Chapter 25

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Pete's POV:

As I was left in a daze I heard footsteps approaching and immediately collected myself to prevent the dilemma from reflecting on my face.

"What happened?" Vegas said as he came running towards me, slightly panting from all the chasing.

"Ken ran away." I said.

"The other one died" Vegas said as he massaged the bridge of his nose with an irritated expression.

"He got shot" He continued as he looked up and sighed.

"Someone else also knew about all this. The one behind all this, for whom these two were working." I said as I thought to myself of who could it possibly be.

"Do you think ken had somehow informed them about this after we caught him?" I asked trying to walk through all the events that had happened previously to get my hands on even the smallest of clues.

"Doesn't look like it. Ken was under strict supervision throughout, I doubt he could inform them while dodging everyone's eyes. We wouldn't have been able to catch him so easily had he been that slick and smart." He said and I couldn't argue. But neither could I ignore my premonition.

"I can't guess if there were people tailing Ken during every information exchange or were they there today because from somewhere they had obtained the hint of ken getting caught. But it's wierd that they only shot one while allowed ken to run away." Vegas said trying to connect any dot possible to atleast guess what their plan must be.

"Yes. Killing Ken would've been a more reasonable decision. What even are they upto?" I grumbled.

"Nothing seems to add up." I said, feeling as if we were missing out a lot of things.

Both of us got in the car to drive away from the scene since we didn't seem to be making any progress anyway. And throughout the journey back I was completely quiet and lost in my own trail of thoughts, fighting with my own dilemma to make out what was right and what was not. Vegas also seemed to notice my conflict but did not say anything to probably give me a little time alone to arrange them for which I felt pretty thankful at the moment.

"Pete..." He said softly making me turn my attention towards him.

His eyes had a calm look in them as if they were trying to look through mine. He placed his hand on top of mine and intertwining our fingers landed a gentle kiss on my hand.

"You look concerned about something. And I just know what it's not related to this information leak case." He said looking directly into my eyes but I averted my gaze and kept mum not knowing what to answer.

Someone from my past whom I had prayed so long for to not have an encounter with ever again had all of a sudden raged a storm in my life with his unexpected appearance. My mind felt too messed up to even explain anything to him.

Seeing how I was intentionally trying to avoid answering him he sighed and looked over towards me once more before continuing.

"You can tell me about it whenever you are comfortable. But I want you to remember that I am always here for you. No matter what it is, whenever you feel unsure about something you can come running to me, advice, hug or simply sitting together in silence, whatever you need, I am willing to give it to you." He said. His voice sounded so sincere that it made me feel secure like even if the whole world rejected me, I had someone I could turn back to. The sudden meeting had somehow shaken me up quite a bit, brought back the terrible memories of the time when he constantly kept beating me up, cursing me out and kept trying to instill the seeds of self doubt and insecurity in me. But those words from vegas seemed to work magically at the moment, relieving my stress a little bit.

Soon we reached back home and I rushed to my room to think over everything quickly. I immediately opened the first two buttons of my shirt since they felt hellishly suffocating and plopped on my bed as I clenched my hair feeling frustrated with myself.

"Even he knows there's no way I won't do as he wishes if he mentions mae." I thought to myself.

"No matter what, she is the most precious person if my life and so is every small thing that once belonged to her." I said, desperate to see the things he had in his possession.

"Should I tell vegas about this?" I thought to myself and I am not sure if it was some different sort of connection but right the next moment, I heard a knock on my door and it was Vegas waiting outside my room.

"What the-?! Has he installed cameras or something in this room?! How the hell did he show up at such a perfect time?!" I thought as I got up from the bed, scanned the room to see if there were any cameras and went to open the door.

He was leaning against the door frame and had a small smile on his lips as he was looking down towards me.

"I heard chocolate helps in relieving stress" He said.

"You could've atleast tried to use a more convincing excuse" I said looking at him after hearing how lame of an excuse he was trying to use.

"Yet I don't see you asking me to leave." He smirked.

"That's because I wanna see if your excuse really has got even a tiny bit of truth to it." I smiled playfully and grabbing his collar, pulled him in.

I closed the door as he sat on the bed rummaging through his pocket to find the item he was supposed to deliver to me and took out a chocolate wafer.

"Here, take it" He said as he handed it to me.

"Where's yours?" I asked.

"Wait let me take it out." He said as he thrusted his fingers again into his pocket.

"What the?! Looks like I dropped it somewhere." He said after looking through every pocket but still failing to find it.

"It's fine, we can share" I said opening the wrapper.

"We can?" He asked in a amusing tone making me wonder if I had ever denied to share my food with him.

"Yes ofcourse. Here, take a bite" I said waving it near his mouth but he grabbed my wrist and turned it towards my mouth instead.

"You take a bit first." He said.

"Don't worry I don't think there's poison in it." I said jokingly.

"Had there been poison in it, I would've gulped the whole thing down so you won't have to take even a single whiff of it." He said while looking at me with such love filled eyes that I immediately got shy but looked the other way to not let him see how red my cheeks had turned.

"Cheesy!" I said.

"But that's true though" He smirked knowing exactly what effect his such gestures had on me.

To somehow change the topic I hurriedly turned back towards him and bit one end of the chocolate but before I could break off the part sandwiched between my teeth, he took a bite from the other end.

I scrunched up my eyebrows in a way to ask him what he was doing but he just kept looking directly at him while smirking mischievously and as if he was challenging me to see who would back away first.

I accepted the challenge and took another bite to warn him that I was definitely going to win.

We kept taking bites as we maintained eye contact and towards the last bite before I could do anything, he kept his hands beside me, caging me between them and along with biting the remaining part he pushed himself down towards me making me lay flat on the bed while he himself hovered over me. He gulped down the chocolate and without giving me a break kissed my lips and made his way into my mouth licking every corner of it. He deepened the kiss in a way that was rather than being on the sexual side was more on the longing side. Like he wanted to let me know how much he loved me and cared for me. Like how much I mattered to him. He had kept his hand under my head and was twirling my hair while gently massaging my scalp.

The moment with him helped me to calm down and organise my thoughts and for sure I knew one thing at the moment that no matter what I didn't want myself to regret in the future for not even trying to retrieve the things that were definitely precious to me.

"Vegas...I love you" I said softly after he broke the kiss and maybe it caught him off-guard but his eyes widened for a moment before he collapsed into my embrace. No one else knew this and I had not expected this either but he was strangely weak to such words.
But there's no way I didn't love seeing him get so shy for once.

"I-I love you too" He mumbled and his breath brushed past my neck tickling me and making me laugh as I held his shy self tightly in my embrace wanting for sweet moments like these to last forever.

( Writer's thought: Anyone wants a collab between Vegaspete of this story and kinnPorsche from "Wines and guns"? April_The_Knight Up for a collab?XD<3 )

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