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Holla guys

After a long time...Sorry for late..
Plzz ignore mistakes...enjoy reading..

Avniel were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace. Neil's sleep was disturbed by a phone call..He stretched his one hand to take the phone which is on the side table.With other hand he held avni tightly as he dont want to disturb her sleep.

Neil : hello

P.A : sir today you have a meeting with Raj industries..They asked about the time..

Neil : ohh ok and tell them we can held the meeting at 11 am.

P.A : ok sir.

Neil cut the call and looked at his left side and found that avni is sleeping with her head on his chest, her legs tangled with his legs and she is tightly clutching his t - shirt in her tiny fist. Her face looks more uber cute with a small pout. He slightly turned towards her kissed on her forehead, then her both eyes and he kissed her cheeks.. He pressed his lips on her cheeks for a long time..

She stirred in sleep and her beauty sleep get disturbed by neil's action. A cute frown formed on her forehead. But she didnt opened her eyes. Neil chuckled and continued his ministration like kissing her eyes and cheeks.. Avni turned to other side. Neil giggles and held her waist..

Avni in sleep : plzz neil let me sleep..

Neil : noiii... *kissing her cheeks from behind*

Avni : please neiluuu...

She opened her eyed and pouted sadly.. Neil leaned towards her ears  and whispers..

Neil : the way you make me loose my control with your cute pout is my favourite... * he whispers huskily*

Avni smiles and blushes.. She turned towards him and hugged him tightly.. He kissed her hairs..

Avni : good morning hubby

Neil : good morning my love..

Avni : now leave me i have to get ready and you too want to go to office..

Neil : first give me my morning dose..

Avni get confused.. Neil smiles and point towards his cheeks..Avni blushes and kissed his cheeks..

Neil : i love you baby..

Avni : i love you too...Now leave me

Neil smiles and left her.She went to get ready and went downstairs.

After breakfast all get ready and went for work. Avni & rudy went to college.Rudy went to college by his bike and neil drop avni in college.

Neil : baby take care of yourself ok.And yeah call driver for returning to home.

Avni : ok sir i will be..And you too take care and eat lunch on time..

Neil smiled and kissed her forehead.

Neil : i love you avni

Avni : i love you too and bye..

Avni went to college and neil left to office.

In college

Avni came to class and meet her friends. When avni was walking through corridoor, she bumped with someone and she was about to fall but soneone hold her protectively by her arms.Avni closed her eyes being scared but suddently opened her eyes not sensing any pain.

She opened her eyes and saw a boy holding her hand.She signed in relief and looked at the boy.He released herself from his hold.

Avni : vo sorry i didnt saw you..

Boy : it's ok

Avni : and thank you for saving me.

Boy : you are most welcome btw i am karan.

Avni : hii karan.I am avni.. Avni niel khanna.

Karan : ohh so you are married.. Let me tell you it is too early..

Avni frowned

Avni : ok bye i have to go.

When avni was about to go,karan stopped her

Karan: ah avni plzz can you help me,i mean i am new i dont know anyone except you.

Avni : ok so what you want?

Karan : this is my class *he showed his admission slip *

Avni : oh so that's your class.

She showed his class.He thanked her and went from there.

This whole scene was seen by avni's bodyguards.They captured this and send it to neil.

In neil 's office he is busy with meeting.So he cant able to check his phone.

After meeting he came to his cabin and sat on his chair.He rested his head and closed his eyes.Suddently his P.A knock the door.He asked him to come.

P.A: sir soneone is here to meet you and he have appoinment also.So can i let his inside.

He get frustrated and noded his head positively.His P.A noded and left.

A tall man entered to neil 's cabin with a smirk on his face.Neil was back facing him.

Man : Good afternoon neil khanna.

Neil turned and shocked to see him there

Neil : sameer?

Sameer khan

He was in neil's college when he was in U.S.His father was a bussiness man but his main bussiness was drugs. Sameer used to misbehave with girls .He is very rude. He is completely a bad boy.He dont know what is kindness.Sameer is involved in many cases, but till now he didnt get arrested coz of political influence.Now he want to take revenge from neil..

Sameer : so you didnt forgot me right?

Neil : what the hell you are doing here
* he roared*

Sameer : cool down mr.Khanna.I will answer your every questions.Ok first one why i am here,i am here to destroy you.To make your life like a hell.I will snatch your everything your company,your family everything..

He said this with angry eyes.Neil jerked his chair and got up angrily.He came infront of sameer and said

Neil : then you will suffer a lot in future mr.Sameer khan.

Sameer laughed evily and stand up.

Sameer : i already suffered a lot coz of you, now it's your turn mr.Neil khanna.

Neil came infront of him and sat on the table with attittude.

Neil : I am still the same Neil Khanna.

Sameer : let's see

He left from there.Neil get up from the table.

Neil inmind : i know why you are here but sameer you cant even touch me or my family.If you dare to do it then i will not leave you this time.

He took his phone and saw msges from avni's body guards..Neil opened it and saw the picture.His blood boils and he get angry. He called the bodyguard.

Neil : who is he and why he is holding my avni? How dare he to touch my wife?

Bodyguard get scared and he stammers

Bg : vo..sir actually he asked a help from mam and when mam was about to fall that boy... boy....

Neil : boy what you damn it

Bg : boy.. ho.. held mam

Neil throw his phone on the couch

He hold his hair in his fist.

Otherside avni came back to from college and after getting fresh nd up, she spend sometime with family and went to her room.She called neil.Neil picked it.

Avni : hello neil

Neil get a peacefull relief after hearing her sound. He smiled

Neil: hello baby,when did you reached?

Avni : one and half hour before.Did you had your lunch?

Neil : yes baby.. Did you eat something?

Avni : yes hubby..when you will come back.. I am missing you*she pouted*

Neil smiled

Neil : i will try to come soon my love..Ok bye.. Go and take some rest..

Avni : ok neiluu...I love you

Neil : but i love you more..

Avni giggles and they ended their call.

Neil in mind : avni is mine.. Only mine..i know she loves me the most but still i am scared, if i lose her.No never..She will never leave me..but i have to keep an eye on that boy.

Neil signed and called his body guards

Avni in mind : neil loves me soo much..he always cares me..I always dreamed about my i got my prince... He is really a gem..My man..My love..

She smiled and kissed his pic which was on her phone.

Sameer came back to his home and he was thinking about neil and his words...his goon came there

Goon : sir we got the picture of neil khanna's wife..

He handover him a picture of avni..

Sameer's eyes popped out seeing avni's pic.He caressed her pic.

Sameer : she is extremely beautifull..

Looking at her picture lustfully.

Goon : sir her name is avni neil khanna.

Sameer : everything own by him only..Luxurious life,fame and this pretty girl too..Now who will save your wife from me mr.khanna?

He laughed...

Precap : 🤔🤔🤔

So here is the update..I hope you all enjoyed it

And thank you so much for your lovely support..

Love you all

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