The incident

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When I wake up in the morning, I get ready quickly and take the bus to go to work. I told Woozi I'd go to work by myself for once and he agreed, a little worried but no more.

As I stare outside, I'm reminded of yesterday. I usually don't think about my mother since I never knew her, but I guess yesterday, some fears broke free and came to the surface. I remember kids at school telling me how I killed my mother, that if I never existed, she would still be alive today, that I stole my father's soulmate from him.

Maybe that's part of the reason why I feel like I don't deserve to play that song. But like Jin said, it's not my fault. Dad told me many times. I know he regrets telling me so soon, it wasn't intentional, it slipped up, but what is done is done. He always made sure to give me all the love I needed, to give me all of his attention, so I never really felt alone. I grew up surrounded by my father and Woozi, and still today, all my friends are men. I guess I'm just not meant to have female friends.

I pass by Jin's restaurant and see him emptying a container into the trash bin. How can he look so majestic even when taking care of trash? I snap a picture before I get too far and send it to him with a smirk.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗


What is that
Are you spying on me?
Where are you, I can't see you

I'm on the bus! I never realized we pass by your restaurant
So when I saw you I hurried to take a pic lol

And you didn't think about getting off the bus to come see me?
I'm hurt!

Sorry, you know I have a busy day today
I'll make it up to you, okay?

Oh, then tell me, dear
How will you do that?

I haven't thought that far yet...

I see
Well then if you don't find something by the end of the day
I'll have to choose by myself

I'll think of something!

Hahaha, alright, I'll see you later Y/N
Have a great day and don't overdo it

You too, Jinnie


╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

I smile at the heart he just sent me. He's not one to use a lot of emojis, but when he does, it's always a heart. He assured me that I'm the only one who gets the honor of receiving them too, but I never really went around to sending one back.

I guess I'm just nervous of what would happen if I do. It feels like a big step somehow, one I've pushed back so much it's now become much harder to do. It's just a little heart, but sending it feels like I'd give him my real heart too, and doing that by text just feels kinda wrong.

If I have to tell him how much I like him, it should be in person. Then I could send him those without worrying, because to me, sending heart emojis has a bigger meaning than just for fun.

The same way I know he means every one of them. He's told me a few times now that he doesn't mind waiting for me until I'm ready for the next step, as long as I let him shower me with love. The only deal he would accept, he said. I smile as I remember that day.

But for now, I'm waiting until he's less busy with the renovations. He already has a lot on his mind and I don't want to add my confession on top. He wouldn't have much time to give me and he would feel bad about it. That's the last thing I want for him. He should concentrate on his dream now that he's getting closer to it.

I reach my stop and ring the bell to get down from the bus. I walk to the restaurant and enter from the back where Dino is getting ready. He turns around when he hears the door open and a bright smile greets me.

"Hey there, good morning Y/N" he says and I wave at him as I reach my locker. "Good morning Dino" I reply and he gets closer to lean on the locker next to mine. After putting my bag away and closing the door, I look at him to see him already staring at me with a slight frown.

"You look tired, did you not sleep well?". I hum with a small smile. "I'm fine, just something happened yesterday but it's nothing big, don't worry too much" I tell him and he nods hesitantly. We walk side by side to the main area of the restaurant where we can already see so many people.

"Well, good luck" he tells me with a pat on the shoulder before hurrying to one table. I reach the front desk and see Woozi running around as he cleans a few tables.

I turn around when I hear someone enter the restaurant and greet them politely before looking around to see one of the table Woozi just cleaned almost ready. With a smile, I take two menus and lead the couple to the table before going to fetch some utensils and napkins.

I then help Woozi with the tables while still keeping an eye on the entry to make sure no one is waiting without being served. I get some empty plates and utensils as I pass by them and am about to set them in the kitchen when I bump into a body.

The plates slide from my hands and as I try to grab onto the border to avoid breaking them, I instead grab the sharp edge of a steak knife. A loud breaking noise fills the room for a second before silence takes over. Don't ask me why someone wanted a steak knife for breakfast, I don't know. What I do know though is that my now opened palm is bleeding a lot.

"Oh crap, are you okay?!" I hear from behind me as someone turns me around and end up face to face with Vernon. When he sees my hand holding onto the knife with blood dripping from it, his face becomes white as snow and he carefully grabs the dangerous item away from me.

"You're bleeding a lot, Y/N, we need to get you to the hospital right now" he says as someone arrives with a first aid box. The woman gets the bandages and proceeds to clean and wrap my hands as best as possible before trying to find someone to give me a lift. Someone else starts cleaning the floor and I give him a sorry look. I look back at the woman and Vernon who are looking around trying to find someone with a car.

"Look, I know you need everyone right now since it's busy, my leaving will already be a loss, I'll call a cab okay? I'll be fine" I tell them after a moment and without waiting for a response, I get my phone and call the right number to ask for someone as soon as possible telling them that I need to go to the hospital.

After Vernon apologizes one last time before having to go back to the meals prep, I go outside from the back after getting my bag and wait for the taxi to arrive, which doesn't take long when they learn the reason why.

The ride to the hospital takes around twenty minutes and it's enough for the pain to slowly overwhelm my senses. It stings and burns so much that a knot forms in my throat as tears gather at the corner of my eyes.

"You're okay, Y/N, you're strong" I mumble to myself when I hear my phone ring. I look down to see Woozi's name. With a sigh, I answer the call, expecting his worried voice to shout in my ears.

"Y/N?! I just learned that you got hurt! Why didn't you tell me?! Are you at the hospital?!" he screams anxiously into the phone and I smile even though he can't see it. Maybe it's for the best.

"I'm fine, Wooz, I'm on the way, they'll take care of it and I'll be back as soon as possible" I reply and hear him gasp. "You are not coming back at work, we called a replacement so you go back home right after. Call Seokjin too".

I frown. "Why would I need to call him?". Silence. "Wooz?". I hear him sigh slowly. "So... he might have heard everything. He's actually right by my side". I gulp. "So I need to end the call now, but please call him right after! Call me when you're out of the hospital, bye!" he hurriedly says and effectively ends the call.

I don't even have the time to go to my contacts that I already receive a call. From Jin. Great. Just act calm, breathe in and out slowly, it'll be fine. I accept the call and bring my phone to my ear. 

"Hi..." I say, not really sure of how he's feeling right now. Is he going to shout too? Get mad at me? "Hi, Y/N. Are you feeling okay? Does it hurt?" he says calmly and I relax a little. "I'm fine. It does hurt, but it's bearable. We're almost there now" I reply and hear him hum. "Do you want me to come to the hospital? I'd rather be there to bring you back home to be honest, I need to see your face and make sure you're alright if I want to go through the day".

His sweet concern warms my heart and I find myself nodding at his words. "I'd like that, Jinnie, but take your time, it's not a-" I start but suddenly groan when I become dizzy. The phone slides from my hand just as I hear Jin say my name but I can only hold my head as it becomes more intense.

"Lady? Are you okay? We're almost there, please hold on a little longer. Lady?" I hear a muffled voice speak to me from the front but my thoughts don't connect anymore and I black out.

Seokjin's POV

When I hear the thud of her phone falling and the driver speak to her, I know something's wrong. "Y/N, are you okay? Can you hear me?". But she doesn't reply. I stay on the line and wave goodbye to Namjoon and Taehyung who nod with knowing eyes as I leave the building and hurry to my car. 

"Lady? Are you... did you fall unconscious? Damn, how am I gonna get paid? Ah fuck it, I'll get her inside first" I hear from the phone and feel my heart twist in nervosity. She's unconscious? Is she going into shock from the cut? I get into my car and drive away from the restaurant as quickly as possible.

It's silent as night on the line as I drive and I guess they're already at the hospital, the man must have brought her inside himself. I hear a door open and close and a loud sigh.

"So... do I just leave now? I guess I should, that will be my good action of the day" I hear and decide to try to get his attention. "Excuse me, sir?" I say loudly in the hopes that my voice will reach him. "Hm? Oh, her phone. Is... is someone on the line?" he says and I hum in response.

"Yes, hello, I'm her soulmate. Thank you for bringing her to the hospital. I'm currently on the way there so if you don't mind waiting, I can pay the fees once there as well as retrieving her phone" I say into the phone as I turn left.

"Oh... ah you know what, never mind about the fee, just come get the phone and watch over her. The nurse said her body probably just went into shock and it's nothing dangerous, they'll take care of her and give her some stitches" he replies and I exhale loudly in relief.

"Thank you so much. I'll be there very soon" I tell him and after he tells me his position, we end the call. I focus on the road and after a while, I see the hospital. I take a turn to the right once at the corner of the huge building and park by the front door where I see someone, a tall and strong looking man standing outside of a taxi car with a phone in hands.

I get out of the car and run over to him with a wave of the hand to get his attention. He looks up and a small smile appears on his face as he approaches me. He hands me the phone and I thank him again with a bow.

"I'd feel very bad about not paying the fee for the ride, at least let me give you that" I say as I hand him forty dollars and his eyes pop out of their sockets. "That's twice the amount, I'll accept only one bill then, thank you. Now run to her, I bet she'll wake up soon" he says with a pat on the shoulder and enters his car.

Without waiting, I do as he said and run to the front door. Just wait for me, Y/N.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I wanted to update at least once for this book this week so even though it is small, I hope you still enjoyed!

Please stay safe at home, don't go out unless necessary and call your family members that are alone and lonely! I love you all.

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