I love you

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I have to say it now, I'm not quite ready to lock the door to this story just yet lmao! Although this will be the last chapter for the 'Main story' , I'm considering making a sort of 'After story'. So expect fluff chapters without much impact or storyline, maybe not as often as before, but they will find their way here!

Seokjin's POV

I look around me as everyone is fast asleep, Y/N safe and cozy in my arms, her body leaning against mine and using me like a blanket as her soft snores hit my ears.

"I'd expect kids your age to hold they liquor well, but they fall asleep like babies as soon as it hits their livers" halmoni says with a chuckle before taking one last sip of her bottle. "I think your tolerance is just out of this world" I reply, see her smile widen at my words.

"I guess so, help me clean this up and fetch blankets for the poor men before they wake up sick" she says before standing up from the floor with difficulty. I nod, making sure to carefully lift Y/N with me without waking her up.

"I'll just set her in the bed first" I tell her, see her eyes drift to Y/N's body in my arms before nodding. "Right, we should start we that cute baby first" she coos before getting to her bedroom's door, opening it for me and then pulling the blankets so I can set her down on the bed.

I make sure that she's comfortable, head on her favorite pillow, her little dragon plushie under her arm while I'm not there and then tuck her in until only her head peeks out. Kissing her forehead once, twice then thrice before following a chuckling halmoni to go fetch some more blankets.

"You really love her a lot" she says as I move the table to allow more space for the grown men as she covers them gently. I smile. "I do, my life took a turn for the better since the first time I met her. I don't know how I could live without her now, she's everything to me" I reply, feeling my heart warm up just by thinking about her.

"Then I guess my comment from earlier really shocked you" she says and my ears start burning up as I look away. Come on, Seokjin, you can do this, I tell myself before turning towards her with determination in my eyes.

"I... I have something to ask you halmoni" I say, meet her eyes, wait until she gives me permission to speak. "Let's speak privately in my room then, it'll be more comfortable without those snores" she says before leading the way to the corridor once sure that everyone is equipped for the night.

I follow her, feel my heart pick up in speed, suddenly glad that Y/N's asleep, not wanting to make her wonder why. She opens the door and goes to sit on the couch, beckoning me to sit down in front of her after closing the door.

"So... I'm all ears" she says, smiling my way once I'm sat. I breathe in and out slowly. It's now or never.

"I know you and Y/N haven't been in each other's lives for a long time but the bond between you is already so strong, so I feel it right to ask you. Normally, I would ask her father but... this option isn't available, so I turn to you. I..." I start and stop to wipe my hands on my jeans. This is more nerve wrecking than I thought.

"I really love Y/N a lot, there's not doubt about that. Although our adventure together is only just starting, something is missing" I say, see her tilt her head, confusion taking place in her eyes. "Something missing?" she repeats, face hesitating between whacking me right now and waiting for me to continue.

"A ring on her finger and a vow to love her for eternity". Her eyes widen and a bright smile takes place on her face. "Oh you- I was fearing the worst, so you really were thinking about it!" she exclaims before slapping her mouth with a hand after realizing how loud that was.

I shyly nod, a grin on my face at her outburst. "So you're asking for my permission?" she asks, body leaning forward towards me to hear by answer. I nod. "I am".

She hums. "Then I shall give you my permission, Kim Seokjin. I don't think there's anyone in the whole world in a better position than you to have her hand, and I say that without considering the soulmate thing. You two really are made for each other".

I sigh in relief, bringing a hand to calm my heart. "Thank goodness" I let out, her chuckle bringing a smile to my face. "So, did you think about how to ask her? When?" she proceeds to ask, excitement on her face. I grin and nod. "Everything's planned already, you see-"

Your POV

I wake up with a big headache, groaning when it seems to worsen by trying to move. "I knew I shouldn't have accepted that second bottle" I whine, patting the hard surface by me as I try to figure out what the heck it is, still confused in my foggy sleepy state.

"Why's my mattress so hard..." I mumble, not yet able to pop an eye open, still thinking about whether I should fall back asleep or try and get on with my day, even if it sounds like pure torture.

"Hm... am I a mattress now? Still, I'll take this as a compliment" I hear a voice say lowly, voice raspy and still asleep. That does the trick to help me open my eyes and I see him gazing at me with warm eyes.

"Oh". I bite on my bottom lip, knowing my face is taking on a bright shade of red. He giggles and pulls me back down in his arms. "Let's sleep some more, I'm not ready to get out of bed just yet" he says and I hum, satisfied with the decision.

I snuggle into his side, shoulder against his armpit and using his wide shoulder as my pillow while his arm covers my back to rest on my waist, I close my eyes again, enjoying his warmth. "You're so comfy" I whisper as the sleepy fog covers my mind once again, but not enough that I'd fall asleep.

"Enough to want to cuddle for the rest of your life?". I chuckle. "Absolutely. I'm spending the rest of my days with you". His arm tightens around me. "That's fine then, I can do that" he replies softly. The peaceful bond allows me eventually to drift back to sleep, headache now only a memory.


"Come on, Y/N, hurry up or we'll miss the boat!" halmoni urges me again. "I'm almost done!" I say as I quickly put on my last choice of outfit, hoping this one would look better. She opens the door, making me yelp as I'm still half naked and she sighs.

Taking things into her own hands, she helps me get ready and soon, I'm standing in front of the mirror satisfied with my look. "Now we'll be late if we don't leave, hop hop hop!" she says again and I nod, grabbing my bag and hurrying to the entrance.

"Bring a coat, it might get cold" she says and I nod, grabbing my coat. "And a pair of warm shoes, your toes will fall off otherwise". Again, I listen and grab warm shoes, tucking everything in my bag, glad that it's not the small kind.

You see, halmoni somehow won tickets for a small cruise. Although she won't tell me how she got them, I'm just happy for the chance to spend a good night with her doing something fun. I've always wanted to go on a boat in the middle of nowhere and see the sun set right in front of my eyes without any distraction to block the way.

We get out of the building to see the taxi by the doors and waiting. "Glad to see he hasn't left yet" halmoni mumbles as we get inside and I bite my lips, trying to hide my guilty smile. "Sorry" I whisper as I close the door.

We give the man the address and he takes off. Knowing we have around thirty minutes on the road, this ride won't come cheap but it's the quality of the night that matters. Halmoni promised she got this under control though, fees covered by the company allowing this trip or something like that. All I know is that she threw my wallet on the couch before leaving.

I feel very anxious for some reason but put the blame on this being a new experience for me since I'm so excited. My phone dings and I unlock it to find a message from Jin. I can't help but smile and decide to reply while I still can.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗


I hope you have a good time tonight love 😘

I'm sure I will, I'm so excited that I'm starting to feel nervous, sorry about that Jinnie

It's totally fine, just breathe in and out and enjoy the night
I love you ❤️

Will do!
I love you too ❤️

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

"Already missing him?" halmoni asks with a teasing tone, causing me to giggle. "You know I always miss him when he's not with me" I reply, watch her smile widen before she pinches my cheek. "You two really make the pair, huh".

We eventually see water and as we enter a parking lot leading to the port, I can't help but feel my heart jump in my chest. "Halmoni! Why is it so big!" I exclaim, eyes wide at the luxurious boat that awaits us.

"You're going to have to ask that to the one who gave me the tickets" she says and I turn my head to her in confusion. "Didn't you win them?". She blinks. "Y-Yeah! The one who gave me the tickets from the lottery!".

I nod, it makes sense. "Well, whoever they are, I'm really thankful" I eventually say, hear her sigh softly. I giggle and after paying the taxi driver, we walk out and slowly make our way there. But something's weird.

As we board the boat, being treated with utmost respect, as we're led to a seating area, our bags taken from us to better enjoy our night, a simple request having to be said to get it back, we hear the horn, meaning we'll depart soon.

And the weird feeling deepens. "Halmoni" I start as I look around me, suddenly worried. She turns to me, curious. "Are you sure this is safe? Is it a legal cruise? Are we going to get thrown to sea in the middle of nowhere?" I ask her in a whisper, watch as her eyes widen in confusion.

"What's got you saying those words, dear?" she whispers back and I motion around us. "We're alone on an expensive looking boat, does that make sense? Did you win ultra luxurious tickets or something? Were you forced to spend thousands for this?" I ask, feeling my heart about to burst out of my chest.

But I realize it doesn't come from me. Halmoni bursts into laughter and pats my shoulder. "Oh my sweet child, it's nothing as bad as you think" she says, not handling herself anymore as she falls into a giggling fit.

Confused, I look around me, almost missing the flash of blond hair disappearing behind the wall. I tilt my head. This is suspicious. Very suspicious. Halmoni pats my knee reassuringly. "Let's just enjoy the view for now, I can't say too much, but you're very much safe, nothing bad will happen" she says and I nod, deciding to trust her words.

Eyes on the horizon, the view truly is beautiful. A waiter walks to us with a sort of nonalcoholic drink, colorful and sweet. It quickly helps to put my mind at ease, calming my nerves as I relax into my chair. "This is good" I let out after a few sips, halmoni's hum the only reply I get as she too sips on hers.

Something still feels weird about tonight, but when I see the sky start to show off all it's colors as the sun starts going down, my breath gets taken away as the beauty unfolds. And as much as I feel very peaceful right now, the view filling my sight, my heartbeat picks up in speed again.

This isn't coming from me. Is Seokjin worried about something? It's not often that he's this nervous, usually for big reasons, such as his restaurant opening, but it's been months now, it can't be that.

"Halmoni, you don't think we'd be able to make a call from here, right? I think something is wrong with Jin" I tell her, concern in my tone as she meets my eyes. She smiles and pats my hand.

Someone takes that time to get to us, suddenly beckoning us, mostly me, to follow them. Confused, I get up from my chair, look back to see halmoni following slowly but keeping some distance. And as we walk around the boat to reach the wider space, I start becoming even more anxious.

Do I die today? Are they going to throw me out? Will my fat allow me to float or sink? How long can I hold my breath before a shark eats me alive?

I start imagining thousand of scenarios, but when we step into the wider space of the deck, when I see all the flowers around, the romantic decoration that creates a small space in the middle, all my thoughts leave my mind.

Because in the middle stands my soulmate, my one and only.

My eyes widen as his brighten and he reaches out a hand towards me, invites me to him with his beautiful smile.

Is this what I think this is..?

A new kind of nervous fills me from the inside and I slowly make my way to him, a shy smile on my face since I didn't expect to see him here, at all. But it does explain a lot. Once I reach him, letting my fingers intertwine with his, my heart settles down, finally soothed to be holding him.

"What's this... you told me to enjoy my night without telling me you'd be right here with me! I wasn't expecting this at all" I giggle, watch his eyes crease with love. "Then that means we kept the secret well" he says, proud that his surprise worked.

I smile and look around us, take the time to stare at the beautiful flowers. All my favorite, I realize. The enchanting smell surrounding us, sweet and flowery mixed with the salty breeze, I know that from now on, I'll love this smell even more because it'll link to this moment.

He breathes in and out, his hand squeezing mine and I turn to him, see him try to stay calm, his hands lightly shaking. I would be dumb to not know what this is leading to and his buzzing emotions, raw and exposed make me feel just as excited and scared as he is.

"From the first day we met, from the way you looked and smelled to the way you acted, I knew I would fall hard and deep for you. All my life, I'd always wondered what it would be like, to finally hold my soulmate, to kiss her, to spend my every day with her in her arms filled with her love. The morning kisses, the late cuddles, the times spent cooking together, laughing and smiling. It's something I always wanted, but never knew if I would have the chance to enjoy. So when you first appeared at that bakery, no matter the circumstances, I was absolutely overjoyed".

As he speaks, his voice becomes shaky, emotional and bare, his eyes glistening as they set on me without wavering. His hands cold and trembling make me hold them tighter, hoping to give him courage through this moment that gives me thousands of butterflies.

"Every day, as we got to know each other, I learned to love a beautiful woman with a heart of gold, so much love to give but longing for just as much. Through your joys and pains, I got to see your vulnerable yet strong sides. I got to see you pushing through to move forwards and I had the honor of being by your side every steps of the road".

He stops before biting down on his bottom lip, the next step requiring extra strength from him as he clenches on my hands.

"Our beginning was a beautiful adventure and I want to see and experience more with you. I want to be bound to you in every way possible".

He slowly lets go of my hands and takes a step back before lowering to one knee. Even when you expect it, there's something so powerful about seeing it happen. His glassy eyes looking up at me, a nervous glint to them as he reaches his pocket to grab a small box, he nervously opens it and looks me in the eyes.

"The story of our love is only beginning, now let's write our own happy ending. Y/N, my love, will you marry me?".

I tear up, feeling my heart swell in my chest, butterflies taking flight and making me want to fly into his arms. I nod quickly. "Yes, of course I will" I whisper, see the relief wash over his face and clear the bond of any remaining worries he had as he stands up to scoop me up in his arms.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins us around, his joyful laughter echoing in my ears until he sets me back down. We smile at each other, overjoyed by this moment. "That speech was beautiful" I tell him, enjoy the red that spreads to his ears as he gives me a shy smile, eyes suddenly looking down.

He gently grabs my right hand before sliding the ring on my finger, the fit perfect and the ring so, so beautiful. Looking proud to see his claim on me, he looks up to my eyes beaming.

Unable to resist any longer, I stand on the tip of my toes and take hold of his face to bring my lips to his, taking him by surprise. I stop briefly to stare into his loving eyes and whisper softly "I love you, Jinnie".

He responds quickly, his lips crashing onto mine right away and wraps his arms around me before doing the unexpected. Without breaking the kiss, he bends a little and lifts me up from the ground, forcing me to wrap my legs around him. I scream but he swallows it up by deepening the kiss, his lips unrelenting and sharing all of his love with me as I do the same with him. Snaking my arms around his neck, I enjoy the moment, the bond exploding with so many emotions, everything intensified with the promise of a beautiful ever after.

"I love you, my love".

Main story - ✔️
After story - PENDING

I truly loved writing this story! I hope I could convey a satisfying ending for all of you, this made me so soft to write lmao!

So I repeat, this story is over, but more chapters will be appearing from time to time so don't remove it from your library just yet! I love you all and see you soon!

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