Chp.14 Round 1

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Hizashi: ALL RIGHT! It is time for the first round of the US tournament! Aizawa how are you feeling about today's biggest event!?!

Aizawa: Excited...I guess...

Hizashi: Great! Now let's not waste time and start up with the first round!

-Ochaco POV-

We were outside sitting down to watch the round as we see Hanta and (YN) at the arena.

Hizashi: On one hand, we have a student that is smart and confident, also a fighter, from the hero course, Hanta Sero!

*Crowd Cheers*

Hanta: Alright!

Hizashi: versus new hero student who's been to be here at UA High for a month now, impressively strong, noble, tough, and sometimes a quiet student, from also the hero course, give it up for (YN)!

*Crowd Cheers*

(YN): . . .

Hizashi: Miss midnight, you shall do the rest please?

Midnight: Thank You Hazashi, Alright you Two, get ready...

Izuku: Amazing! We can see what (YN) actually gots!

Lida: And we can see how he uses his quirk!

Kirashima: Alright you two! Lets get it on!

Bakugo: I Gotta see this, i wanna see that loser lose to Hanta, he will stand no chance against him

Ochaco: Mmmm! ...Come on (YN)! You Can do It (YN)!

Midnight: Ready...and...FIGHT!

Hanta: Alright, come on (YN), make your move....Uh...(YN)??

(YN) wasn't even moving after all, he was just standing there, not even doing nothing...

Izuku: E-Eh? Why isn't (YN) doing anything???

Tsuyu: Is this part of his quirk??

Ochaco Mind: Come on (YN), do something!

Hanta: W-Well, if you're not gonna make your move...then I will!

-Author POV-

Hanta then emitted his quirk as he then shot both tapes from his elbows. He was able to tie up (YN).

Hanta: Lets take a spin!

He then started spinning (YN) around several times. As he did, he started swinging him faster as he then had (YN) swinging in the air

Hizashi: Well would you look at that! (YN) is going for a spin!

Izuku: Why isn't he doing anything!? I don't get it!

Kirashima: If He doesn't do anything, he'll lose!

Lida: What's even on his mind that he won't fight back!?

Lets go to (YN), as (YN) was being swing around, he started to hear Bakugo's voice on his head as he had his eyes shut...WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE" "YOU STAND NO CHANCE TO BECOME A HERO LIKE ME" "FACE IT, YOUR NOTHING BUT A QUIRKLESS BASTARD" "YOU'LL NEVER BECOME LIKE ME AND THE TEST OF US AND ESPECIALLY ALL MIGHT...NEVER!" After hearing his voice on his head, he opened his eyes angrily...

Hanta: Okay! Lets finish this with a...SLAM!!!!!

Hanta then used his tapes to bring down (YN) to the ground as he then slammed him to the ground, face first.

Ochaco: (YN)!!!!

Bakugo smiles.

Izuku: That does not look good! It sounded like it hurts!

Kirashima: Is he even Okay!?!

The crowd, especially the students stood quiet as they look at the smoke surrounding (YN) where he was slammed.

Hanta: Shit...hope I hope I didn't hurt him that bad...

As the smoke almost clears, the crowd, the students, Midnight, Hizashi and Aizawa notices (YN) standing up as he was still surrounded by the smoke. As the smoke vanished, he was stood up still as the damage we got didn't even effect him that much.

Izuku: H-He's...He's  up!?

Lida: He's Not even hurt!

Bakugo Mind: What!?! How!?! He suppose to go down!!

Tsuyu: Wow, he's actually standing tall!

Mineta/Denki: Cool...!

Hanta: Wh-What!?!

Hizashi: Ladies and Gents! It's looks like (YN) is not down yet and still going to fight!

*Crowd Cheers*

(YN)'s mouth had a bit blood on it as he then cleaned it off with his hand. He looked at it and looked back at Hanta...

(YN): ...Oi, Hanta...

Hanta: !!?!?!

(YN): you said back hard feelings right?? *smirks*

Hanta: *gulps* Y-Yeah...hehe

(YN): Hehe, okay.'s my turn!

(YN) then clenched both of just fists as he then somehow started to power up.


Hizashi: What's this!?! It looks like (YN) is going to use his quirk! Lest see how it works!

Izuku: Guys, look! He about to use his quirk!

Ochaco: Let me see!

-Ochaco POV-

I then started to see (YN) powering up somehow, kinda familiar like All Might when he power ups when he's about to fight. I then noticed his eye pupils starting turn into different colors, his brown eyes turned out to be yellowish somehow...I then noticed (YN) getting bigger as he continues to power up.

Kirashima: He's getting bigger!?

Izuku: Amazing! This must be part of his quirk! It allows him not only for anger, but also to get him bigger!

Lida: Outstanding!

Ochaco Mind: (YN)...~~~

As he got bigger, his whole body was surrounded by green aura. His hair was even spiked up. As he finally finished, we all already witnessed his quirk. His quirk allowed him to become bigger, stronger, his eye pupils were yellow and his hair was now spiked up and green aura around him.

(YN): Hmm!

Hizashi: Well would you look at that folks! We have already witnessed (YN) quirk. By allowing him to grow bigger, stronger, and giving us a sign with that green aura around him to not mess with him. Now, let's continue!

Hanta: Okay! No backing up! Let's take a spin again!

Hanta then again emitted his quirk as he again shot both tapes from his elbows as he tied (YN) up again.

Hizashi: Looks Like (YN) is about to take another spin again!

Izuku: Okay, he definitely needs to do something!

Ochaco Mind: Come on (YN)...

Hanta: Here! Let's take a—

Hanta noticed that with the tapes around (YN), he cant pull him as he was starting to struggle.

Hanta: H-Hey! I-I can't move you! Th-This down no make sense!


(YN) then free himself from the tapes as he then charges towards Hanta. As he did, he then grabbed him, picked him up as he then jumped and then power slammed him to the ground, causing a impact. He then again picked him up as he then grabbed Hanta's whole face and then lifted him up, and then slammed him to the ground. After that, everything stood silent as we were as well. What we saw was something we have never seen. We all then noticed (YN) standing up as for Hanta he was at the ground. Midnight then walked to him as he then checks on him..she then said out loud..

Midnight: Hanta Sero is out! The winner for this first round is (YN)!

*Crowd Cheers*

Midnight: Hanta, are you alright??

Hanta: Y-Yeah....j-just..

Hanta was hurt bad as the robo medics came to pick him up. Then we all noticed (YN) walking towards Hanta.

(YN): Hanta...

Hanta: ????

(YN) then offered him a hand as for Hanta, he then gave him his hand as (YN) helped him stand up.

Hanta: I gotta say man, that's a fine quirk you got...

(YN): Yeah...hope I didn't hurt you that bad...

Hanta: Not really hehe...good match by the way.

(YN): You too...

Izuku: Man, I Totally have to give props on (YN)...

Kirashima: Yeah, what a guy.

Bakugo Mind: That power...All he did to him was just a slam and that's all!

I And us then notice Bakugo leaving.

Lida: looks like he seen enough..

Momo: Hmm! Hope he realizes to mess with (YN) like that.

Ochaco: Don't worry, Bakugo would surely understand...

I then looked back at (YN) as I see him helping Hanta taking him to te medic to check on him. I then started to have that feeling again...that feeling every time I see (YN)...

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