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Woozi arrives in shock from seeing the police all over the place and runs to me and Jin. "What the heck happened here?!" he asks as he crouches in front of me to take my hands in his. "Felix came and tried to scare me a little... he... manhandled me as well. He got that letter saying that I'm going to sue him for stealing my songs, he probably tried to make me change my mind that way" I explain and he shuts his eyes tight before scratching his head violently. "I should have stayed, I had a bad feeling, I should've listened to my instincts" he mumbles over and over.

I gently remove Jin's arms from around me to crouch to Woozi's level and I take him in my arms. "It's not your fault, Wooz. It's Felix's fault for being an ass. He's currently detained, Yoongi is talking with the police officers to keep him away from me, he won't be able to do anything anymore" I tell him and he nods before hugging me back.

"You're not hurt, are you?". I shake my head. "Barely. I'm honestly more worried about Jin's fist, he hit Felix pretty hard" I say and hear him scoff behind me as Woozi looks up to stare at him. "I should've done worse" Jin mumbles and Woozi offers him a fist bump. "I'm glad someone finally gave him a taste of his own medicine".

I sigh and crawl back into Seokjin's arms just as Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung come back with an officer. They join us and stop in front of our small group. Yoongi speaks up first.

"Felix and all of his friends are going to have a restraining order, so they won't be allowed to come anywhere close to you or your home. I showed them the proofs we have from last time when he broke in, so the case just took a huge step forward. The Court will call for a meeting around next month, you won't need to be present since this is going to be between the lawyers. The month after that should be the Court hearing, I'll keep you up to date".

I nod at him with a smile, glad to hear that things will start to move, even though it took what happened tonight to make things go faster. The officer takes a step forward.

"The owner of the restaurant will be back here soon, we'll explain the situation, you won't be penalized since none of this was your fault, but I'll have to ask of you to head to our station to give us your statement so they can add everything in the system, it doesn't need to be tonight, but I would ask for it to be this week. That man won't be annoying you anytime soon, so you can rest easy".

I sigh and nod, thanking him before I stand up to head outside, followed by the guys. The cold air of the night hits me in the face rather harshly. I stop to look at the sky. So many stars. The lack of street lights around the area makes me feel like I could get swallowed up by the darkness.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks softly and I look down to meet his eyes. Jin's arms wrap tighter around me and I nod. "I think I am" I reply, noticing how we all look somber after such a night. "I'm sorry for cutting short everyone's activities tonight, I hope it didn't cause you trouble" I add and watch as they all shake their heads. "It wasn't anything as important as your security, and you couldn't have known, it's fine" Namjoon says with a smile.

"He's right, Y/N. Although what happened makes me despise the man even more, he also allowed me to push the case to go faster, so I guess we should focus on that for now" Yoongi says and I nod with a small smile. They don't know that Felix kissed me, and although I don't intend to share that bit of information, I can feel Jin's part of the bond burn whenever it crosses his mind.

I turn to Woozi with a sorry look. "I think we should push back our night, Wooz. Let's do this another time". He nods. "Of course, just let me know when you can" he replies gently, worried eyes taking a look at Jin behind me before sending a small smile.

Yoongi turns to Taehyung and Namjoon. "You two hop in my car, we'll go to Hoseok's place tonight" he says and with a nod, they all hug us before leaving. Woozi hesitates a little, but eventually give Jin a side hug, whispering something in his ear that I don't hear before patting my shoulder and leaves.

Jin and I stay in place for a moment, looking at the police cars coming and going, lights turned off since the situation is now without danger. I see my boss's car arrive and the man walks out quickly to head inside before his eyes fall on me. He stops straight in his track when he reaches our side and glares at me.

"You won't have to come back. Make sure you have everything you own. I'll give you your pay for the time you've worked so far, but that' sit" he growls before stepping inside the building.

That was expected, but the tone he used makes me feel like this is all my fault. I didn't ask Felix to come and threaten me the way he did. "Let's get you home" Jin whispers soothingly to take me out of my thoughts, probably feeling how the bond shifted uncomfortably.

Taking me to his car, he opens the door and helps me inside, taking the time to fasten my seat belt before closing the door and going to his side. He sits inside and when the car wakes up from its slumber, I clutch onto Jin's hand. The skin looks reddened a little, but other than that, it doesn't seem to hurt him. He holds back tight and without words, we get to my home.

It's not the most comfortable of rides, we're both shocked from what happened. It barely registers in my mind still that I was physically and sexually abused tonight. Sure, it was only a kiss, but it was a kiss nonetheless, one I didn't want. Not only my body rejected it wholeheartedly, but my soul as well. Those were not the lips of my soulmate. It makes me feel like I cheated on Jin, even though it wasn't my fault. His soul hurt just as much as mine, if not more.

The things that must have gone through his mind at first. The thought makes me bite on my tongue hard enough to block the oncoming surge of guilt. Did the idea that I might be cheating on him cross his mind? Did he think maybe I was playing him for a fool? Felix's words come back to mind, how I'm not good enough for him. That's indeed true. I wish I could be better for him. I wish I wouldn't make him have to deal with my problems. Not once has he complained that my life is a mess, he's always been by my side. Dealing with me crying, me being lost and confused.

I don't realize when the car stops. It takes a moment for my eyes to notice that we're parked by the side of the street near a park. I turn to see Jin gazing at me with sad eyes. "Your soul is begging for me to soothe it" he whispers and that's all it takes to make my eyes water. He undoes his seat belt and then mine before pushing his seat back. "Come here" he says softly, helping me climb to his side of the car and into his arms.

He sets my legs across the car, my feet on my seat while my head rests against his chest, my arms snaking their way around his back as his do mine. "What were you thinking about?" he asks, voice pleading for the truth.

His shirt absorbs my tears as I try to find the words. "Just thinking about how much it must have hurt you when Felix kissed me... I wondered if it made you think I was cheating on you, all the things that must have gone through your mind before seeing the situation with your own eyes". Saying the words out loud makes my guts twist in a sickening manner.

His lips press against my head harshly. "Never, Y/N, absolutely never would I believe that of you. I have complete trust in you. I know you well enough now to know that to do such a thing would never even cross your mind. When I felt the bond fill with fear, I knew right away that something was wrong. My brothers and I dropped everything we were doing to get to you, I'm pretty sure I skipped a few red lights, that'll come back to bite me later but I regret none of it, because it allowed me to arrive before he could do worse. That kiss- that's not on you, that's on him. He'll pay for the consequences of his actions, I can promise you that much. You have the best bulletproof armor to protect you, the guys and I. He'll wish he treated you the way you deserve right from the beginning and avoid all this because he's for sure going to be treated the way he deserves to be and that won't be pretty. None of what happened is your fault, absolutely none of it".

I breathe in his smell and slowly calm down, his voice and warmth acting like a sun in the storm. I can feel him start to come down from all the anger he felt too, the tension leaving his body as we stand still in silence.

"I wouldn't change you for anything in the world, Kim Seokjin" I whisper, noticing how my heartbeat is now synced with his. He chuckles, the reverberations passing through my body like warm tingles. "I intend to stay very very close to you for the rest of our life. You're not getting rid of me, Y/N L/N, never". I smile and hum softly. 


The next days are calmer, less hectic. I went to the police station to give my side of the story. I'm officially done with working at the previous restaurant, so I decided to start helping Jin get ready for the grand opening with him. Learning the recipes, stoking everything where they belong as they come. There's now only four days before it opens on Thursday, so we came early to the restaurant to keep working on some dessert recipes that still need some adjustment.

"J-Jin, w-wait I can't" I stutter in laughter as I try to flee his feather fingers, but he's got me locked in a corner of the kitchen, a wide smile on his face. He tickles my sides and I scream, my head trying to push his away from me but to no avail. "Jin!" I squeal when he reaches the very sensitive skin. "I'm g- I'm gonna pee Jin let me go" I shout and he roars in laughter before finally releasing me as I flee to the bathroom, fearing not reaching it now more than ever.

I barge into the bathroom and close the door behind me before getting to the toilet. Instant relief washes over me. I truly almost didn't make it. Damn that sexy man. I take deep breaths to calm my heart, body still warmed from all the laughter and fighting we did. Once done, I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom to slowly make my way to the kitchen. I peek inside first to make sure I'm not going to be trapped again, but see no one.

Confused, I make two steps inside before arms grab me from behind again. I yelp and tense up right away, body already ready to get tickled again, but instead, the arms comfortably wrap around my stomach as a head rests on my shoulder. He chuckles a bit. "Sorry, sorry. I won't tickle you anymore. I had my dose of fun for a while" he says and I gently hit him with my elbow. "That means you'll try again later". He laughs and nods. "Exactly. But not now" he replies before moving to my front and booping my nose, causing me to giggle.

The front doors suddenly open and we both turn around to see who just entered. I expect one of the guys, certainly not Woozi.

I run to him and lock him into a hug with a wide smile. "What are you doing here?!" I ask as I release him. He gives me a look that makes me curious and I turn back to see Jin make the same face. "What?" I mumble before stepping away to see the two of them side by side.

They both smile and I tilt my head. "What are you guys hiding?" I ask and watch as Woozi bites on his cheek. "Jin recruited me to work for him" he finally blurts out.

I stand still, my brain lagging for a moment. My eyes grow wide. "Huh?!". I must make one heck of a face because they both burst into laughter. "Y-you... what?!" I exclaim, not sure if I heard him correctly.

"Woozi is a good worker, professional and I like the way he treats the people, I recruited him as a waiter. Jungkook and Jimin too, they wanted to gain some experience, so I offered them a job. Hoshi and Joshua, you met them before, they'll come back as well. We'll have a nice little team" Jin explains and I almost gasp from all the information thrown my way so suddenly.

"Damn! With all the pretty faces around here, this place will be filled all the time!" I manage to say and that ends them right here and there. Loud laughter fills the room and Jin even has to hold onto the wall to not fall. "Well let's hope the food has a play in them coming back as well" Jin says after wiping his tears.

I bring my lips into a thin line and nod sheepishly, a little embarrassed. "Of course, the food will be even better than the faces". He grins and comes to hug me lovingly. "Aigoo, what will I do with you" he coos in my ear, making me both giggle and blush.

Before I can reply, the timer ringing from the kitchen to notify me that the cakes are ready pulls me out of his arms to rush to the other room, not willing to let them overcook.

The guys laugh and decide to sit down a moment to keep talking while I take a look at the states of the cakes. Cooked to perfection. I I get them out of the molds and then set them in the fridge so they can cool down. I start cleaning what was used and then put everything next to my notes. A few recipes I know by heart and love that I've been doing for a few years and others I had to think of for a while to come up with. I had to adjust them a few times since last week, but they're becoming closer and closer to what Jin and I want. The guys have been feasting every single time, all claiming that the cakes are delicious, so luckily we didn't have to eat our way through all of them by ourselves.

I walk back to the dining area and sit with them. Jin is currently showing him the menu. The desserts' names are already there as well, but since we didn't put ingredients or anything, only a light description of what it is, it's the waiter's job to actually know the meals by heart and answer the questions. Which is why Woozi is currently here. He has some previous experience from being a waiter before working at the same place as me, so this isn't new to him, his rust will go away pretty quickly.

I listen to them talk in silence, not willing to step into the discussion. Those are Jin's recipes, his food, so he's having a high pleasure in describing everything like he's trying to sell them to the most important customer he's ever met. That just shows how much love he has for cooking.


A few hours pass and when I go back to the kitchen to check up on the cakes, I take them out of the fridge to start making them into the complete recipes I have ready. A few different cake fillings such as raspberry jam, homemade cream cheese, a velvety chocolate spread and the likes. Everything in small quantities so I can try as many as possible.

As I get them ready, Jin comes inside alone. "Where's Wooz?" I ask before focusing back on my task at hand. "He left with the menu and the descriptions, he had something else to do but he'll be back tomorrow". I hum and smile when the first small cake is done. I take the second one and proceed the same way with another filling.

"They look really good" Jin says with amazement, which makes me chuckle. "They're looking basic right now, but when it's time to officialize them, I'll work on a better presentation" I explain and he nods.

The rest of the confection goes by with Jin watching over every steps, analyzing what I'm doing until I'm completely done. I sigh in satisfaction and put them in the fridge with Jin's help. "I'm pretty confident about this batch, I think they'll be perfect" I say, happy about my work today. "I have no doubt, there wasn't much missing in the taste".

We get out of the restaurant to get back to my apartment to keep packing my stuff. The moving in day comes closer every day and my boxes are barely made yet. I have to help halmoni too, so I can't afford to get too much behind.

"Now let's get these muscles to work" Jin says and I whine, body hanging on his arm as he laughs. We get into his car and get on the road with happiness in our hearts.

I truly like how my life looks right now. If I focus on the bright, there's so much of it around me, much more than the darkness. Things are going well and I can't wait to see what else awaits me.

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