Chapter 16

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Your POV~

I was lying on my bed beside Hizashi cuddling him even tho he has a high fever "What happend to you my love" I asked him even tho I know his not listening, I was hoping for him to wake up soon.

"Dear, c'mon lets eat" mom said letting her head in my room "Maybe later mom" I said as she leave and close the door. I did'nt have the energy to eat even a little grain of rice (TF😐 How tf can you do that?). I did'nt move nor anything at all (Give this y/n a better attitude, oh wait) I stay here beside him no matter what.

A knock was heard and I saw Shouta entering my room and close the door after "Y/n, you need to eat or else Hizashi might not be happy to what he is going to see, when he wakes up" he said pleading to me, I sigh in defeat and stand up from my bed "Alright, but can you watch him for me?" I asked.

"Promise me you'll eat" Shouta replied, I nod in agreement and head down stairs "What's left?" I asked my parents who was eating lunch "Here, come eat" dad said pointing a food and gesturing me to sit.

I sit on the seat right beside him and start eating the food (*Huh* I really have a weak spot over Aizawa) "If your finish, you can head back to your room and watch your boyfie" dad said elbowing me, I laugh a bit and start hitting him back as mom watch us on the other side of the table.

"Dad~" I whine "Yiiiieeee~ Someone's madly in love" dad said teasing me "No~" I said covering my face cause' of the light blush was starting to form "Opp, is that a blush?" dad tease me again still hitting me with his elbow "Dad stop~" I said "Ohh" he replied.

"Alright, honey. Let her be now, go on dear, check him up now" mom said giving us a smile "Thanks mom" I said as I walk away while sticking my tounge out to him and he did the same.

As I head towards my room I knock and Shouta opened the door for me "His fine, just still in a high fever" he said leaving me again alone with Hizashi. "*Sigh* When will you wake up, im lonely Zashi" I said whispering right beside him "You might know im awake now" I heard a voice, the sweetest voice.

I look up and saw Hizashi wide awake smiling at me "Oh gosh, someone pinch me im dreaming right now" I said looking anywhere. Then I felt someone pinch me harder "Ow, not that hard tho" I said touching my arm "Heh, your not dreaming Love" he said reaching for my face.

His hands were  warm due to his fever, I held his hand while he keep caressing my face "Shota told me all" he said along with slapping me just a little causing my face to turn at the side "Wait, I did'nt mean to" I said fake crying.

"I don't accept that attitude" he said crossing his arms looking away from me, that's then I got my cue. I jump on top of him, lean down and kiss him right on the lips without  a warning "What was that?" he asked with a tint on his cheeks.

"Hehe" I replied as I lean down again hugging him above his body "Your cold y/n" he said "It's because your hot" I said refering to his current situation "I am always hot" he said as the door burst open and I jump to the sudden action "" I heard Shouta said.

Le time skip~ one week later

I keep looking at Hizashi who was sitting at the drivers seat "Done staring babe?" the sudden question startled me "I was just worried, are you really fine now?" I asked maybe for a hundred time ever since he said he was fine now.

"Love, im fine now. Stop asking now mkay" he said taking hold of my thighs "Maybe" I said looking down at his hand.

As we arrive at the school Hizashi step out of the car while I did'nt I forgot I was at the world.

Hizashi's POV~

I open the door for y/n but she did'nt came out, I saw her staring so far that I can't even reach "Babe?" I asked but no answer, so I proceed to do my thing. I carried her bridal style as she snap out of her trance "Zashi, put me down" he said struggling on my hold "It's fine, once we reach the doors i'll put you down" I said as she nod.

"Hizashi, you should'nt be doing that here" I heard Shota (Btw this is a nickname Hizashi gave to our lovely Aizawa here) said beside me "She was daydreaming" I explain "I was not" she protest.

Your POV~

As we arive at the doors of UA he put me down "Next time just snap me out, not carry me out" I said "Got it" he said. Me and Aizawa sensei walk towards the classroom while Hizashi heads to his, Shouta open the door first and head in next is me "Ok class, you all can do whatever you all want, im going to take a nap" he said while putting himself inside his sleeping bag.

We are all open mouthed and wide eyed "So I enter with him and did'nt expect this?" I asked "Many time for us" I heard Mineta said beside me "Mineta get away from her" I heard Kirishima said dragging him away from me "I would never pervertize my bestfriend!" I shouted at Kiri.

"Hmm, who's his bestfriend?" I heard Pikachu said taking my bag off my back and place it at by seat "I hate you all" I said as I went my way to Mineta only to find the grape boy was wrap on a tape.

"Sero, unwrap the grape or i'll choke with your own tape" I said threatening him "Fine, whatever you say" he said in defeat as he unwrap Mineta who is now inhaling for air.


Heyo, did ya miss me? Ok, so I got to write this story for days bc I run out of inspiration but I remember that i have a crush so I used him and voiala here is your chapter.

I almost forgot I have a story to update since no one is reading my story so I did'nt mind updating it for a while, well that's all see you next chapter.


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