Chapter 29

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A bright light entered my eyes making me stir in my sleep and shut my eyes tightly because of the prickly sensation.

"He's waking up!" I heard someone say. I definitely had heard the voice before but I couldn't remember where.

I could feel like there were a number of eyes fixated on me and hence I opened my eyes finally to see what the commotion was all about.

My senses were all feeling partially numb and my body was all sore. I looked around the light blue room and registered the details about it, the small machine beeping beside me, the medicated smell of a hospital room, and a few curious eyes looking directly at me from a distance.

I was definitely in a hospital but what for? Just as I was wondering about what even was going on, memories of the previous day started pouring into my desolate mind increasing my anxiousness with each piece of information.

"Pete?! Pete! Where's he?! Let me go!" I said as I tried to get down on my foot and remove the various needles pierced into my skin but was immediately stopped by Khun.

"Stop! This is not a movie that you can walk out whenever you want! I am in no mood to hold a funeral for you, so if you die after detaching the monitoring machines, just know that I am going to throw your dead body into the river!" He threatened me and made me sit back down.

I kept staring at him blankly not knowing how to protest anymore. He sighed seeing me look so clueless and proceeded to give me the information I was so craving for.

"Pete is fine. Just unconscious." He said.

"Khun how do you...?" I asked. Even though maybe I was being too obvious I had not expected him to notice so easily.

"Oah? How do I know? Well isn't it obvious? You both practically stay in each other's room, look completely lost when separated from each other and you followed him to the warehouse as well, it would take some special talent to not notice such obvious things." He said and smiled.

"But honestly what a bad taste in men!" Khun said.

"I love him! And he is the best person I have come across! The love of my life!" I said vehemently protesting against his claims.

" I was talking about Pete's taste in men" He said in a slightly teasing tone, looking at me up and down as if judging me heavily.

"Too bad but you are wrong. Pete has got quite a good taste you know" I said acting boastful.

"Ehhh really?" He said looking completely doubtful.

"Yes. Well, pete likes huge things, and I...happen to have a huge bank balance, a huge heart and a huge..." I signalled towards my lower abdominal area and winked at him in a playful way.

"Oih! Too much information!" He said, waved his hand in the air and left the room to call back the nurse. Khun always had a special talent in not only lifting everyone's mood but also putting people in their places, ofcourse both were reserved for those who deserved it.

After I was given a few medications, the doctor finally allowed me to visit pete and without wasting a second more, I dashed into his room.

Tears welled up in my eyes upon seeing him lying unconscious, surrounded by the medical equipments and somewhere in some corner of my heart, I was blaming myself for his such condition. Maybe I wasn't reliable enough for him, maybe that was why he tried to do everything on his own without taking my help, maybe I was still not enough, maybe none of my actions could still make him trust me, maybe I really am not good enough for him.

A number of questions clouded my mind, and a strand of my heart broke with each question that my brain brought up to make me doubt myself.

But breaking the string of thoughts, pete woke up, pulling me out of the trance.

I ran to him and sat down beside him while holding his hand in mine. I did not want to cry infront of him but I couldn't stop the tears that started streaming down my cheeks upon the contact.

"Shh. It's fine, everything's mine, I am fine, you are as well. Calm down. Calm down love." Pete said softly as he pulled me down and touched our heads.

He hugged me tightly and himself sobbed while my tears kept wetting his hospital gown. We both were crying into each other's arms, our hearts were finding it surreal and hard to believe that we had not lost each other in a tragedy, that we both were still...alive.

"I am sorry" He said but I did not say anything, instead I just tightened my embrace around him, perhaps I was too scared to let him go.

He knew it and didn't try to separate me as well, after a while I let go of him and sat back down.

"Are you alright now? Should I call the doctor?" I asked in a concerned tone as I cupped his cheeks.

" fine, please don't go.." He said looking really vulnerable. I kissed the back of his hand and nodded a yes.

"Vegas...I-I am sorry...I just didn't want to bother you, you were already too busy handling all the things and I did not want you to get involved in that mess." He said looking apologetic.

"It's my fault for not paying more attention to you, maybe if I had acted a little more responsibly, you would have been able to trust me more and let me help you..." I said expressing the things I was feeling so guilty about.

But he immediately got up and hugged me catching me off-guard.

"I really love you vegas, I really do, and I trust you too...I want you to be happy, share your burden even if by a little, so nothing's your fault, I did not tell you anything simply because I love you so much and I didn't want to even consider the possibility of you getting injured because of phaw's idiocy." Pete said looking genuinely hurt, we both were too in love and had brought up our own theories and decisions regarding each other without even consulting each other, even though all we wanted was pure happiness for each other, to keep each other away from all the evils, it had slipped out of our minds that as a couple, we could only live happily together by being each other's pillar of support, by trusting each other and by sharing our sadness and happiness with each other instead of letting ourselves suffer in silence.

( writer's thought: Relationship advice 101 by writer XD )

"Let's promise each other, that we will never hide anything from each other in the future. To live life together, we also need to complete the challenges of life thrown our way, together. Let's stay together till eternity..." He said and wrapped his pinky finger around mine.

I smiled at him and we touched our heads as we sat in complete silence. The only noise in the room was coming from the various equipments kept but we were too engrossed in each other to hear any of it.

I slipped my hand under his right cheek and lifting his face up allowed my lips to caress his. Our lips moved in a slow rhythm, softly expressing our strong longing for each other. He took the lead and I smiled against his lips as I allowed myself to savour every moment and melt under the touch of his lips.

We kissed until we both were out of breath and finally had to, though unwillingly let each other go. The nurse entered the room and I had to leave since the time I was allowed to stay in his room for, had come to an end.

Upon a little investigation, I got to know that I was required to stay in the hospital for a week while pete was strictly advised to stay for 3 weeks more to prevent any health complications in the future.

The whole week got over in the blink of an eye. We spent a lot of time together. Reading him stories, telling each other about hilarious incidents from our childhood and telling each other more about ourselves had become our favourite pastime.
Before I could realise it, it was already time for my discharge. I did not want to leave without pete but I had no other option. I had been strictly advised to take as much rest as possible which meant I wouldn't be able to see pete as much.

"I am going to miss you so much." I said refusing to let go of his hand.

"Why are you acting like we are in some movie, am the dying parent and now you have got a newborn to raise all by yourself?" He said in an attempt to lift my mood up.

"If anyone of us has to die, it better be me. I am not letting you go anywhere far away from me." I said, smiling at him. I kissed his hand and bidding him farewell, left the room to return to the Teerpanyakul residence.

A few days later:

Kinn and Porsche were sitting in the dining area when I entered the room. I had already decided to reveal about me and pete to them and even though I was a little nervous, I was sure that they were going to be happy for us.

"Porsche am taking Porchay out for clubbing!" Kim said in an easygoing tone as he walked past Porsche with his arm hung carelessly around porchay's shoulder. 

"Kinn! kim is begging me to block his debit card!" Porsche said loudly to make sure it reached Kim's ears.

"Porsche am taking porchay to the movies!" Kim said again, immediately changing the destination upon receiving the threat from Porsche.

"That's more like it." Porsche smiled at both of them and after they had disappeared from his sight, reverted his attention to me.

"I've got to tell you something." I looked around and both of them instantly understood my indication.

Kinn nodded and the three of us entered the casual family meeting room where everyone else was forbidden to enter for the time being.

My heart was beating wildly. I was feeling exactly what someone who's in love feels while introducing their partner to their family...

( Writer's thought:
  Vegas sung Pete ( Vegas weds pete )

Kim: Mele bhaiya ki shaadi mein jalul jalul aana<3  XD

Also am thinking of creating a bad buddy fanfic, so any PatPran fans here?<3  )

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