Chp.5 The New Hero Is Here

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-Author's POV-

Meanwhile outside at UA High, the limo arrived as it stopped in front of the school. The door open as All Might came out from the limo. Not only him, but also the new hero student as well got out from the limo well, (YN). As they both got out and the limo leaving, (YN) then was surprise to see UA High School fro the first time. He was surprised to see how big the school is.

All Might: Like what you see Young (YN)? This right here my boy, is the UA High School, where we have the next generations of heros...just like you son. This why we chose you, you have not only a dangerous quirk, but also a impressive and interesting quirk. This here son, this is where you belong, as a hero.

(YN) smile as he was inspired from All Might.

All Might: Now, your class room is Class 1-A. Follow me Young (YN), Ill lead you to it.

Meanwhile in Class 1-A, the student were at their own seats as class was about to begin any minute, and waiting for the new student to come any minute as well.

Izuku: Well, Class is about to begin any minute...and the new student hasn't arrived yet..

Kirashima: Yeah, how long is All Might and the new student going to come already?

Mina: Im getting bored, We all wanna meet this new student already.

Tenya: Patience you guys, they'll be here any minute soon.

Bakugo: And again with the same shit?!

Izuku: Kachan, why are still mad?? What have we even said that make you mad anyways??

Mina: Yeah Bakugo, whats your problem!?! All we want is to meet him that's all, do you have a problem or something you have against him!?

Tsuyu: Yeah, it's like you're starting to hate him or something.

Mineta: Besides, why are taking this up in the ass anyways!?!

Bakugo: Oh shut up! Especially you Deku! The reason why I'm like this is because I don't want no useless quirk like the new student in here! You guys may not know how good he is! Besides, if he even has a quirk, and if we even go one on one, I will show him that I'm going to surpass everyone one of you and him and all Might as well! I happens to be the most powerful hero in Class 1-A, my quirk has no chance against yours! Mines so powerful I can even take each and everyone of you jerks! Ones I surpass all of you, the new student and especially All Might, I will be the number one hero, I will be the one to join the big three and I WILL become the richest one-


Izuku: Hey guys, It's All Might!

All Might: Coming into the door like a hero!

Hanta: All right! It's about time!

Denki: Yes!

Fumikage/Shotō: Finally...

Bakugo: Its about time your ass got here! Now tell me, where's this-

All Might: Patience Young Bakugo! Good morning Students! As you guys know that you have heard that all of you will be having a new hero student in this class. Hero's, let me introduce to you to the new hero student, come in young (YN)!

-Ochaco's POV-

(YN)? That's a nice name for a new student, but I wonder how he looks though, Oh I hope he doesn't be like Bakugo. We all heard footsteps in the hall way it started to get closer to the class. As it did, the new hero student came in.

All Might: Everyone, This is (YN).

Everyone: Hi (YN)!

As All Might introduce to us to (YN), the new student hero, me and the girls were having a whispering chat about (YN).

Momo: Oh my...!

Toru: He's almost tall as All Might...Like one in a half feet to reach all Might.

Mina: I gotta say, he's quiet the looker I can tell you that *Giggles*

Tsuyu: Not only that, imagine if we see him shirtless...

Momo: We can just imagine it already~

Kyoka: Heh, I gotta say, he seems pretty chill to me, and I bet he's gonna get along with us just fine, right Ochaco......Ochaco?

-Author's POV-

Ochaco then was started to see (YN) quite long. She was looking at him so surprised and a bit blushing. She was picturing him with roses and hearts around him. She started blushing as she then started hearing her name calling from Kyoka...

Kyoka: Ochaco...Ochaco...OCHACO!

Ochaco: H-Huh?? What???

Momo: Are you okay??

Ochaco: O-Oh, Yeah Im fine Momo.

Tsuyu: You sure? Cause you've been looking at (YN) quite long than us...

Ochaco: O-Oh! W-Well..I mean..I was just surprised that the fact that he's almost one in a half feet taller than All Might...

Tsuyu: Oh...Right, I expected him to be our heights but, wow.

Momo: I know, he's even taller than Rikido and Koji.

All Might: Now listen up you guys...I'm here to talk to you something about (YN) see, (YN) is not much of a talker, well he talks but not that much, and do not provoke him to use his quirk and if guys really wanna know what's his quirk...well then, he has a quirk called Rage.

Izuku: Rage? Huh, how does that work?

Tenya: Yes Mr. All Might, how does it work?

All Might: Glad you ask! So, he can emit this quirk by anger. When he's having trouble in fighting or in a battle, He activates his rage quirk, taking on an incredible rage anger with impressive strength and powerful skill, his quirk can only last 15 minutes of rage.

Shotō: Hm, not bad.

Hanta: I gotta say, that's a good quirk he has.

Denki: I know, Rage quirk. Sounds pretty cool don't you think?

Kirashima: Yeah, when can we see him with his quirk?

All Might: Sooner or later, but right now Mr. Aizawa should be here in a second, that's all I gotta say about him for now. Young (YN) there's a seat next to Ochaco, have a seat over there. Alright then, I'm off. See you hero's later!

As All Might left the room, (YN) then went to sit next to Ochaco. As he sat down, he then placed his backpack down.

-Ochaco's POV-

As he sat down next to me, I then started calling him as I wanted to introduce him to myself...

Ochaco: Hey...

He turned around and looked at me...

Ochaco: My Name is Ochaco...Nice to meet you.

Before he was about to say something, all of the class stood up from their desks as they went up to him as they started asking him questions....

Momo: So, where did you come from?

Mina: Do you like fashion?

Momo: Are you rich?

Kyoka: Do you like rock?

Tsuyu: What about frogs?

Toru: What kind of hobbies do you like?

Yuga: Do you like anything that sparkles? Like me.

Tenya: Are you interest in any type of learning skills?

Kirashima: so how does your quirk work?

Denki: Yeah, that rage quirk, Do you actívate that quirk when someone gets you angry or provokes you or something?

Kirashima: Yeah, kinda like Bakugo....

Bakugo: WHAT!?!

Bakugo then stood up angrily as he then turned around to stare at everyone..


Everyone moved out of Bakugo's way as he then was walking towards (YN), oh dear, I knew something like this will happen, why does Bakugo have to be such an ass like this towards him. He was standing in front of (YN) as (YN) was still sitting down and Bakugo standing.

Bakugo: Sure your new and anything, but I myself have a question for you...WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!? You haven't even took any kind of exams or quizzes in order to be accepted in UA High!

I just can't stand Bakugo, he's always nothing but in an angry mood...

Ochaco: Bakugo, leave him alone he has nothing to do with you! What is your-

Bakugo: Shut it round face!

I then shut myself as I didn't said a word, then  I noticed (YN) looking at me as if he felt bad of me getting screamed at Bakugo he then look back at him with angry look...oh boy..

Bakugo: And What the hell your looking at!?! Now, I'll give you five seconds to stop starring at me like that or I will pummel you....ONE....

Izuku: Kachan come on don't do this now...

Bakugo: TWO...

Kirashima: Bakugo don't do it! Just calm down!

Bakugo: FOUR...

Hanta: Bakugo calms down dude!

Bakugo: And...FIV-

Before Bakugo was about to do something to (YN), I noticed (YN) standing up quickly as he then grabbed Bakugo's hand before he even does something to (YN).

Bakugo: H-Hey! Let go! Y-Your crushing my hand you jackass!! LET GO!!!

He was still holding bakugo's hand, crushing his hand as if he was about to brake his hand.

Izuku: H-Hey, (YN)! Let go, he already learned his lesson!

Kirashima: Let go dude! He learned his lesson!

Momo: Hey kid! Let go, he won't do it again!

Tsuyu: Yeah, please! Don't get yourself in trouble!

(YN) kept ignoring as he then continued to crush Bakugo's hand. I can't let that happen, getting him in trouble, I have to stop this!

Ochaco: Hey (YN)! Stop it please! He has enough! He won't do it again...right Bakugo?!

Bakugo: Nrgh! Okay okay fine! I won't bug you! Just let go!

Ochaco: You See, he even said it, please let him go.

As I told him what to do, he looked at me for a while as he then let go of Bakugo's hand. Weird, he didn't listen to Deku nor Kirashima, not only them but also Momo and Tsuyu, but when I told him he actually did listen. It's weird that he didn't listen to the boys neither the girls, but I'm a girl and...he listened...we then noticed Midnight coming in to the class as she said....

Midnight: Hey, What's going on?!

We didn't wanted to say nothing but then Kirashima had to make up a lie as he said...

Kirashima: O-Oh, Nothing Miss, It's just that Bakugo hurt his arm, hehe you know Bakugo, always an angry person hitting things and ending up hurting himself...right Bakugo??

Bakugo: ....NRGH!!!....Yes...!

Midnight: ...Hmmm, well then, now that I'm here I want you guys to go into your seats, Class has started.

We all went back to our seats, especially Bakugo.

Midnight: Alright, now lets begin shall we...

As Midnight started teaching the class, I then looked back at (YN) as I told him in whisper...

Ochaco: Psst Hey

He then looks at me...

Ochaco: Don't worry, he's alway like this to us, you'll get use to it...

He then nods, saying yes, as he then understood what I was telling him. Now, as I was about to focus on class, I then heard talking to me as he said to me in whispering...

(YN): Hey...

Ochaco: Yeah?

He then gave me a smile as he had his eyes closed and said to me...

(YN): ...Nice meeting you too, Ochaco.

He then went back focusing on class. After he said that to me, I started to blush of the way he talked to me. And to be honest, his smile did look kinda cute...just like All Might said, doesn't speak much, but sometimes, but he never mentioned him having a cute smile

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