Chapter 27

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Pete's POV:

"You son of a b*tch!" I said bitterly through my clenched teeth to which he had the audacity to laugh.

"Cool down there. Our judgement often gets clouded when we are angry." He said as if he was some saint giving a sermon. Those words sounded way too ironic coming out of his mouth.

"Oh! You don't know how much I would love to have my sanity clouded right now. Because then I would be able to slaughter you without any guilt!" I said, my throat aching with the bloodthirst.

"Ah what a fierce little child! How scary!!~" He said trying to piss me off even more. My knuckles were cracking, urging me to land atleast one punch on his face but I had to restrain myself with all my might.

"Hand me the things." I said, not wanting to continue the conversation for even a moment longer.

"Got the money?" He asked with a smirk.

"Um hm" I nodded.

As per the deal, he brought out a small cartoon filled with a number of things.

"Everything I ever had of your mae is in here. Take it and give me the money." He said pushing it towards me.

I immediately snatched it away from him and handed him the briefcase. I was a little sceptic about the contents but the moment I saw the very first item, I was about to break down into tears. It was an earring that I had gifted to her years ago. Even though it was pretty cheap, mae had always adored it since it was a gift from me but all of a sudden she had stopped wearing that, no wonder it had disappeared. Phaw must have thought it had some high materialistic value after seeing mae take such good care of it.

Right after seeing the first item, I diverted my gaze since I didn't want him to see the vulnerable side of me.

"Now that the deal's done, I should get going." I said and turned around to leave the place but was stopped by him.

"Ah! What's the hurry?" He said in a sinister voice making me turn around. But before I could say or do anything, a number of men marched out of the forest and binding my limbs, completely blocked my nose and mouth with a piece of cloth.

I tried to thrash about to release myself but eventually my head started feeling heavy and slowly the world around me started going blur and dim before I passed into a dark tunnel of nothingness.

Pete's POV ends.

Third person POV:

A while later:

Pete's eyes flinched and he opening them slowly, blinked a few number of times to adjust his vision with the surroundings. The sharp headache was killing him but the moment he remembered the past events, the headache didn't seem to be a problem anymore.

"You as*holes!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!" He screamed, thrashing about in the chair, trying to free his hands.

"Oh look! The sleeping beauty finally got up" An unfamiliar voice echoed in his ears followed by a very familiar snicker.

"Who...?" His eyebrows furrowed as if failed to recognize who the owner of the voice was.

"Ah! You don't know me" he said sounding pretty absurd to Pete.

"Then why the fu*k have you kept me tied up here?" Pete screamed.

" are the little kid that vegas loves!" He said enthusiastically.

"What connection do you have with him?" Pete asked sceptically.

"Oh I would say a rather close bond of hatred. I despise him to his guts, but he loves you to death, then doesn't that make you the perfect person to use if I want to harm him?" He said and pete couldn't counter it. He knew whatever he said was true but was unable to do anything.

"Who are you? Why...are you doing this?" He asked.

"You want to know? Really?" The unknown man sniggered.

"I am Dras" He said and Pete simply kept staring at him looking pretty confused.

"Don's younger brother? Pretty sure you must remember that name? If not, then let me remind you." He narrowed his eyes and gave a sinister smirk.

"He's the one who had killed the beloved mother of your precious boyfriend." He said and laughed, showing absolutely no sign of remorse.

"You-how dare you?! You really want to take revenge?! Even when your brother was wrong-?!" Pete screamed but was interrupted by Dras.

"I DON'T CARE!! All is care about is that, HE. KILLED. MY. BROTHER." Dras said, completely presenting himself as the innocent one.

"You must have lost your mind!" Pete said in disbelief.

"Oh-you don't know how sane I still am to not have killed you already. I can't possibly be hasty after I prepared so much for it" Dras smirked looking at pete.

"Your brother deserved to die!" Pete said looking at Dras dead in his eyes.

"Stay in your limits boy! I'll rip your mouth into shreds if you again try to sh*t with me like that!" Dras threatened him, looking pretty pissed.

"My brother loved that woman! But that bi*ch! She did not care about his feelings! She was the one who deserved to die!" Dras screeched, making pete stare at him in disbelief.

"How sick can you be?" He uttered in complete horror.

"Your brother fell in love with her doesn't mean that she must reciprocate his feelings! It was her life! Her choices! Her heart! She had every right to turn him down if she had no feelings for him! And you still are trying to take your brother's side after knowing that he destroyed her happy life and whole family simply because she rejected him? WHO GAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO?!" Pete was calm throughout but eventually lost it and ended up screaming everything out, ticking him off even more.

Pete's father saw Dras's expressions darkening and thought of it as a good opportunity to support him and get into his good books to earn a little more, thus jumped in to defend Dras.

"She could've left her family and come to him, am pretty sure he would've taken good care of her" He said but pete scoffed in return.

"I wish mae would've done that! But not everyone is like you who doesn't understand the significance of the relations! Stay the hell out of this and keep your crappy opinions to yourself!" Pete said crudely.

"You dare say that to me?! Don't force me to hit you!" His father said in an attempt to get pete under his control but pete was too drunk with rage to let mere words overpower him.

"Force you? To do the only thing you know?! Hah!" Pete scoffed.

"S.t.o.p t.e.s.t.i.n.g y.o.u.r l.u.c.k!" He said trying to hold himself back.

"Why? Are you afraid that you'll lose your reasoning? But did you ever have any begin with?! When have you never hit me that you are trying to use it to threaten me now? Huh? Do you think I don't know what position you are standing in right now?! First a failed boxer and now a dog panting at your masters feet-" Pete said but was interrupted by his father in the middle.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" His father screeched. His veins were looking as if they were about to burst, his knuckles were cracking and he was visibly losing his cool with each passing moment.


"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BARKING!" He said, clicked the gun, pointed it at pete and a loud noise of a bullet going off echoed throughout the tense atmosphere, enveloping everything in a blanket of sheer silence.

Pete gulped and opened his eyes, the blood had splashed onto his face and infront of him was his father lying in the pool of his own blood. His body completely limp, his heart not beating anymore. Dras was standing right behind the dead body with his index finger wrapped around the trigger. Pete was still in shock from this sudden incident.

"You.....killed...him?" Pete whispered, still finding it tough to believe that his father was dead.

Pete wheezed, his head ringing from all this. "Phaw's...dead...?"

Dras smirked seeing his condition.
"Ah! Sad over a parents' death, are we? We'll, he shouldn't have tried to disobey me~" He said trying to add to Pete's emotional injury.

"I...I...won't have to...fear anyone else in the world now...? My biggest gone...?"

Pete covered his mouth in disbelief.
"Ha" a small light chuckle left his lips. "HA -A HA-A HAA" He laughed lightly in disbelief. He started wheezing heavily and finally burst out laughing.

"HA-HA-AH-HA-AHHAHAHA-AH-HAHAHA-" He kept laughing as if he had lost his mind. His eyes had teared up completely but he showed no signs of stopping. Finally seeing the fear of his life dying infront of him had broken up the barrier he had created around his heart, letting all the emotions flow out. In that moment, the sudden rush of all emotions majorly euphoria had taken over his mind, turning him into a fearless being with no sense and momentarily no humanity left.

He looked at the kidnappers and everyone present shuddered in fear seeing the look his eyes held. They no more looked as if they belonged to any human, there was death in them,  inevitable death.

The ropes that were used to bind his hands to the hands of the chair fell down, with a blade he had managed to sneak in, he had cut off every single strand of it. There was an absence of rage on his face anymore, his lips just held a calm smile, there was no other emotion on his face except the calm smile, he did not look like a human in the moment, nothing could have ever made him look as creepy as if possessed as much as the smile did. Pete was no more sane...

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