Chp.28 The Greatest Hero's Appearence

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(YN) then was at the Ground Beta center as he was walking around the buildings. He was looking for his final to go against him, this is how it work: a hero must be in a beta center and face his "villain" and to defeat it, as the hero defeats the "villain" it must successfully go to the gate that says "You pass". But it looks like he couldn't find his villain after all...meanwhile, the other hero's were in a system room looking at (YN) from a huge TV.

Izuku: Weird...he should be here...

Tenya: Yeah, I wonder where did he went off to??

Kirashima: He probably didn't show up in time???

Shotō: No, that can't be...he said he should be there now.

Momo: Well, (YN) Can still Wait I guess...

Suddenly, Ochaco then came in.

Izuku: Oh Ochaco! There you are, where have you been???

Ochaco: Hmm? Oh, uh...I uh..had to use it.

Momo: Suuuureeeee...

Ochaco: Hmmm??

Tsuyu: So, Ochaco, how long did you use it???

Ochaco: Uh...Why you Ask?? Hehe....

Mina: We saw everything!

Ochaco: What!?

Mina: You and (YN), Kissing!

Ochaco: Huh!?! What!?! *Blushes*

Kirashima: What was that???

Momo covers Mina's mouth.

Momo: O-Oh nothing! Just talking about girls stuff! Hehe...

Kirashima shrug as he looks back at the TV. The girls then huddle up with Ochaco as they talked in silence...

Momo: Keep it down Mina!

Mina: Oops sorry...

Ochaco: Y-You guys saw me making out with (YN)!?

All the girls nodded saying yes as Ochaco covered her face, blushing...

Ochaco: Oh embarrassing...

Kyoka: What are you talking about?? That's so cool of you...

Ochaco: Wh-What??

Tsuyu: No need to be embarrassed Ochaco, what you did was good and really lovely...

Ochaco: I am so confused right now...

Momo: Uraraka, What they mean is that we are so happy of you that you and (YN) are now a thing.

Ochaco: Wh-What???

Momo: Look, we all knew you've always had this feeling towards him, and we all knew that you will be more happier when you end up falling in love with (YN), and we would be happy for you too.

Ochaco: R-Really girls???

Mina: Of course, were you're best friend silly.

Tsuyu: And as friends we Yelp each other out and make each other happy...

Ochaco: Thanks you Guys! You truly are the best!

The girls give Ochaco a group friendship hug. Meanwhile, the boys were too confused knowing where was the "villain" for (YN)'s final...

Bakugo: Nrgh! Damn it! This is a fucking waste of time! Where is he!?!

Tenya: Patience Bakugo, he should be here

Momo: What's going on???

Izuku: (YN)'s "Villain" is Not here yet..

Tsuyu: Weird...he should be here now.

Back at the Ground Beta, (YN) was still walking as he then Can barely see the exit from his final, if he goes there, then he passes his final...

(YN): Huh, the exit...So this is the end of my final test??  No villain is gonna fight me???

Bakugo: Thats not fair! He can't just pass his final with no god damn action!

Todoroki: ...He is.

Bakugo: What are you talking about Icy-Hot!?

Todoroki: Look at the exit..

Everyone then took a good look at the TV as they see someone standing near the was non other than All Might, standing there patiently in the exit...

Kirashima: Wait??! All Might!?! What's he doing there??!

Izuku: I don't know, he's probably waiting for (YN) I guess...

Bakugo: N-No! Don't tell me...

Tenya: Bakugo, what is it???

Bakugo: H-He's gonna fail!!

Hanta: Huh??? The hell your talking about Bakugo???

Aoyama: Yeah, his "villain" is not even here...

Bakugo: Nrgh! Don't you idiots get it already!?! All Might is his "Villain"!!!!

Everyone was shocked to hear that All Might is (YN)'s "Villain" for his final test...

Mineta: No! Way!

Izuku: B-But whats the problem Anyways, (YN) Can handle him right!?

Bakugo: Listen Very closely Deku! If All Mights the "Villain" for (YN)'s final test, then it's over for him! All Might will go even overboard than I did back in the tournament! No matter if he activates his berserk quirk...there's still a chance he might fail! But damn I was so wrong when I told him he Can surpass all Might...I should never said that!

Ochaco: Oh No! I hope he actually passes.!

Izuku: Don't worry Ochaco, We all Can rely that he will pass

Momo: We all are Ochaco, we believe in him...

Ochaco Mind: (YN)~~

Bakugo Mind: D-Damn It!!!! I-I'm sorry (YN)!!! I hope there's some other way you can forgive me after this!!!

Back the The ground Beta...(YN) then saw a figure far from his distance as he was standing near the exit path...he then notices that it was All Might.

(YN): Oh, Hey All Might, I was looking for my "Villain" for my final exam, but he's probably not here hehe, so probably it was too easy and just exit and pass my final like nothing.

He then notices All Might still standing there as he kept look at (YN)...

(YN): Uh, All Might?? Are you okay???

All Might: ...Get Ready.

All Might then started to slowly raising his left arm as he clenched his hand...

All Might: I am here to test you!

(YN): Test me??? What are you—Oh shit!

(YN) then already notice what was All Might talking about, before he can even say something else, All Might then punch in mid air straight to (YN) as he released a huge massive of wind towards him...

(YN) then notices the massive wind coming towards him as he then took cover. The wind hit him as he then was able to get a grudge of not getting fly away. He was standing straight and tried not to get flown away from the wind. After the massive wind, All Might cause a destruction to the ground Beta

There was a pile of dust as (YN) couldn't see a thing non other than hearing footsteps from All Might coming towards him as he said...

All Might: Who really cares if I destroy this city!?

(YN): What?! When did he get....b-but how is he so intimidating!?!

All Might then came out from the dust

As he did, All Might then took a huge step, as he caused another massive wind as he cleared te dust and smoke around the city, (YN) looked a bit afraid as he saw All Mights appearance...

All Might: Listen young (YN), if you think this is as a exam, then you're thinking of it as a real fight...I'm your villain now hero! Remember that!

All Might: You better come at me with everything you've got, I won't hold my punches!

(YN): ...So, you're my "Villain" for my final exam?? Heh, can't be worst, I heard you can be a tough one, so we're kinda similar if I should say...

All Might: Don't get too cocky young (YN)! You may have a powerful Quirk, but you are still no match for mines! So let's see if Young Bakugo's words were really true about you...surpassing me!

(YN): Well, if you insist...RAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

(YN) then started to activate his rage quirk for his fight against All Might...he started to get bigger and muscular

As he finished getting bigger and muscular, green aura was coming around his body as he roared...


All Might: Thats right! Let's see what you got!

The battle of the mightiest BEGINS!!!!

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