my hubby😘😘

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Suddently avni got a message from neil.

Hey love,

You know what, you are looking very much beautiful.

Avni become shocked and looked here and there to find neil.

Dont look for me baby..I m not there.But i know how you are looking and one more thing...Surprises are not yet finished.Be ready my sweetheart...i love you my jaan.

Yours neil.

Avni blushed and smiled.

Avni : you gave me everything which i it's my turn neil.Today i will confess my feelings to you.

Avni smiled and looked herself in mirror.

She is looking very beautifull in that white gown. Her hairs were open. She only did minimum make up.(we all know our baby is natural beauty)

Her neck become more beautiful not only coz of the diamond necklace but also coz of her mangalsutra.

She kissed it and filled her hairline with vermillion.

In downstairs everyone were ready and waiting for the newly wedded couple.

Bebe : anika is avni ready?

Anika:yup bebe.

At the same time suman and mitali came there smirking.

Mitali :bebe how i m looking?

Bebe smiled fakely

Bebe:you are looking beaitifull (whispers) like a chipkali.

Mitali :what bebe...


Suman: neil has no luck to be my daughter's husband..

Anika:yup aunty neil is not lucky...He is the most luckiest one in the world to get a beautifull wife like avni....

Suman made an annoying face.

Swetha:bebe i m going to call avni..

Avni : i am here mummy.

At the same time neil also came there

Neil's look

He get mermerised by her beauty.He just fogot blink his eyes.He was only looking at her with a wide smile.All khanna's get amazed seeing avni..But they get confused by seeing her in white gown... Anika explained the situation.....

Swetha:my baccha is looking so beautifull..Rights bebe

Bebe: yes really like a fairy

Avni smiled and took their blessings.

Mitali and suman get shocked seeing avni in other gown and also get amazedby her beauty..Mitali become jelous and rushes from there.

Avni noticed neil looking at her. She blushed and lowered her eyes.

Prakash : come let's go..Mehta's are waiting for us.

They went leaving avniel alone.Avni looked down feeling shy... Neil smirked and came forward..Avni stepped back.soon she became sandwhich between neil and pillar.He caged her by blocking his both hands on either side of her.

Neil looked at her deeply.

Neil said huskily : you are looking drop dead gorgeous my wifey...

Avni's cheeks become red in his statement.

Neil kissed her cheeks. Avni closed her eyes.

Neil:open your eyes baby.

Avni opened her eyes.

Neil:come let's go everyone will be waiting for us.

Avni noded and both went to reception hall.

Reception is held in khanna conventional hall.

Avniel came there and they were surrounded by media.Neil get down from car and forward his hand to avni.. Avni hold his hand and get down from the car..he hold her protectively and went inside.Body guards blocked the media's...

Avniel entered to the hall and everyone's attention fall on them.Avni was looking down...Neil notice this. He cups her face.

Neil:you dont want to be nervous..i will make sure that media's will not disturb you.

Avni smiled and noded..

Neil :so your second surprise is here..

Avni frowned..Suddently all lights went on..Avni get surprised by seeing the hall

Avni looked around and she smiled with teary eyes. Neil also smiled looking at her..

Neil hold her by waist and hugged her

Neil:how is it?

Avni :thank you so much neill.. I loved it.. You are the best..

Neil:this is for my princess.... my princess wish...

Avni:thank you my prince charming..

Neil hugged her tightly and they walked towards the stage.

Function started... Every boys were drooling over avni and was only looking at her..Girls were looking at neil who is looking dashing and hot in white suit and shirt..

All started chit chatting..Avni saw her family and she went to them leaving neil's hand..This affect neil and he looked at her..She happily went to them and hugged ashish..Neil tighten his fist.

Avni :papa i missed you...

Ashish:i missed u too my princess is looking beautifull

Avni then went to aman and hugged him tightly..he kissed her forehead..

Avni: i love you bhai...

Aman:i love you too...

Neil gritted his teeth.

Neil in mind:how can she?That means avni loves them more than me..

His eyes get teary and red..Everyone was busy so no one noticed him.He went from there.

After sometime avni noticed that neil was not there..Avni excused from there and went to find him.

She searched for him everywhere..She went to backyard and find him sitting on the bench of the garden....His back was facing her.She signs in relief and thinks something..

Avni in mind: this is the best chance.Now i want to say to him how much i love him.

She smiles and slowly went to him.

Neil was holding his head in his palm.His eyes were red due to anger and sad.

Neil in mind:no..I will not let anyone to snatch my avni from me...she is mine only mine..

Suddently she felt a hand on his shoulder.He turned and saw avni standing there with a beautifull smile..Suddently her smile vanished seeing neil's condition..avni get panic and she sit beside him and cups his face.

Avni:neil what happened..Why are you looking so pale..Did u cried?

Neil try to hide his emotion.

Neil:no....Nothing like that avni..i had a headache so i thought to relax for a while.

Avni touches his forehead..

Avni:neil are u ok? Do u want to take rest?

Neil smiled seeing her care towards him.

Neil:i m perfectly ok my love..and what are you doing here..I mean u was with your bhai na..

He said the last line being upset..

Avni:i didnt saw you there so i was searching you..

Neil :ohh...

There was a complete silence between them...cold breeze were bringing the beautifull fragrance of fresh flowers...One soul is confused coz of her heart and other soul is confused coz of his mind...

Avni thought to break the silence.. She stand up and sat infront of neil..Neil looked at her..She hold his both hand

Avni: i love you neil.... I love you so much...and i m sorry coz i know you want to hear these three magical words from my mouth but i didnt said it...I was nervous and i was shy neil...But now i know you are my husband,my better half...I dont know how you get know my wishes and i dont want to know.... thank you for coming in my life...i got my prince charming... My are the best husband in the world..I love u hubby..

She said and kissed his hands..Neil happiness was on peak..His eyes filled with fresh tears of happiness..He made her stand and hugged her tightly as he can.she also hugged him tigtly..

Neil:i love you too avni..I love u too...

He then lift her up a little to match their height and he kissed her forehead and press his lips on her eyes for a long time...Both of them were happy and enjoying there moment..

After sometime avni broke the hug and said.

Avni:neil come let's go to inside..Everyone will searching us.

Neil:let it be..But please stay like this for somemore time.

Avni:we have our entire life to hug.. Now plz come..

Neil:but this moment is special naa...


Neil:ok ok madam..Come let's go..

Neil in mind:avni loves me more..Yes.... My jaan loves me more than anyone..And i will love her more than everyone.She is mine...Yes she is only mine...I won't share you with anyone..

Avniel came inside and everyone teases them.

After sometime function started. Avniel cut the cake and feed each other

They poses for so many pics...After media conference all retired to their home..

Precap:jelous neil

Fast update.....

Hope you all liked it

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Forgive mistakes....

Much love

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