Chapter 19

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Vegas' POV:

It was somewhere around evening when Kinn called Pete to the underground prison. He first asked me not to follow him but upon insistence allowed me to come along.

I knew that pete had been one of kinn's most trusted bodyguards but still I wondered if the sunshine plum fairy could really turn into a ruthless mafia member when required. Nevertheless, I soon got the answer to my question...

" Make him speak " Kinn said to pete while massaging his temples. It was clear that he was frustrated with the guy who they had abducted but was trying his best to remain calm.

" Should I? " I asked, offering my help but kinn denied it.

" No wait, let pete do it! This is a matter he can take care of better. Also I don't want him to die so soon, so, it would be better if you don't handle it this time. " Kinn said looking at me knowing the person won't be able to stay alive for a long time if I used my ways on him.

" What a pity! I was all worked up thinking I'll be able to finally show my skills. Though it still would interesting to see pete complete this job. " I said smirking at him.

Pete just smiled and shook his head in return while getting ready to finish the task.

"Khun Vegas, I think we should wait outside. " Big said to me.

" Why? I want to watch him! " I whined.

" Then we can stand on the other side of the glass door. Pete usually prefers staying alone during his tasks. " Big said trying to make me understand.

I looked at pete who mouthed a small please making me comply to the request.

How can I possibly deny when he says please so cutely?

I thought to myself thinking how cute of a boyfriend I had got and thanking my stars for it.

I signed big to go ahead. Everyone including kinn had already left the room and only big and I were the ones remaining apart from pete and the prisoner.
We both went ahead and left the room as well but entered the other room that had a glass window joining both the rooms. One could see into the other room through it and I stood in front of the window eager to watch my love torturing a person.

( Writer's thought : The title should've been 'when a psychopath meets a serial killer' *sighs* )

But instead of taking out any instruments like I usually did, he took out a tablet and started searching for something.

" Is he going to hit him with that thing? " I asked big with judgement unknowingly dripping from my voice.

Big nearly chuckled hearing that and seeing my expressions but succeeded in keeping his composure.

" It's good that you know how to keep your composure. I wouldn't want the family to lose a loyal bodyguard like you. That would be such a waste! " I smiled calmly yet widely at him.

" Sorry Khun Vegas. " He apologized, immediately getting the subtle warning hidden behind my harmless looking smile.

" He isn't going to hit him with it. Pete has got another method to make people speak, wait a little Khun Vegas, you be able to see it for yourself. " Big said not exactly answering my question but fueling my anticipation even more.

I diverted my gaze back to pete and by now he had already got what he was looking for. He looked at the tab for once more, smiled, looked at the prisoner once and then turned the tab towards him.

With a split second, his eyes widened and the horror could be seen creeping into his eyes. He kept looking back and forth towards pete and then at the tab and slowly a terrified expression clouded his features.

His breathing went erratic and he started screaming, struggling in his chair, trying to untie himself and get up. His eyes held such a mixture of rage and terror at the moment that he could've lunged at pete without a second thought had the ropes tying him, been left loose.

But being bound to the chair he could do nothing except see what pete was showing him.

Tears started dropping from his eyes and soon enough his face got covered in sweat, tears and saliva.

Pete kept the tab away for a second and called a bodyguard in. I instantly wore the headphones just in case pete started to say something, and he did.

He clenched the prisoner's hair and roughly yanking his face, asked him.

" Care to reveal the information you've been hiding? " He said but the prisoner kept silent.

" Oh I see you still have not reached your limit. Now then, I'll give you two options : either both of you die with your secret, or say it and we'll let you and your brother live. " Pete smiled.

The prisoner looked at him with a horrified look as if wondering how he could smile like that.

" If I say it, then they'll kill my brother! " The prisoner screeched with pure hatred.

" And you think I'll let your brother live? " Pete snickered and signed the bodyguard to pick the tablet up and show it to him again.

This time I could hear someone's soul-wrenching scream erupting from the tab.

" SAY IT OR WATCH YOUR BROTHER DIE!! " pete screamed.

" NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!! " The prisoner started to beg him desparately.

" I SAID SPEAK!!! " Pete screamed again.

" PLEASE- " The prisoner begged.

" FINE THEN IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT THEN BE IT! DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOUR BROTHER'S DEATH, BLAME YOUR OWN STUBBORNNESS! " Pete said in a determined tone, widening the prisoner's eyes.

" no no no..." He muttered under his breath loosing his courage and stand.

" KILL HIM OFF! " Pete gave a last command driving the prisoner to complete insanity and making him grovel at his feet.

" I'll-I'll say it! I will say everything! Everything that I know! Please don't kill him! Pleaseeeee- " He begged while crying his eyes out making pete halt his command.

" Halt. Stay put till further command. " Pete instructed and reverted his cold gaze towards the prisoner.

" Now, shall we hear what you have to offer. " He said and sat down in front of him to extract every ounce of information beneficial to us, that his brain contained.

Taking off my headphones, I walked towards big to enquire about the scene that I had just witnessed.

" What the hell just happened? " I asked him, completely dumbfounded.

" I didn't know pete was capable of doing something like this. It looked like he showed the prisoner something quite terrifying. " I said recalling the events that had just occured.

" Khun Vegas, you may not know this because it hasn't been long since you met pete but no matter what there's a reason why he is Khun kinn's most trusted bodyguard. " He said.

" He may be the most caring and the one with the brightest personality among all the bodyguards, but he also has a cold side that is capable of breaking anyone's will-power. He is infact a quite dangerous person, for his enemies ofcourse. " Big said looking towards pete who was still collecting information from the prisoner.

" But what did he just show the prisoner, for him to react like that? " I asked still curious about it.

" Khun Vegas, just like you torture people physically, pete tortures them mentally and emotionally by showing them a video of him torturing the person they love the most. " Big said.

" But does phaw know about this? I thought he didn't allow anyone to drag innocent family members of even our enemies into the mess. " I said confused by it.

" Well he tortures them only if they are not innocent, if they have any criminal record and are a nuisance anyway. " He said.

" Oh I think he's done with his task. You can ask him about it, if you want to know more. " Big said before excusing himself.

Pete smiled at me as he entered the room and intertwining his hand with mine, said to me in a soft voice.

" Let's go. "

" Sure. " I replied almost immediately captivated by his voice but the curiosity of what actually happened in the room was still clouding my mind and finally after struggling with myself for a while and not being able to hold myself back anymore, I blurted out the question catching him off-guard for a second.

( Writer's thought: Sorry for the late updates but my exams are going on so am not being able to write as much
But anyways, I'll do my best to updating regularly once they are over. Till then...auf wiedersehen <3 )
( Also thank you so much for all the words of encouragement in the last chapter, I couldn't reply because of all this - exam and stuff, so really sorry for that but I really appreciate how much ya'll support this story. You all are seriously the best <3 ╥﹏╥ )

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