Part 1

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Singhania Mansion

Gaui was sleeping in her room.Aditya came there and saw that Gauri is sleeping peacefully .

A : Gauri wake up.

G : I want to sleep more bhaiyya.

A : Time is getting late dear.

Suddenly Gauri opened her eyes.And looked at the clock.

G :OMG!Today i am late. why don't you call me earlier?Don't you know that today is an important meeting?

A : Because yesterday you slept very i think you need some more time to sleeep.

G : what are you saying bhaiyya?don't you know that business is more important for me not my sleep.

A : Why are you taking so much effort Gauri?

G : leave that topic bhaiyya.i have no time for unnecessary talk.i want to go.

Gauri get ready.

G : Mom where is dad??

N : he already went to the office

G : I am late..why don't he call me?

N : come and have your breakfast.

G : I don't want it.i want to go..i am already ate Ma

N : But Gauri..

Without saying anything Gauri left from there.

A : what happened Mom?You are looking very sad

N : i was thinking about our she changed very much.I want our old Gauri back.

A : don't worry Mom.we will get our old Gauri back.

Gauri came near to her car.She saw that driver is standing there.She stared at diver.

G : Give me the key.

D : I will drive mam.

G : I will go alone.Give me the key

D : But mam..

G : What but?You are my servant not my boss.Do what i said.

Driver looked at her.

G : why are you staring at me??

D : Mam i am your driver.i will take you to the office.

Gauri snatched key from the driver.

She get in the car.And look at the driver.

G : from tomorrow you have no job are dismissed.

D : Mam..

G : I don't want a servant ho i snot obeying me.

after saying this she left from there.She drove very fast because she was late.Suddenly her car hit on another car.It was her mistake.She came out from the car.She was angry.

She saw that a handsome man came out from the car.It was Omakara

G(angrily) : don't you have eyes?

O : yes,i have.

G : are you joking?

O : No

G : look at that condition of my car.

O : Actually it is not my was yours.

G : My mistake??Mr. It was your mistake.

O : If it is my mistake then i am sorry.

G : I don't want your sorry.Because of you i get i have an important meeting.You don't know the value of time.

O : why are you angry so much? already i said sorry to you.If you want compensation then i will give it.

G : Mr.I don't want your compensation.

O : stop calling Mr. My name is...

Before he is completing Gauri cut him.

G : I don't want to know your name.And i am not interested to waste my time by talking to you.

Gauri get in to the car.

O : But i have interest to know your name.what is your name?

Gauri avoided him and left from there.

O : she is really an angry bird.

Gauri reached her office and and went to her cabin.She was still angry.

G : he is very over smart.He don't know who is Gauri Singhania.

Her PA came there.

P : Good morning Mam.

G : Where is Dad?when will the meeting start?

P : Mam meeting will start only after sometime.

G : okay.

PA left from there.Aditya came to her cabin and saw that Gauri is sitting in her chair.He realised that she is very angry.

A : what happened gauri??You are looking very angry.

Gauri told him everything.

A : Are you angry for this silly matter?

G : This is not a silly matter for me.He was mocking me.

A : leave it Gauri.

PA again came there.

P : Mam all are waiting for you at the meeting room.

A : Now it is the time for meeting..leave your anger and go

Gauri nodded her head.

G : Don't you come with me??

A : I will came after sometime.

Gauri went to the meeting room and saw that Ajay and their new business partners also there.

A : Come on Gauri.(to others) this is my daughter Gauri Singhania.

A (to Gauri) : Gauri meet our new business partners..Oberois..

Tej ,shakthy and shivru were there.

Thank you for all your support..

Cover credits goes to craziest24.Thank. you dear for this cover

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