The bear and dragon's nest

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Five days pass and here we are, Wednesday, the day I go to Jin's place. I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen today, but I'm excited. I finished my project for Jin and I have to say, I've done very well. It truly looks like a bear is wandering on ice with a beautiful background of ice mountains. I made the sky out of different colored papers to give the effect of a colorful sunset and I'm rather proud.

I take out the picture frame that I got especially for this and look at the final result with a smile. "I hope he likes it". "If he doesn't like it, I'm going to murder him. How many hours did this take you? Getting a handmade gift is literally the best thing ever and I'll fight anyone who thinks otherwise, even your soulmate" Woozi says and I laugh.

"Alright, let me change my phrasing. Jin will love it, it's just my nervous ass speaking because it's always scary to give someone something you've made yourself" I say again and Woozi hums before patting my shoulder. "Shouldn't you go now?".

I look at the time and my eyes widen. "I'm going to be late!". I spring to my room to put some easy to look at and light makeup and let my hair loose. "I'm going to drive you there! Hurry up!". I get out of my room and get my bag, the present bag and my keys on the way before putting on my shoes and pulling Woozi outside with me. 

"Calm down, Y/N! He won't get mad just because you're a few minutes later than the time he gave you!" he whines from behind but I shake my head as we wait for the elevator to reach my floor. "You know I absolutely despise being late". "I know, I know, I've experimented that the hard way a few times".

We get into the elevator, push the button and once the doors open again, I pull Woozi to his car. He groans but doesn't say anything, it wouldn't serve anything.

I'll be calmer once I'm in the car, he thinks to himself.

He thought wrong.

Legs shaking, heart beating fast, red cheeks, one would think I'm about to have a panic attack. "Y/N, breathe, please, you're making me nervous" Woozi whispers once we stop at a red light.

"I'm sorry Wooz, you might not know because you were always the only one getting those presents, but I'm always like that until it's out of my hands" I mumble and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Then, please, give him the present as soon as you step inside, you're going to pass out at this rhythm". I respond with an anxious giggle alien language and decide to not say anything more until we reach the address Jin sent me.

We eventually stop in front of a huge nice looking building and Woozi pats my head a few times. "You'll be fine, he'll love the present, enjoy today. Don't think about anything else and just have fun". I nod at his every words, letting his voice calm me down, just a little.

I get out of car after thanking him for the ride and look at Jin's directives about how to reach his apartment. In the elevator, press 8, wait. Then out the elevator, forward, turn right, then third door to the left. Door number 231. I look up. Door number 267.

I look around me and sigh. I turned left. Damn you, brain. I turn back and go the other way to stand in front of his door.

Alright. You got this. I ring the doorbell and hear some steps hurry before appears in front of me the most handsome man that exists on this Earth.

As soon as I see him, my nerves settle down and I feel myself calm down, the stiffness in my body fading away. Remind me again why I was so scared?

With a bright smile, he stands aside to let me in. I hesitantly step inside and look around me, taking in the warm feeling the decorations bring to the rooms. I turn around to see him looking at me with expectant eyes, arms wide open, waiting for a hug. I grin and get closer, feeling his arms wrap around me. I lean my head against his chest as my arms make their way to his back and I let his cologne fill my senses. Something sweet and light, like flowers and... cinnamon cookies?

"You smell good, what's this scent?" I ask softly and his laugh echoes in my ears, making me melt in his arms. "That would be my own scent, dear. I didn't use any cologne". I blush a little but nod before pulling out of the hug and looking down at my hand that's holding his present.

"H-hum. I actually made something and thought you would maybe like it..." I start and when I look up to see his reaction, his wide and curious eyes stare down at me, waiting for whatever is going to happen next. Anxious, my eyes dart around the floor, looking at all the different shoes on the floor as I bring the hand holding the bag higher so he can take it.

"Something you made?" he repeats, like he can't believe I would do something like that for him as he gets closer to the table to put the bag down and starts looking inside. I follow behind and let my eyes take in every one of his expressions to try and see if he's maybe disappointed or faking a smile.

But when his eyes widen as he takes out the frame, takes in the picture I made by hand, when I see his ears take on a shade of pink, the cutest smile taking place on his face, lips curving up just slightly, but eyes shining with hints of tears, I realize that there's no way this man could fake anything.

He turns to me and goes between looking at me and at the present in his hands, not knowing what to do with himself. "Y-you made this? For me?" he whispers and I nod, a little smile of my own making its way to my face.

He puts the frame down on the table like it's the most fragile thing and suddenly I find myself against his chest, the hug strong as his nose brushes against the skin of my neck. The tickling feeling makes me blush and I have to resist a weird noise from leaving my throat.

"Thank you so much, I love it" he mumbles and I relax in his arms, glad to see how happy he is with what I worked so hard on. He steps away from me and takes the frame in his hands again before looking around the living room. He goes there and puts it right next to the TV.

He adjusts it a few time so it fits well with the flowers behind it and turns to me with a wide smile. "Now everyone can see just how talented and wonderful you are" he exclaims and I smile sheepishly. I scratch the back of my neck and watch as he comes back to me with a grin.

"I guess now it's my time. Do you trust me?" he suddenly asks and I frown at the voice he used while saying that. But ultimately, I nod. "Alright, then close your eyes! You don't open them until I tell you to, okay?". I nod and close my eyes, letting him walk me around his home. When his hands release me, I hear some shuffling and the sound of a bag opening before I feel his presence near me again.

"Okay, so I'm going to have you move your legs up just a little, hold onto my shoulder to keep your balance. Right, just like that. Hop a little... now your arms... here you go. Don't open your eyes just yet!". It feels warm and comfy, a soft material surrounding my body.

I have no idea what he's doing but I hear groans and something fall to the ground. "Aish... just one minute...". I try to stay serious, to not laugh, but a giggle slips through. "What's so funny now, dear?". "You sound old" I say as I giggle again and he laughs out loud, a shocked kind of laugh. "What? I'm still young okay!". "I didn't say the opposite! It's just the sounds you make are funny" I respond with a smile and he scoffs playfully. "Aigoo... okay now Beautiful, hold this little buddy here... now open your eyes".

I do as told and see a big mirror in front of me in which I can see Jin and I wearing one piece costumes. And I burst in laughter, soon followed by him. I'm a dragon! A freaking blue dragon! And Jin is the most adorable brown bear, it suits him so well!

"I LOVE THIS" I scream and his smile widens even more, eyes creased into crescents. "Look at your hands" he then says and when I look down, I fall into adoration as I look at the black dragon plush. "Is this for me?!" I ask him and when he nods, I jump at his neck, which makes him lean down a lot since he's taller than me.

"I guess we both wanted to surprise each other with a present" he chuckles as I step back to release him. He takes my free hand and brings me out of what I realize is his bedroom.

We reach the living room and find many blankets and pillows on the floor that I couldn't see previously. Curious, I look at him walk around the house, gathering even bigger blankets and starts moving the couches around so they become parallel. He throws the bigger blankets on top to create a very dark tunnel in the middle. He then goes to get two chairs to create a door and goes inside the fort to place things.

In the meantime, I look at his cute butt because here it is, the little bear tail, moving left and right as he moves his upper body around. "Okay, done! You may enter our nest, dear dragon!".

Feeling excited about all this, because I've never done a blanket fort before, I crawl inside and gasp when I see the now exposed treats and snacks among the pillows as we get a perfect view on the TV.

"This is so great, Jin! It's my first time experimenting something like this" I exclaim and his eyes widen in confusion. "You're saying you've never done a blanket fort before?! Well, I'm here to change things, you will have the best time of your life today as we snuggle and enjoy a movie day" he says and I can't help but stare at him as he looks around to make sure everything is perfect.

His bear ears on his head give him such a cute look, he acts so protective and is the most loving person I've ever known. How did I end up with this wonderful man as my soulmate? He suddenly meets my gaze and stares at me the same way I am at him and his eyes look so warm, so inviting.

"Thank you, Jin, for everything you've done. In such a short time, it's weird to think how important you've become to me" I whisper and through his eyes flash something I don't quite understand. "I should be the one saying that. This is only the beginning, so you better get used to it" he whispers and we share a smile before his eyes dart to the TV.

"Let's see what's available now, shall we?".

After going through endless lists of movies, we settle with a funny one. He makes a pillar of pillows behind him and leans against it before opening his arms and legs for me. This seems very intimate and I slowly make my way to him.

I try to avoid his gaze at all cost, I don't think my currently weak heart could handle seeing him so close in this cocoon. I turn my back towards him and lean against his chest as his arms slowly snake their way on my stomach, his legs by my sides but one knee leveled with my head for his comfort.

A part of me screams in danger that he's touching my fat belly, but when he sighs in contentment, his chin now resting on my head, all negative thoughts get thrown out of my head, leaving behind only comfort and belonging. 

"I never thought it would feel so right to have you in my arms like this" he whispers and I feel shivers running down my back at his words, the sweetness of his tone as his arms tighten just lightly around me making me melt like butter.

The movie starts and I don't really focus on it. Guilty as charged. My senses are overwhelmed by Jin. Only Jin. The way he breathes, the way his chest raises up and down, making me sway along, his warmth that I can feel even through the costumes, his arms, the sounds he makes when something amuses him or surprises him.

And when the movie ends, I have no idea what it was about. "It was funny, right?" he asks, voice excited as he starts going through the list for a second one. "Y-yeah, it was" I respond, unsure of how believable I sound right now. He hums, voice deeper than usual and he shuffles a little to be more comfortable, his hold on me still not weakening.

"What part did you prefer?". Damn. "Hum... I don't have a favorite part, every scenes were great?" I respond more as a question than an answer. The same hum. "My favorite part was when the dog jumped on the table and ate the whole cake". I nod at his words, thinking I have found an exit door. "Y-yeah I liked that one too". "Y/N". "Yes..?". His fingers softly brush against my cheek to move the hood away to expose the side of my face.

"There was no dog in the movie" he whispers right in my ear.

I feel my face burn and I bite my lips. I fucked up.

"Am I that distracting?" he keeps whispering in my ear and my heart beat goes up a notch.

"Just a little" I murmur, intimated by the power he holds right now and he chuckle deeply.


And he leans back to rest his head on top of mine again, acting as if nothing just happened and starts showing me some choices that could be interesting. I nod absent-mindedly and he eventually settles on one he thinks we'd both enjoy when he realizes that I'm still not all there just yet.

For this one, luckily for me, I manage to focus a little bit more on the movie, but from time to time, Jin will have fun teasing me just slightly, brushing a finger on my hand, blowing air on my ear, pulling me just a little closer into his chest.

And after a good thirty minutes into the movie, I realize. Seokjin is playing with me. He's absolutely enjoying the fact that he has such an effect on me.

It should feel too much, for the amount of time we've known each other, we must be crazy, I think to myself. But Woozi's words come back to mind. Just go with the flow, enjoy the experience, don't push back your feelings.

Not every love takes months and years to come to life. Some are instinctive and deep in a matter of days, and that's fine too.

When the second movie ends, I'm more equipped than the last to answer his questions and as the day goes, I discover that he's making this into a game to see just how much he can distract me to see how well I manage to focus.

He eventually leans forward to reach the snacks and opens a bag that he sets in my lap, right next to my little dragon for comfort since his arms lay there anyway.

"Oh, I heard this thriller is really good! Should we watch it? I ask suddenly when I see one that interests me and he nods before starting it.

And he brings one bite to my mouth, waiting for me to eat it from his fingers before bringing one to his mouth. Sometimes he slaps it against my cheek without realizing and it's only when I start giggling that he apologizes with a laugh before letting me guide his hand to my lips so I can take the bite.

"Oh shit!" Jin suddenly yelps when the screen zooms on someone out of nowhere with a loud noise and his arms wrap around my shoulders to bring me as close as possible to him. I laugh loudly at his reaction, unable to feel scared because he's so funny.

He brushes his hands against my shoulders softly after crushing me and apologizes a few times before going back to his previous position around my stomach, but I can feel him stiffen a few times when he expects something to happen, now a lot more immersed in the story.

I pat his hands a few times when I feel him becoming too nervous and laugh whenever he makes a little scream. He can't always be the only one allowed to have fun at the other's expense.

When the movie ends, the last scene making Jin almost crawl out of the nest, I can't stop laughing as he grumbles after I manage to keep him still, not ready just yet to stop cuddling. "I swear, this wasn't just a thriller, it was pure horror" he mumbles and I start laughing harder.

I can feel him try to stay mad but eventually when I feel his chest shake, his giggles join my laughter. "This wasn't very manly" he whines jokingly but I shake my head. "On the contrary, sometimes your reflex was to hide me, it was cute" I counter and I look up to see him biting his bottom lip, his ears red as he avoids my eyes.

"Should we watch one last movie? Then we can think about making dinner. You could either help or watch, I don't mind at all". I hum with a nod. "Sounds good. I want to help".

The last movie is filled with action and romance, making us sometimes laugh, coo and even cry.

When the last movie ends, when the music fades into silence, our breaths now the only noise we hear along with our heartbeats, we don't dare move.

"Should we stay like that a little longer? No movies, no words, just... like that" he asks softly and I nod after a few seconds of screaming internally.

He leans back a little more on the pillows, bringing us into a more comfortable position and brings my upper body to lean entirely against his chest. He intertwines our hands together before hugging me from behind.

His heartbeat feels so strong against my back, it resonates into my whole being and I know mine is no different, but after a while, I become aware of how they synchronize to become only one.

Being in his arms is now my favorite thing in life, I think to myself as I start dozing off. I wake up in a second of panic when I feel my head drop down from his body. He chuckles and brings my head back against his chest, but this time, he uses his shoulder to keep it in place.

"You can rest, it's fine. I'll wake you up later" he murmurs and I nod, snuggling closer to him and closing my eyes again.

He hums a little song and I fall asleep in a matter of seconds, his soft voice echoing in the back of my mind like a sweet, sweet promise.

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