harder. "Gah! Nohohohohoho not there hahahahahahaha." Carlos smiled, thinking that he was finally gonna get an answer out of her. "So, are you gonna tell me now?"

"Hahahahahaha nohohohohohohoho I wohohohohon't!" Boy, this girl is a stubborn one. "Oh well. I guess I'll have to goochie goochie getcha." This time, Carlos moved down to tickle her hip bones. Making sure to be gentle but thorough, Carlos squeezed Ali's hip bones getting a loud reaction to the touch. "GAAAAAAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"There it is. Your worst spot. You're cute little hip. Wait, that came out wrong." While Carlos was distracted by his poor choice of words, Ali had the opportunity to fake beer breathing. She stopped laughing and began to wheeze. Carlos quickly stopped his tickling to let Ali 'breathe'. "Sorry about that. You good?" He asked her as Ali nodded and began to fake a yawn. "Oh boy, you're tired aren't you." He said as Ali stretched her arms snuggled into the covers of the bed. Carlos rubbed her hair and gave it a gentle pat. "I'll check on you in the morning Ali." Carlos said as he turned off the light and quietly walked out of the room.

Ali sighed and closed her eyes. She'll have to escape sooner or later. Just because Carlos gave her a nice bed doesn't mean she can stay here for long.

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