My Love - chapter 2

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two days from her pain starting, we were sitting in her room waiting for the doctor. a nurse came in looking quite sad. she had long drown hair, green eyes, long legs and red lips. her name was Cindy - Anne. she sat down on the end of the bed and held amber by the hand. she gently rubbed her thumb against her hand and waited for the doctor to come in. 

i tall, chubby man walked into the room. he said "hi folks, i am doctor Samuel-Henry Tolliver. how are you feeling today?". i replied with " hi, im Ethan, and this is my wife amber, we are ok thanks. so what is wrong with my wife?". doctor Samuel looked at his clipboard and shook his head. he said "im afraid its not looking good". amber started to sob, she had her head in her hands. i hugged her while the doctor explained. "im afraid she has developed rhabdomyosarcoma which is a cancer that develops in the muscle tissue that is  around your heart. there has only ever been three other recorded patients that has had this, and im afraid there is no cure for it. 

i started to cry harder than i have ever cried in my entire life. i looked over at amber but it was hard to see her due to all the tears welling up in my eyes. i could hear her though, she was crying a lot. when the doctor left, the nurse looked at us and said "im really sorry to hear, you two seem like really nice people. i hope for the best". 

we sat there and sobbed and sobbed for what felt like hours, days even. when we  told that she would have chemo to see if that would help at all. when amber was finally aloud home after a week in hospital, i looked up rhabdomyosarcoma on the internet and what i found made me cry. amber came in to see what was wrong. i explained that i was reading her condition on a website made by a lady who's daughter had rhabdomyosarcoma, she said that patients with this condition dont live for long afterwards. she said about 2 - 4 months after being  told this. amber started to cry but then stopped. she looked down at me and said "then we will just have to enjoy the time i have left. 

that night was a very quiet night for us, quiet dinner, quiet while watching shows on tv, even going to bed was quiet. amber was very, very quiet. i wouldnt blame. 9 weeks ago she was giving birth and now she finds out that she has cancer!! it would be very overwhelming.

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