My bed or my bed?

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"Y/N, wake up". I feel hands shake me softly, but I turn my head into something warm to hide. "Not now..." I mumble and something vibrate under me as a chuckle is heard.

Why did I feel the chuckle? Aren't I at home?

"Y/N, we have to make food soon if we want to eat at a reasonable time". Something makes my head raise up and down and I frown. Why is my bed moving? Who is talking?

A hand in my hair, a soft scratch to the scalp. How nice. But how weird. Who..?

I open my eyes and turn my head upwards to see Jin's head looking at me from above. "Had a good rest?" he asks with a small smile. I gasp and hurry out of his arms. "I'm sorry, did I sleep for long?! You were so comfortable I thought I was in bed... Wait, no, I mean. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?".

With raised eyebrows and amused eyes, he shakes his head. "I just woke up myself. Not hurt at all, I was very comfortable with you in my arms". I blush a deep shade of red, which just makes him smile more. "Here, as much as I want to stay here forever, I'm getting hungry and so are you, you're stomach growled loudly while you slept. Let's leave our nest from this side" he says as he helps me up and we get out from the TV's side.

I feel unsteady as my body is still a little asleep but Jin helps me reach the dining table, slowly but surely. "Sit here, I'll bring you something to drink to wake you up a little" he says and I nod before taking a seat on the chair he just pulled from under the table.

He sets down a glass of water in front of me and I thank him before taking small sips, enjoying the fresh feeling. "So, on the menu, I was thinking about making homemade pizzas. What do you think?" he says and I look up with a wide smile. "I'd love that!" I chirp, which makes him laugh before getting everything we'll need from the fridge.

"Ever made one before?" he asks and I nod. "Once, when I was eight. My father brought me to that Italian restaurant where they allow kids to make their own pizza in the kitchen and then help you put it in the oven, the old kind of oven made for pizza, it was really cool" I tell him, eyes staring at the floor as I recall the small snippets of memories I have of that day.

He marvels with me for the next minutes about how wonderful it must have been, even wondering if he should try something like that sometimes for his own restaurant and soon the dough is stretched and separated into two round circles.

With a smirk, he hands me a bowl of cheese and without explaining, starts putting some on the extremity of the dough, rolling it to make a cheesy crust. With careful hands, because I don't want to mess it up, I try to do just like him.

"Ah, wait, it you stretch too much you'll lose some thickness, here let me help you" he says as he steps behind me, his head over my shoulder while his arms surround me from both sides to work on the dough. "T-thank you" I stutter when he's done and his warmth lingers, his body staying put as he seems to not want to move just yet, but he eventually goes back to my side to continue making his own.

We start spreading the sauce and adding pizza toppings to our liking before eventually putting both of them in the oven. We make a salad and add a few veggies in the bowl and set it aside for later.

We clean the kitchen so we don't have to do it later and stare at the oven. "We have around forty minutes to wait, is there something you want to do?" he asks me with a smile, letting me choose for once today.

I unconsciously do a fish face as I suck in the corners of my mouth between my teeth, thinking about what we could do. "Aww, look at you, why is everything you do so adorable?" he coos and at first I'm confused, but when I realize what I'm doing, I gasp and hide my mouth. He pouts and moves my hand away from my face. "No hiding with me, I want to know everything about you, cute habits included. So, do you have an idea?".

I clear my throat to get rid of my embarrassment and hum as I look around the living room to see what could catch my eyes to see an instrument hiding in a corner. "Oh, you have a guitar? Who plays it?" I ask as I walk closer, sliding a finger on the hold with curiosity before looking back at him.

"No one really. It's my father's, but he left it behind hoping that it could serve better here. Taehyung has attempted a few times to use it but he gave up quickly, so it's just getting dust in the corner".

I nod and turn back to the instrument. "Can I play it a little?". "Yeah, sure. I'd love to hear you" he responds with interest and I grin. I take it carefully and decide to sit back into the nest from the TV's side to not drag the guitar through the smaller entry.

Once sat down next to my little dragon, I start playing with the strings to tune it since it hasn't been used for a long time. Meanwhile, I can hear Jin shuffle around before he sits next to me, the darkness surrounding us giving a very cozy and personal ambiance.

"How long have you been playing the guitar?" he asks me and I laugh softly. "The question is more, how long before I started playing an instrument. I started when I was three years old. First on the piano. Then I moved onto the violin, bass, guitar, drum, cello and a few others. I seem to learn very quickly so my dad always encouraged me to make use of this talent and teachers were so amazed that they made me use new instruments a few times a year".

Once done tuning the guitar in my hands, I look up to see his wide eyes. "You could literally run an orchestra all by yourself" he blurts out, which makes me laugh again. "I would need many me for that to happen" I respond and start playing some notes to get a feel of the instrument in my arms, letting inspiration hit me slowly.

Once satisfied with the little bit of melody I've made, I start going with the flow, discovering with Jin where it will bring us. It's a happy and relaxing sound that fills the air, sometimes slowing down, some hints of warm love before going back to the sound of a happy home.

Jin has no words during all the time I play, his eyes not leaving my face, mouth into an amazed kind of smile. I rock back and forth as I play, my eyes sometimes closing to feel the music, letting my emotions flow out with comfort as I expose myself to my soulmate.

Because he might not realize, but being present as I compose something like this, throwing how I feel out in the open like that is something very precious. Even Woozi hasn't had much luck in that matter, not because I don't trust him, but because it's embarrassing.

But with Seokjin, it feels rights, easy, like he deserves to know everything about me, no secrets.

Once done, Jin stays silent for a moment, as if he needs to come back down to earth after traveling to somewhere in his mind. "That was... wow" he starts, eyes shining with pride and admiration. "That was beautiful. What song was that?" he finally asks and I grin.

"It's a one time only song. It will never exist quite the same way ever again because I just went with how I feel right now". His eyes meet mine and they start glistening, as if he'll start crying soon.

"Then... I felt warm and loved while listening to it, is that how you felt?" he whispers and I blush before nodding slowly.

Like I said, exposed.

The grin that spreads on his face makes every good things in the world pale in comparison. It's just so beautiful that I would want to capture it and keep it in my mind forever.

"I'm glad then. That I'm not the only one to feel like that" he murmurs and our eyes meet and lock, as if we're trying to dig into the other's soul for more.

We stay like that for a moment before I bring my attention back to the guitar, self consciousness about to make me feel awkward.

"This one is one of the first songs I created. With my father's help" I mumble and start playing the first few notes. The rest of our time waiting for the pizzas is spent like that, us both in a small bubble, a comfortable and secure space that can only exist between the two of us.

Eventually, a small beep can be heard and Jin's head turns to where the kitchen would be if we could see it.

"Food's ready. Let's go".


"You're such an ass!" I exclaim, anger seeping into every words that leave my mouth. "Talking about yourself there, sweety?" Jin replies with a smirk and I groan loudly.

Just at the last minute, something unexpected happens and I throw myself on my back with a childish whine. "I hate you" I scream and he responds with a smirk. "I don't regret it even a little bit".

"I believed in you and you betrayed my trust! How could you!" I continue and he shrugs.

"I told you, everything is allowed when you play Mario kart, that shell happened because I was meant to win this round" he coos as he nudges my knee and I sit back up again, eyes on the screen.

"Let's try again. I will not leave this house until I win at least one round". He chuckles, the evil kind and sets his sight on the screen too.

"You're on. Get ready to spend the night here".

"You wish" I grumble back, intent on making him regret his words.


"So, would you prefer my bed or my bed?" he asks me after hours of failing at trying to win. It's actually very early in the morning and Jin insisted that I spend the night, for security reasons.

I sigh and stare at the dragon in my arms. "Your bed". He fakes being shocked and embarrassed. "S-so soon? Y/N... I didn't think you were the kind to move this fast...".

I spin around and stare at him with betrayed eyes. "W-what? I... Jin!" I whine and he bursts into laughter as he moves to open the door to his room. "I'm just joking, Y/N. I'll sleep in the guest room, my brothers are supposed to be back tomorrow so don't be surprised when you wake up, I'll tell them not to enter this room".

I nod at his words, knowing full well that making him change his mind will be impossible. I wouldn't have minded to sleep in the guest room, but his room is great too. Draping myself into his smell does seem like a very good idea at the moment. I'm too sleepy to care about how weird that sounds, to be honest.

"Alright, thank you" I respond and watch as he searches one of his drawers. He hands me some clothes with his head tilted to the side. "They'll be too big, but it should be fine for now" he says before showing me to the bathroom.

He gets some bottles and puts them by the sink. "You can wash your face with these, they're my go to products and they do wonders to the skin, this spare toothbrush can be yours and the toothpaste is right here"

I nod and thank him before watching him leave and close the door behind him. I start by changing into his clothes and to say I'm embarrassed is an understatement. Since he's tall, my small and chubby self has no problem fitting into his clothes. The problem is the length of the legs and the sleeves.

I look like a stretched gnocchi. Saying how cute we're supposed to look while wearing male clothes is a lie. At least for me. With a sigh, I decide to roll the ends to make myself look a little better and relief makes the tension fade away when the stretched part of the gnocchi leaves me alone.

I clean my face, brush my teeth and once done, I take my clothes with me out of the bathroom and into his room. I hear him knock on the open door and I turn around to see him wearing his own pyjama. And damn does he look sexy in these clothes. His collarbones just slightly exposed in his black and tight shirt, his grey jogging pants giving him the whole boyfriend look.

Don't drool, Y/N. I swear if you fucking drool-

"So, don't worry about tomorrow, I know you have a shift at lunchtime, I'll drive you back home so you can go get ready when you want, just say the word. If you're not awake by 10:00, I'll come wake you up for breakfast, does that sound good?".

I nod, eyes not leaving his alluring figure and I have to shake my head to make my brain work a little. "T-that sounds good. Thank you. Today was fun, or should I say yesterday?" I mumble and he chuckles.

"I'm happy to hear you enjoyed yourself. I loved our time together. Especially the time we spend cuddling. You want to do this again, I'm just a call away" he whispers in a suave tone as he winks and I gulp loudly, cheeks burning in a matter of seconds.

Before I can say anything, he waves goodbye before slowly stepping away from the room. "Good night! Sweet dreams!" is the last thing he says before I hear a door close further away. "Good night" I whisper even though I know he can't hear.

I close the door before walking to his bed and let myself drop on it. His smell is overwhelming, everywhere and it's a smell I would want to bring back home. If it was a perfume, I'm pretty sure I'd buy it.

Is that weird? It doesn't matter. I snuggle into his blanket and put the plushie right by my face on his pillow. Sleep makes itself known to me rather quickly as I fall into darkness, a smile spread onto my face.

When morning comes, I try to push getting out of the bed as far as possible. It's so comfy in here, why the heck should I leave? I'll just call in sick and sleep some more hours...

A knock on the wall. "Y/N? Are you awake?".

Nope. Not awake. I'm going to sleep forever.

"I'm coming in!". I fake being asleep, because there's no way I'm saying why I've been awake in here for the last thirty minutes. The door closes and I hear steps getting closer before stopping near me. I pull the blanket on top of my face as I turn to my side and hear a low chuckle.

"Y/N, you can stop acting. I saw you try to hide a smile" Jin teases me with a raspy voice and I peek from under the blanket. Well damn. He sits on the bed and stares at me with an eye smile.

"It's okay, if you didn't have work, I would have let you stay in here all day if you wanted" he adds and I decide to hide again under the blanket because I'm so freaking embarrassed right now.


He pats my leg and gets up to leave the room. "Food will be ready soon, you should come soon if you don't want to be late for work. You need to get your uniform right?". I groan a yes before getting a leg out of the bed, very slowly following with the second and I slide down to the floor, bringing the blanket with me.

"Aish, you're too cute. I'll be waiting in the kitchen, my brothers are in the living room right now but don't worry, I asked them to not overwhelm you too much, they'll be nice". The door closes again and I sigh.

I should have left the room when I woke up, I can't believe I was caught. I get up on my feet and decide to just deal with it. He smells good, I was comfortable in his bed, so what?!

I walk by the kitchen to see my soulmate making pancakes. A classic which never fails to make me happy. I look towards the living room to see two pair of eyes staring at me. I open my mouth and close it many times before sticking with a simple "Good morning". Taehyung waves and repeats my greeting while Namjoon simply smiles and nods.

Having heard me, Jin looks at me from above his shoulder and clears his throat. "You can take a seat, I'll bring you a plate very soon". I do just that and take a seat on the same chair as yesterday. Small thumps are heard before someone sits right next to me and I turn to see Taehyung staring at me with bright eyes.

"So I wanted to thank you for helping my hyung to start making his dream a reality, you did what we couldn't for years in such a short time" he tells me with a serious face but his eyes speak for him. I smile and pat his shoulder. "I didn't do much really. He's the one who did everything, I only said what was on my mind" I reply but someone denies with a hum from behind me.

"I have to agree with Taehyung, Y/N, Jin-hyung can be very stubborn so for you to walk through his walls so easily is an achievement" Namjoon says as he sits on the other chair next to me.

"Okay okay, that's enough now. Here you go, my lady, your breakfast is served" he says with a bow and sits in front of me after bringing the fruits and the maple syrup.

I get very conscious of the three very handsome men staring at me and try to make myself appear smaller in my seat when I feel my cheeks become warmer. "Yah, you guys leave the room, go do something else!" Jin exclaims to protect my dignity and they both obey, not without whines and one last look at me before going to their rooms.

"Sorry about that, it's never fun to eat when all the attention is on you. I'll eat some fruits with you so you don't feel alone eating" he tells me softly and I smile, grateful. I start eating and soon enough, my plate empty, I change into my clothes from yesterday, omitting the dragon one piece since I need to go outside.

I fold Jin's clothes and stare at the costume. Am I meant to leave with it? Jin knocks on the door and when I allow him inside, he opens the door. "We should go now if you want to have time at home". I nod and decide to put the costume on the bed, taking only the dragon plushie with me. He frowns just slightly at the sight.

"You don't want the dragon one piece?" he says, voice sounding sad. I shake my head quickly with wide eyes. "It's not that! I just wasn't really sure if I was supposed to leave with it" I respond and he sighs in relief. "It's yours, you can bring it back home" he says, so I take it in my arms before following him to the front door.

"Boys, we're leaving! Come say bye!" Jin screams and we quickly hear feet running on the floor before two heads appear into the room.

"Bye, Y/N! We'll come see you soon at work!" Taehyung shouts full of energy and Namjoon nods at his words. "We couldn't really talk this morning but don't hesitate to come back anytime you want, it's nice to see him in such a good mood, he's been singing since early morning because you were sleeping in his bed".

Jin gasps loudly and I turn to him to see his ears a bright red. He mumbles something under his breath as he puts on his shoes and opens the door for me once I'm ready. "I'll have a talk with you later, Joonie!" he exclaims and we leave the apartment with one last wave.

Jin avoids my eyes for the next minutes until we reach his car and he opens the door for me before going around to the driver seat.

He drives me home in comfortable silence and I take this moment to text Woozi.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗


Good morning Wooz
Just wanted to tell you that Seokjin will drive me to work this morning
I slept over so he's bringing me back home first

Oh my goodness
You better tell me everything later
I swear if you don't

I will I will
Nothing dirty happened tho

I sure hope so
It's not because I tell you to go with the flow that you should go that fast
See you later

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

"Is everything okay?" Jin asks me after glancing quickly at my face. "Hmhm. Just told Woozi that he doesn't need to come pick me up this morning" I reply and he nods. "Alright".

We arrive at my building and he follows me inside the building. Once in my apartment, I tell him to wait in the living room while I get ready and hurry into my room. I look at the time. 10:45. I can take a quick shower

I grab my towel and uniform and walk to the living room to tell him first so he doesn't feel too awkward. "Jin, I'm going to shower, if you need anything, don't hesitate to serve yourself. I'll be quick". "No problem, Y/N. Just do what you usually do, I can occupy myself".

I run to the bathroom and turn on the water, waiting for it to be warm before stepping inside. "No time for shaving, I'll just wear leggins under my skirt" I mumble as I wash my body and once all rinsed, I leave and dry myself before putting on my work uniform and leave the bathroom.

I wear some makeup and look at my hair. "Should I leave it to dry on the way?". I look at the time again. 11:12. We can wait an other twenty minutes before leaving so I join Jin in the living room to see him playing a game on his phone. As soon as he sees me, he turns it off and puts all his attention on me.

"You're going to dry your hair, right?" he asks me seriously and I shrug. "Might just let it dry naturally, it's fine I do this often" I reply but he shakes his head. "Where's your hairdryer?". "Hum. The bathroom, under the sink?".

He gets up and disappears only to come back with the machine in his hands. He plugs it into the wall by the couch and makes me sit there, back towards the wall as he sits behind me.

He then proceeds to dry my hair for me, fingers very careful as he takes care of any tangles and knots. "You need to dry you hair more often, if you don't you could get sick" he says after turning it off and playing a hand in my hair to make sure it's not still damp.

"Alright, I'll be careful" is all I reply but it seems to satisfy him enough. "I grabbed a hair tie too, let me do your hair" he whispers and I feel him play with the strands, fingers sometimes brushing against my skin, making sure to not pull too much as he puts it up into a ponytail.

"Here you go, ready and all pretty" he says and I giggle, not sure what to say to him. He stand up from behind me and offers me his hand when I look up at his face. I shyly take it and he helps me up on my feet.

"Let's go now before you're late" he murmurs and pulls me to the front door. Putting on our shoes end up being a little bit of a struggle because he's very intent on not letting me go, but with laughs and giggles, we finally manage to be ready.

"Alright, let's bring you to work, beautiful".

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