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I am back..first of all thank you sho much guys for your support and love.This is my 20 th chappy... I hope you will like this also...Plzz comment me...

Happy kiss day💋💋to all my sweetheartzz 💗💗

Enjoy the story....

Who is that??

I will help you suman mam.

It is chuhi🐀🐀uff juhi....

Juhi:i will do it. You dont worry about it..

Suman:and who are you?

Rp:she is my granddaughter... *evil smirk*

Oopss twist..... 😅😅

Mitali:ohh but i saw you some where....*thinking*

Juhi:with avni..and i am her friend..

Mitali:ohh fake friend, right...

Juhi :yess.......*evil smirk*

Other side...

All enjoyed a lot and it's the time for returning back.But our naughty neil is still not in a mood to go back...He is saying 5 min....10 mins...And their frnds and sibblings are teasing him....Avni's friends were also making her beetroot☺☺

Later after a lot of struggles neil agreed them to go back.... they went to khanna mansion...Avni came to her room,and went to balcony after changing and getting fresh n up..Avni was sitting on the couch and thinking about her's and neil's romantic moments...And she was blushing too..

Avni caress her ring and say.

Avni:i am feeling butterflies when you are surrounded by me....my palms get sweat when you hold me..My heart beat is requesting me  dont do this to them coz it is beating fastly...But it never make me unconfortable...Neil today i ask you what is happening to me..You said that find it by myself..But how can i?

She smiled and went to bed....

Neil was also thinking about today..

He also caress his ring and say..
Neil:you know my shona,today you confessed your feeling towards me. But you are not able to give a name to that feeling...Dont worry everything will be fine..... I am sure...but i dont know why something is paining in my heart....Something is going to happen?but why?

He shrugged off his thought and kissed his ring..Then he decided to call her...
but she was not picking his call's.. He thought may be she slept..

He also slept smilingly..

Next morning sun rises

Avni is getting ready to go for college..
In downstairs everyone is busy in talking about avni's marriage preparation and ladies were making breakfast...

Aman:dadi it will be a grand wedding for our avuu....

Dw:yes beta,it should be...

Ashish:ma we have to go early..Today there are two imp meetings..

Ketan:ohh yes bhai i forgot it..Come let's  go..

Neela:oyee excuseme.. Atleast eat something..

Ketan:no bhabi plzz we want to go fast

Ashish:we will have it from any restuarent..


Aman:ma dadi i am also leaving

They noded..

Roshni came there.....

Aman side hugged her and went to office...

Avni came downstairs and eat breakfast then she went....Ali drop her in college...

Avni came to college..Her frnds hugged her....but juhi was not there..

Avni:where is juhi?

Sunheri:dont know avu..I think she was absant today

Avni :ohh

Then they moved to the class and it is the time for interval...

Nupu did something naughty and it was caught by sunheri and bhavya..( They chase her... Avni laughed at their state and asked loudly to them..
Avni:guys, i am going to canteen..After your chasing come there ok*tell them loudly to hear them*

Sunheri:avu you go.. We will be there after finishing this stupid...*replied loudly*

Avni laughed and was about to enter canteen...She heard a familiar voice...

Avni look here and there to know who's sound...Suddenly she heard someone calling her..


Avni turned and shocked to see the person like this....


She saw juhi standing there with her dress are torned and her cheeks have some marks of someone palm.Which means someone slap her...And blood was oozing from her arms..Avni went to her and hugged her tightly..

Avni:ju ju....Juhi....What happend to y...You? Your dress......I mean.....What?

Juhi hugged her and cried badly..... *fake cry* she smirk evily by lying on avni's shoulder...

Juhi:avni some one try to attack me....when i was coming to college i saw a man was kidnapping a child.I ran to help her but they attack me and they were standing there with that child...Avni  come we need to help that child....Othervise they will kill her....

Avni shocked.

Avni:but juhi....How we alone...Come just inform this to princi...

Juhi:no avni there is no time.. What if they kidnapp the child and beet her badly or what if they try to....Oh god... I am going to help her.....

She turned to go but suddenly stopped hearing avni's sound..

Avni:wait juhi i will come with you..

Juhi smirk and changed her expression into sad face and noded..They both ran to the back of the college and there was a van parking...

Juhi:avni they are in that van...

Avni:but juhi no one is here....

Juhi wipes her fake tears and laughed...Avni become confused..

Juhi:oh my friend..There is no one, right..Then come we can find them.Come get into the van

Avni:what are you saying juhi...I am going to class....

She turned to go but juhi hold her hand

Juhi:you cant go anywhere without my permission...Understand..

Avni become shocked coz of the change of juhi's behaviour.

Avni:juhi..Why are you behaving like this?

Juhi:you get to know it soon...

Avni pushed her and was about to run.But someone hit her with a rod..Avni fainted and they take her to the van...

Here avni's friends were looking  her in canteen....

Nupu:where is avuu?

Sunheri:maybe she went to class..

Bavya:come let's go.

They went to class but didnt find avni..
Nupu asked their classmates

Nupu:guys did you saw avni?

One of their class mate:nupu i saw avni going to back of college with a girl..I didnt saw the girl's face....i only saw avni...

They ran to back of college but avni was not there...

Bhavya:avuu is not here which means..

Nupu:she is missing....*crying*

Sunheri:nupu,bhavu come we want to inform this to princi..

They turned and saw rudy there...

Rudy:what happend guys why are you crying?

Bhavya:rudra avu is missing..

Rudy shocked and asked..


Sunheri:we dont know.

Rudy:come let's inform this to princi..

They all noded and ran to princi room..Rudy's frnds also went with them...Rudy called neil to say this...

Otherside in neil's cabin..

Neil was unaware of his lifelines state..
He was resting his head on table and his eyes were closed.... Meanwhile manik came there..he saw neil...

Manik caress neil 's hair..neil get up and looked at him them smiled faintly

Manik:what happend?

Neil:nothing bhai..But i am not feeling good..It is not about health..I am totally feeling tired..my mind is saying something is going to happen..Something bad is going to happen....

Manik:there is nothing like that neil.You are overthinking...I have an idea..Just call your lifeline, then you will feel very very very much good and peace*teasingly*

Neil smiled hearing his lifeline..

Neil:yes bhai she is my lifeline...Do you know now i cant live without her.. I just want to keep her in my embrance very soon as possible..I cant wait more bhai...It is already very late,right..

Manik smiled and say:i know neil how much you love her and i can see your love for her in your eyes..Maintain this throughout your life.Never live her at any cost..and for your kind information never made her cry then the consequences will be very very very bad..You understand..

Neil smiled and hugged him..Manik also hugged him back and om came at that time and saw them hugging..
He ran to them and hugg him. They both hugged them too....they shared a lovely brother hugg..

They break the hug and manik say

Manik:now be our good tillu and call your tilli😉😉

They laughed and neil was about to ca her but suddenly rudy called him.

Neil smiled seeing caller Id and say

Neil:look naughty khanna is calling.

Neil attend the call...

Neil:hello rudy..


Neil got worried :rudy you ok?

Rudy:bhai avu bhabi missing..

Neil become shocked and numb.His eyes became teary and his heartbeat become low...He stood there numb..
He composed himself.

Neil :what are you saying rudy..Ho..How..Ca..Can..It... Poss..No..Never*angrily*

Manik and om shocked seeing neil..
They look at each other and looked at him.

Rudy:bhai we searched her in whole college and a girl says that she saw her going with a girl to back of the college.But she never return back..

Neil eyes become red and his hands shivers.. Manik take the phone from him and asked rudy.. He explained everything....Their eyes also filled with tears..neil move backwards and he hold his head with his hand..Tears were flowing uncontrolably from his eyes..His whole face become red due to cry and anger...He hit his hand on the glass table and it broke into pieces..He throw and broke everything in the table..om and manik shocked to the core seeing neil 's condition and they also try to compose him. But they never successed..At last neil sit on the floor with a thud and cried.... Manik and om look at him heplessely...

Precap:flashback 😦😦

It'all for today..

How is it?

Avni is kidnapped.Will neil save her?

What is the reason behind this?

An important note too....I published my new book JOUNEY TO HER EISH.Actually that story got deleted, but i again wrote it.Plzz try to check it...If you dont like it i will surely delete that one.

Plzz ignore mistakes.

Much love

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