A rough start

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As soon as one is born into the world, they have a mark on their wrist. One particular symbol that is different for every pair of soulmates. It's a very beautiful thing, it unites two beings into one, two souls entwined together, a sign of love, of support and respect.

The only downside is that the older you get, the mark fades until it disappears entirely. Once it does disappear, you rely on the memory of what yours looks like and hope to feel the connection with your soulmate, for them to believe you, that you once too wore the mark.

His name is Felix and he's twenty-seven years old. His mark disappeared last year and he feared he would never meet his soulmate, that is, until he met me. He never showed me any proof, but I didn't really mind, I myself never thought of taking my mark in picture so who was I to judge. I'm a nobody, I don't see why he would lie.

He was so happy to see that I have the same mark as he did and so he courted me the natural way until finally, a few months later, he officially asked me to become his girlfriend. He was so sweet, so I obviously agreed, he was my soulmate, how could I refuse him?

They do say that soulmates can feel the connection even if the mark is faded into nothingness, but to be honest, I don't really know what it's supposed to feel like. I never felt the pull they speak of, I don't feel like it's necessary to love. Maybe it's just something they create to make us believe into magic, but to me, just feeling at ease and in love with him is enough.

Still, I wanted to wait before completing the bond, before allowing our lips to touch, to form the bond that would unite us forever. It felt normal to me, I wanted to know him better, to feel ready.

I look at the time on my phone and decide to go get some coffee at the nearest bakery. I could go surprise Felix with his favorite drink and we could maybe hang out today, I think to myself with a smile. I change into comfortable clothes, going for some short sleeves since the weather is so warm, put on my shoes and grab my purse and keys before heading to the door.

I search my purse one last time to make sure I'm not forgetting anything and go outside. I lock the door and head to the elevator while humming a little melody that just made its way into my head. I quickly pull out my phone from my pocket and open the recording application. I press the button to the first floor and continue humming until the doors open in front of me and I leave the building to start walking down the streets towards the bakery.

One satisfied, I close the app and shove my phone back where it was with a smile. This could make a great song, I'd need to work on it later today. I compose songs in my free time for fun, I have a whole bunch of them, but no lyrics. I never really felt the need to, I just prefer creating melodies.

Felix has been trying to push me to sell them though. He keeps saying that he knows people who would be interested, that they would pay a good amount for them, but I don't know. They feel so personal, getting rid of them feels like getting rid of a part of me. I've asked him many times to drop the subject, that I'll tell him once I'm confident enough, but it always ends up in him sighing loudly and turning his back to me with a pout.

That's an attitude I never really understood. Why does he act like that, what does he have to gain from me selling my songs? They're mine, not his.

I shake my head. Just focus on the positive, other than that, he's a real love. I stop in front of the bakery to see a long line waiting outside. Well, this happens from time to time, I guess that special worker is here today.

A very good looking man, every girls seems to be in love with him, purposefully showing him their mark in case they would be his soulmate since his mark faded.

As soon as I step at the end of the line and get closer to the building, a weird feeling takes place into my body. A tingling feeling, as if I'm excited for something great, as if the best day of my life is about to happen. Must be because I can't wait to see my soulmate again later. It takes quite some time, but I eventually make it inside. I stare at the workers behind the counters and watch the man in question doing every order with grace, joy and a visible love for life.

But he never responds to flirt, never spares a glance at girls except when he has to, never once shows any particular attention to any of them. He knows what he wants, and that is his soulmate. I smile, because it's so nice of him. He could go see elsewhere, there are so many without marks, but he seems to still hold hope that his true one will one day appear.

That's what they say anyway, today is actually my first time seeing him in real instead of pictures. With each step towards the counter, my hands become sweaty, my heart pounding fast and I can't seem to look away from the man who looks just as impatient, eyes darting around to try and find something.

I look down at my shaking hands with confusion. What is wrong with me? Soon, it's almost my turn to be served and I have to resist the urge to shove the person in front of me to the side. It's such a perfect feeling, but it also freaks me out. Should I leave? Maybe I should go outside before it's too late, I-

"Next please" the man asks before he sets his eyes on me and it seems as if time stops. I swear I can see starts shine around his silhouette, as if the sky surrounds him to make him shine. My body moves by itself to stand in front of the beautiful man in front of me and his eyes are fixed on me, eyes sparkling as a smile soon spreads on his face.

"May I see your mark?" He almost begs as his eyes fall to my arm, hidden behind the counter. It doesn't even cross my mind to ask why, to refuse, to wonder why the heck would he need to see it. I just place my hand in his and allow him to turn it around to reveal the mark on my wrist.

My beautiful little moon with stars all around it. His eyes widen and his smile does too. "I finally found you, my soulmate" he claims and I frown. Soulmate? Him? No, that can't be.

"I'm sorry, there must be a mistake, I already found my soulmate" I tell him as I get my arm back to my side. He freezes in shock, his eyes remained on mine. "That's impossible, the mark is exactly like mine was. And the link, don't you feel it? The feeling that pushes you towards me as it does me towards you".

I do feel it, but it's a mistake. It has to. "I... no, what you're saying sounds true, but it doesn't make sense... I... I need to go talk to Felix. He wouldn't lie to me, no he wouldn't, there must be an explanation for this" I mumble, taking shaky steps backwards before running outside, ignoring his screams for me and I start running to my boyfriend's apartment.

This isn't real, Felix wouldn't lie about this, would he? You don't lie about soulmates, that's a rule, that's just so rude and mean. It's not completely unheard of, people who date others without marks, when they give up the thought of finding their real soulmates, but those are usually aware of the fact that they are not soulmates. Acting like they are is a lack of respect.

But then again, maybe it's just me, maybe I'm the dumb one for believing him. I never felt such a pull as I did for that man with Felix. I just blindly believed him, because why would he lie to someone like me? Why else would he purposefully approach me?

I run as fast as I can and once I arrive in front of his house, I enter without knocking. I've done that many times, it's fine.

The front door is a little way from the living room so he usually doesn't hear me. I hurry to remove my shoes and step into the corridor before stopping near the door leading to the living room.

"So, did you get her songs? You told me you'd manage to get them soon, I don't have that much time, man" an unknown voice says and I freeze, my hand almost reaching the doorknob.

"Nah, she's freaking stubborn, she just won't agree. Heck, if it wasn't for those songs, I wouldn't go through all that time doing activities with her, she's so boring. She always wants to bake and cook, craft homemade decorations, sing songs and create melodies. She's been refusing to kiss, completely ignoring my needs. She's still a freaking kid.

"Then just steal her songs instead of playing the soulmate card, it visibly doesn't work on her as well as you thought".

The fucker. The fucking son of a turd. The asshole really lied to me. I grab the doorknob and burst the door open, ignoring the shout of pain that echos in the room as I stare at the man who claimed to love me.

Once his panic fades to give place to surprise and then anger, he stands up from his seat on the couch and walks to me with angry steps.

"What are you doing here? Were you eavesdropping?!" he shouts in my face and I have to resist the need to punch the living daylights out of him.

"Felix?" I start, willing my voice to sound as calm and soft as possible. "What?" he snaps, voice cold and rude. I give him my biggest and brightest smile. "Fuck you". And I kick him as hard as possible in the groin.

He leans to the front, his body folding in half as he stops breathing. But I don't stop there, I grab his hair and push him to the ground before stepping on his balls, staring down at him with narrowed eyes.

"We're over. If I ever see you again, and I mean, ever, I'm calling the cops for impersonation of one's soulmate with the purpose of causing harm. And that will be after I make sure no child will ever be born because of you".

Then I leave the room, ignoring the shocked eyes that stare at my back before they rush to their friend's side.

"She's fucking crazy man, what the fuck" one of them says and I frown. Whatever. This was a waste of time. Now my real soulmate must thing me a fool, someone rude for running away from him just when we met.

But as I wear my shoes and leave the house, I can't resist the gasp that leaves my mouth. Because here he is, leaning against his car and staring at me with worried eyes.

I stand there, not knowing what to do as he walks to me and brings me with him to his car, opening the passenger seat for me to get inside. As shocked as I am from what just happened, from what I heard from the man I was beginning to love, being by this man's side makes me feel slightly better.

He sits in the driver seat and turns to me with a little frown. "Are you okay?" he asks with a soft voice. I stare at the house of the man who I thought I knew.

"I don't know. Today, I realize by finding my real soulmate that my boy- ex boyfriend lied about being the one made for me. That all the time he courted me and told me how lovely I was, how much he loved me, how wonderful our future would be was all for one stupid purpose".

I take in a deep breath before continuing. "You must think I'm stupid right? For believing he was my soulmate when I never felt the pull. I honestly always thought it was just a myth, something they create to make you believe in a fairy tale".

I turn to look at him with teary eyes to see him shake his head softly. "Not stupid, no. Never. You didn't know, you believed him. That says a lot about you. You trusted that he wouldn't try to harm you, to lie to you. You can't know what you never experienced, that's not your fault. He's the bad one in this situation for using that gentleness against yourself".

I feel my tears fall down my cheeks and I sniff before wiping them clean and turning away from him. I see Felix walking to the car with difficulty, his face red and angry. But the man next to me doesn't wait to see what would happen if he reaches us. He starts the car and drives away quickly, leaving the turd behind.

I sigh in relief, letting a breath I didn't know I was holding leave my body. The only noise that fills the next minutes comes from the car and the passing automobiles around us.

"Let's go to a park, I know a great one" he says to break the silence. I nod, not really caring about what happens right now. A park does sound great, it could help me to feel even only a little better.

My plans for the future all suddenly crumble to the ground. A future that I saw with Felix was now being trampled on and shredded to pieces. I was going to have to start over. And it hurts, a lot. I know I didn't know him for long, but when you think you met your only one, it just happens automatically. You start thinking about what your life will be like with them.

Confusion overwhelms me right now, my soul is very happy because it finally found its soulmate, but my heart is burning, clenching and every beats feel too strong, too powerful, as if it's trying to destruct itself.

"You can cry, you know? I know we only just met, but anyone would feel bad from this situation, keeping it inside will only make you hurt more" he says with a small but sweet voice, a soothing sound that seems to appease my pain a little. But I shake my head. "I don't like crying in front of strangers" I respond. I don't try to sound mean, ungrateful, but he really is a stranger.

"I understand, it's okay". We stay in silence for the next many minutes that pass slowly.

He parks the car near a park and steps outside. He then opens my door and helps me out of the car, protecting my head with his hand to make sure I don't hit it while getting up. I smile at him and look around to see a beautiful park with a lot of trees.

"It's beautiful" I whisper and he chuckles. "Strangely enough, no one comes here since it's a little out of the city, this corner isn't very well known, but it's worth the time spent on the road, don't you agree?" he explains and I nod.

He leads me further between the trees and makes us seat on a wooden bench near a little river. Eyes fixed on the water, I take in a deep breath, allowing the fresh air to clean my lungs.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you didn't expect meeting your soulmate to happen like that. I feel so bad, it's such a shitty way to meet me" I mumble and hear him shuffle as he turns his body towards me.

"I can't say it happened the way I thought it would. I imagined something romantic, smiles on our faces, the giddy feeling to last longer. But has life ever delivered things the way we want them?" he says, voice devoid of any anger or disappointment, he seems so at peace right now.

"Life sucks, so no, it doesn't deliver" I snicker. I then turn to look at him to see his eyes already staring at me. "Thank you for getting me at his house. For following me at all. I thought you would be mad at me". His serious face brightens with a cute little smile. "It's fine. I had a feeling you were very confused and I felt like something bad would happen if I didn't follow you. My name is Kim Seokjin by the way, a little late to introduce myself, but you can call me Jin".

I smile at him, a real one. "L/N Y/N, it's nice to meet you". And we stay silent yet again. I let he sound of the wind and the singing birds calm my heart. I let the beating slow down, become soft and less painful.

Jin doesn't move, doesn't make any sound, doesn't insist on anything. He just stays there by my side, a soft smile on his face, his eyes closed. It's so comfortable being by his side. As if I was meant to be here. I realize how far from this my experience with Felix was. It never felt as right as being with Jin feels right now.

But I'm not ready to give my heart to anyone right now. I need to mend it first, take care of it. I know one way to do so will be with music, to empty my heart with melodies that will contain all that pain. But if he's ready to wait for me, it would be my pleasure to give him all my love when I'm ready.

Because a man who respects himself and others, who doesn't stare at pretty girls just because they're pretty girls, someone who waits for his soulmate will patience, a smile always on his face, simply cannot be a bad man.

And I feel bad that I cannot give him the experience he deserves, for that first meeting to be filled with romance and smiles and laughter and warm eyes, instead being filled with heartbreak, silence and pain.

"I know it's been a rough start, but I just want to say that I don't mind. I'll wait, Y/N, take your time and don't try to go too fast to heal. If you want me there, I'll be by your side and help you get over that man, to experience what real love is like, but don't feel forced to develop feelings for me right away, we can start as friends and grow slowly from there. I've waited twenty-eight years to meet you, I can wait some more" he suddenly says and his words surprise me.

I stare at him with wide eyes, taking in how handsome he is, when he's serious, when he's smiling. What other expressions can he make, I wonder. His eyes meet mine and we stare at one another without saying anything.

"Thank you, Jin. I would like that very much. He gives me his beautiful smile, his eyes creasing into crescents as he gazes at me.

This feels like a delightful new beginning for the two of us, I think to myself. And as we spend more time on this bench, near the water, I can already feel that this man will be worth it, that he'll treat me the way I deserve to be treated, that my way of loving will please him, it will be enough and appreciated.

And I can't wait to see what the future will hold for me, for us.

And yes, I'm starting a fifth fanfiction, none of them completed yet. Wonderful. Hope you enjoy because I've been itching to write one for Jin as there are clearly not enough about him, like... this wonderful man needs more.

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