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I wake up the next morning feeling great, which is very weird because usually, when I open my eyes in the morning, I feel like either killing, or dying. Could it be because I spent a good part of the day with Jin yesterday? Maybe.

I look at the time and decide to get ready for work now even though I only start for the lunch shift until late evening. To pass some time, I decide to get my scrapbooking stuff to start a little project. I could make Jin something about bears? I don't know how yet, but it could be fun to experiment. If it ends up being a disaster, I can always throw it in the trash.

As I start choosing the colors of papers and stickers and anything else that catch my eyes, I wonder about Jin's dream. Did he call his parents? Is he going to change his mind from fear of disappointing them? Maybe I was completely wrong about his parents and they wanted him to keep their legacy as it is?! Oh man.

I stare at what I gathered and gasp as an idea takes roots in my head. I'll cut shapes from the different colored papers and stick them on cardboards of the same shape to make a bear, some ice mountains, water and clouds. I'll try to make it look a little 3D for some perspective and put the result in a picture frame at the end.

Happy with my idea, I start drawing the different shapes to cut them, taking my time to make sure everything is perfect. An hour passes quickly during which I have cut everything, moving on to sticking them to their respective place for the 3D. Then my phone starts ringing, bringing me out of my focused state to see who's calling.

I answer the phone to hear Jin's voice.

"Hey, Y/N, am I bothering you?" he asks with a chirpy voice and I gather something good happened. "No, I'm free to talk, did something happen? You sound happy". He giggles softly and the sweet sound makes me smile widely. "Okay, so, I called my parents. I told them about my dream and guess what? They support it a hundred percent, mumbling something about me taking my damn time" he exclaims and I gasp loudly. "Really?! I'm so happy for you, Jin!".

"It's all thanks to you, you encouraged me to try and it worked" he says happily and I feel my heart skip a beat. "W-well you don't have to thank me, you did the hardest part. So what are you going to do now?". He hums. "Well, first of all, I'm going to have to plan everything before actually starting. I'll start mentioning the change from time to time, maybe it'll make some of them talk, but I'm going to start saving money because I will need to buy many things, also do some renovations. It's going to take time but I'm sure it'll be worth it" he explains, his voice proud, prepared for what's to come.

"Tell me if I can help with anything, it would make me very happy to take part in this" I tell him and he hums, pleased. "Thank you, Y/N. I'll be sure to tell you if I need any help. By the way, next Wednesday, are you free? For the whole day?" he then asks me. "Hm, I don't think I have anything during that day... why?". "I'd like to invite you to my home this time. My brothers won't be present, I have something planned that I think could be fun".

I grin and have to restrain a weird excited sound. I clear my throat. "Yes, sure, I'll be there". "Great! I'll message you again about it next week then! For now, I'm guessing you'll have to go to work soon? Do you need a ride? I'm about to head to work soon too". I look at my phone to see a message from Woozi saying that he's leaving now. "Thank you for the offer, but my friend is already on the road to pick me up, you don't need to go out of your way for that".

"It's no problem, tell me if you ever need my help" he responds quietly. "I will... I need to go now, Jin. I'm happy for you about the restaurant" I tell him as I stand up from the table, taking one last look at my project with a smile. "Thank you. Have a good day at work!". "You too, talk to you soon".

I end the call and take my bag and keys before heading outside. Woozi is probably already waiting in front of the building so I hurry a little to not make him wait for too long. As soon as I get out of the elevator and out of the building, I effectively end up face to face with his car. I smile at him through the window and hop inside.

"You look good today, did something happen? You don't look tired like usual" he asks as he starts the car to leave to parking. I shrug. "I don't know, I woke up feeling great, full of energy. It's weird, but I don't hate this feeling". He chuckles. "The perks of having a soulmate. I hope I can meet mine eventually".

I pat his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll meet your only one soon". He smiles and drives us to work in silence, only humming to a song on the radio from time to time.

Work is just like usual. Greeting, cleaning, helping. The only difference being that since I'm doing the evening shift, there a lot more people, so taking my time is absolutely impossible.

I even have to cover as a server from time to time and almost had an anxiety attack at some point because I'm not made to deal with difficult customers that complain about every single little thing. Vernon had to come to my rescue and asks Woozi to cover for me for five minutes before bringing me to the back of the restaurants and outside to allow me to calm down.

"I'm really sorry, Dino got sick last minute and no one else was available to cover his shift. You're doing good, really good. If anything like this happens again you come get me right away, okay? Only two more hours and it's over" he encourages me softly, a hand on my shoulder and I inhale and exhale slowly, letting his words soothe me.

"That's right, just like that, stay here a few more minutes and then you can come back okay?" he murmurs and I nod before watching him go back inside in a hurry. I wipe my eyes when I realize there are tears and scoff.

"I know it's stressful but I can't believe you let yourself almost have a panic attack because of a stuck up woman" I mumble to myself, angry kicking a pebble away. I let the fresh wind tickle my skin for a while as I take in a deep breath and head back inside. Woozi hasn't taken a break yet and it's unfair that I get to when there are so many people.

Seeing my manager hurry to me, I get ready for a scolding but she only asks me to go clean the bathrooms, so I nod and get the necessary equipment before starting with the women's bathroom. I do a quick round, checking every toilet to make sure they have toilet paper and wiping the counters before heading to the men's bathroom.

I make sure it's empty and set a sign on the door to ask them to wait just a little while. I gag a little at the pee on the wall and start cleaning every possible surface that shouldn't be yellow, yet seems to be and once done, I hurry outside and remove the sign with a bow when I see a little line forming, men sweating and frowning. Did they all eat Mexican food? I fear whoever is going to have to clean it next.

I go back to the front desk and take over for Woozi to allow him to breathe a little. I assure him that I'm fine and go for a round around the restaurant, taking any empty dishes that I find while keeping an eye at the entry to make sure no one is waiting.

It eventually starts slowing down after an hour and the restaurants starts becoming emptier by the minute as people leave for the night. We get some couples or lonely people coming in for a quick meal and when the last hour is over and done, we close shop and start cleaning one last time before leaving.

Woozi drives me back home even though he seems exhausted and I tell him to sleep in tomorrow since we don't have work. He chuckles and waves as he drives off back to his home. I turn around and enter the building, taking the elevator to reach my floor. I get my keys out and unlock the door to be greeted by darkness. I fumble around to find the switch and turn on the light with a sigh.

Quiet. It's so quiet my ears start buzzing, but it still feels good. I become aware of a lingering headache and grab a bottle of pills with some water before heading to the living room. I plop down onto the couch and it doesn't take long before I fall asleep in my uniform, passed out from exhaustion.

Seokjin's POV

When I come back from work late in the night after baking more stuff for tomorrow since Friday usually has a lot of people coming in for special treats, a way to hold on for the last day of the week, I don't really expect to find anyone awake.

So when I find Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon talking softly in the living room, I head to them with quiet steps, nodding when they turn to me.

"Taehyung is sleeping?" I ask as I sit down next to them and Yoongi nods his head. "Just a while ago. He wanted to stay awake for you but he just couldn't hold on any longer so I brought him to bed. He got knocked out as soon as his head touched the pillow". I chuckle. That's so very like him.

"So, you said you have some good news for us?" Hoseok asks me and I nod, eyes creasing when I remember what happened this morning. "I wanted Taehyung to hear this too but I'll tell him first thing tomorrow. I talked with Y/N about something yesterday and what she said pushed me to give it a try. So I called mom and dad and told them about my dream of being a chef, to have my own restaurant. I was scared that they would get mad for some reason, that they would be against it, but they cheered and congratulated me, saying that it's a wonderful idea and that there are many other bakeries to please people, but just one restaurant that can amaze people and that it's mine. So I'm going to do this. I'm going to make the bakery into a restaurant".

As I speak, I see anticipation settle in their eyes and when I'm done, their eyes are wide like the sun as smiles appear on their faces. Namjoon is by far the happiest right now, mouth wide open into a grin and his hands clapping quickly but silently, his whole body bursting with joy. Hoseok is sobbing and Yoongi strokes his back with a soft smile.

"This is some very good news, Jin, I'm happy you're finally deciding to take action" the latter says with a gummy smile and Hoseok nods before taking me in his arms. "About damn time" he mumbles and I laugh.

"So we have Y/N to thank for finally changing your mind? I'm so hugging her when I see her! Namjoon exclaims and slaps a hand on his mouth when he realizes how loud that was. I glare at him, both from being close to waking up Taehyung and from talking about hugging MY soulmate when we only hugged once. ONCE.

"Maybe avoid the hug, Joonie" Yoongi says with a smirk and my younger brother sheepishly nods as he scratches the back of his neck. "Then... a handshake?". Hoseok starts giggling like crazy and Yoongi scoffs.

"You can just thank her normally, Namjoon, she'll understand" I tell him and he nods, smile still not leaving his face. "I can't believe you're finally doing this! Even Taehyung and I couldn't convince you, yet Y/N appears and then BAM, dream come true!".

"Said dream will need preparation and time. But yes, I'm one step closer now, the bigger one if I may add. Now it's going to be a series of little ones until the grand opening" I say, eyes shining and the urge to see her now is overwhelming, at least to hear her voice, to imagine it saying her words on the screen. But she must be sleeping right now, so I keep my hands away from my phone.

"We should celebrate!" Hoseok then exclaims as quietly as possible, but Yoongi groans and I'm not far behind. "Let's do this on Saturday instead. I'm exhausted" I mumble and Yoongi nods, eyes starting to slowly close as he dozes off.

"You two take the guest room, I'm not letting you walk out of here in this state. I'm going to bed, I feel like I'm about to fall asleep anytime and I would very much like to open my eyes in the comfort of my bed tomorrow morning". I excuse myself and go to my bedroom. I change into my pyjama and quickly get into bed. Then darkness.

What feels like minutes later ends up being many hours when I wake up to sound of birds singing outside. I groan loudly. Can't always wake up energetic, huh? I did work hard yesterday. I look at the time. 5:00. I need to go early to do one last batch of muffins I couldn't do yesterday, also getting everything out of the freezer and onto the multiple empty shelves.

I believe Hoshi should be working on the bread right about now so I don't need to stress over that this morning. I get dressed and head to the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone. Taehyung has classes early so I can tell him about the good news while we eat, but then I really have to go.

As usual, Taehyung makes his way to the table, one hand rubbing his eye while the other covers his mouth as he yawns. "Good morning, hyung" he mumbles and I smile. "Good morning, Tae. Are you hungry?". I hear him hum softly and get two plates ready before filling them with the eggs and potatoes, grabbing the toasts in the toaster and going to sit in front of him.

He grabs his plate and starts munching on his food, eyes still closed, probably trying to continue his dream even though he's supposed to be awake. I shake him awake softly by the shoulder and wait as his eyes settle on me.

"You were sleeping when I came back, so I thought I could tell you the good new this morning" I start as a way of getting him to listen and he perks up, eyes brighter as sleep soon becomes far away in his mind. Eyes wide, he waits for me to drop the bomb.

"I'm doing it. The restaurant". His boxy smile stamps itself on his face as he jumps on his feet and runs around the table to tackle me into a hug. "I'm so happy! Finally!" he says in a laugh and I hug him back, a smile of my own stamped on my face.

He pushes back to stare at me. "Is it her? Did she change your mind?"  he asks and I nod. "Wow, she's got you around her little finger already then" he says with a smirk and I feel my ears burn red.

But he's right, so I don't fight back. He keeps his grin as he goes back to his seat to continue eating. I stare at him a few more seconds before emptying my plate quickly and running to the front door.

"Alright, I need to go now! I'll see you later!" I scream and he hums in response. I leave the building and hurry to my car. She doesn't have work today, I could maybe ask her if she wants to come to the bakery during lunch to eat with me.

I keep feeding that thought as I reach work. I park the car and come inside to see Hoshi in the kitchen, putting the bread dough in the multiple ovens to get them ready before the opening.

I wash my hands and waste no time in getting everything out of the freezers and doing one last batch of muffins with the help from Hoshi from time to time to get some ingredients.

It truly amazes me how she can be on my mind no matter what I do now. Would she like this? Would she prefer this one instead? If I try this, what would she think? What would be her reaction if I did this or that? If I said something cute and cheesy?

I bring everything to the front as they get ready, Hoshi putting the breads on top of the counter behind the glass for customers to show what they want and after an hour of running around, Joshua finally arrives to help settle the remaining desserts and taking place behind the counter to serve the first customers.

I stay in the kitchen to make sandwiches while Hoshi does the beverages and the morning passes by quickly like that. I don't hate this, it can be fun, it's just not the same as a restaurant. I imagine something cozy, bringing the dishes to the customers by myself, coming from time to time to ask their thoughts, if everything is to their taste. To treat them like family, to greet them with love and good food.

Here, most people come in and out in a matter of minutes, only here for the daily muffin or weekly bread. It's great, I recognize people and smile at them, but cooking is what I want to do. I look at the time. 11:00. Should I ask her?

"I see you staring at your phone since this morning, are you expecting a call?" Hoshi asks me curiously. "Not really expecting a call, although I wouldn't mind. Just wandering if I should invite my soulmate for lunch here". "Your soulmate? Why would you hesitate? I'm sure she would love to come if it's to see you" he says with a wide smile and I let his words sink in.

He's not wrong. We do have fun together and enjoy each other's presence, why would it be different this time? I decide to take a break now, much to his encouragement and step outside to call her on my phone and bring it to my ear. It rings a few time before she answers.

"Hello?". I smile at her tired voice, did she just wake up? "Am I waking you up?". She seems confused, lost as she tries to find the right words. "Erm, huh, I think so? That sounds about right". I laugh at her response, she was definitely still sleeping. "Then I'm sorry. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to my bakery later to eat lunch with me, but I guess we could do this some other time?" I try tentatively, opening two doors to see which one she prefers.

I hear something shuffle and a gasp before a loud knocking noise makes me flinch. "Y/N?" I ask, confused as to what just happened. It takes a moment but I hear her breathe again. "Sorry sorry, I dropped my phone. I can come, just... give me a moment to wake up. I'll be there in an hour, is that okay?" she says and if my smile could widen even more, my skin would forever be stretched, destroying my handsome face.

"That sounds perfect, Beautiful" I reply and hear a muffled sound which sounds like a high pitch scream. I bring a hand on my mouth to keep some dignity as I look up to try and keep calm. I just want to hug her and squish her cheeks and... ugh, she's too cute.

"Okay... I-I'll see you soon". Her voice comes back as a little pant as if she ran a little around the room. We end the call and I come back inside sporting the brightest stupid happy face and Hoshi raises his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Never thought I'd see the day where THE Kim Seokjin becomes like that for a girl. I'm taking it she agreed to come?" he teases but I'm too happy to mind. I nod and he chuckles.

I look at the paper in front of me to see what I need to make now and start thinking about what to make for later as I fumble around for the different ingredients.

"You look like a puppy" Joshua mumbles and I throw an abandoned muffin at him, making him yelp from surprise. 

There's only one person who would be allowed to call me puppy, and it's certainly not him.

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