Part 6

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Om went back to the cabin.He saw that Gauri is still in her chair.Om looked towards her.but she was busy in her work.

O (thinking) : I expect a sorry from her.but she is busy in her work.

Gauri still concentrated only in her work.

O ( himself) : From today i will not talk to her. If i avoid her then she will came near to me .that time i will show her who is Omkara Singh Oberoi

He sat in his chair and started to do her work.And that whole day he didn't talk to her.At the noon gauri went for her lunch but she didn't called Om. So he didn't went for lunch.

O(thinking) :  she will ask me that why don't i came to lunch. that time i will not mind she understood that i am angry on her.

He heard the voice the voice og gauri.

O : Gauri  is coming..

He sat on his chair and started his work. Gauri came there and saw that Om is doing his work.She went to her table and started her work.Om looked at her.but no use she was busy in her work.

O : Why she is not asking about the lunch?again i am failed.

Ajay came to the cabin and saw that two of them are busy in their work.

A : Om, had your lunch?

O : No uncle.

A : Gauri ,you ??

G : I already had my lunch.

A : Then why don't you called Om??

G : He was busy in his work. Don't you know that I don't like disturbing anyone who is busy in their work 

A : come with me Om.we can go for lunch.

O : It's okay i am not hungry.

A : Come with me.

Om looked at Gauri.

O : Okay Uncle.

Om and Ajay went to the canteen.

A : Om what is your opinion about Gauri?

O : She is a good business woman.and also  good girl.

A : are you angry on her?

O : No  never

A : Did you like her ?

O : yeah i like her.why you asked ??

A : Nothing..

After the lunch Om came back to his cabin.But gauri was not there.

O  : Where is Gauri ?

After sometime Gauri came back.She sat on her chair.She was tired.Om felt that she is not okay.

O(himself) : I think she is not well.

O : gauri are okay ? Any problem ??

Gauri didn't responded.

Gauri's P.A came there.

P : Madam,Cancelled all you meetings.

G : Okay,You can go..

O : what happened gauri ??why you cancelled all your meetings ??

Gauri remembered Ajay's words.

G (thinking ) : I don't want to talk with him..but Dad said that don't misbehave with i want to reply him.

G : No Mr.Oberoi..I am okay..

O : i m sure you are not okay..tell me gauri

G : Nothing I have headache.

O : Suddenly what happened ?

G : I don't know.

O : Okay i will bring medicine for you..

G : No its okay..

Before Gauri completing the sentence Om left from there.And came back with medicine and balm.Om gave the medicine and balm to Gauri.

G : Thank you Mr.Oberoi.

O : No need of thanks. If you want to take rest then you can go back to Singhania Mansion.

G : i am waiting for bhaiyya..he is in a meeting after that he will drop me at Singhania driver is on leave.

O : if you want then i will drop you..

G : No..Bhaiyya will came.

O : I will call Ajay uncle.

Om called Ajay and he came there.

A : what happened gauri ??

G : feeling not well dad.

A : then go back to house and take rest.i have some important work here.Aditya will drop you.

G : But bhaiyya is busy in a meeting.

O : Uncle..i will drop her..

A : That is a good idea..

G : i will wait here for bhaiyya.

A : No.Gauri Om will drop you have any problem Om ?

O : No Uncle.I have no problem.

G (thinking) : what is his problem .why he is very concerned about me?

O : Come let's go.

Gauri followed him.

In the car.

Guari was silent.

O : Gauri, feeling better ?

G : Hmm

O : why are you silent ?

G : i am not in a mood to talk.

O : okay

They reached at the Singhania mansion.

N : what happened Gauri? today you are early 

O : Aunty..she is not well.

Guari went her room.

N : What happened to her ?

O : She told that she have head ache.

Om gave the medicines to Narayani.

O : These medicines are bought for her.Give it to her

N : Thank you Om.

O : bye Aunty.

Om went back to oberoi Mansion.Rudy saw Om is coming.

Sorry for the late update...

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