Where are you?

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Sometimes I wonder who my dad is. Where I get my love for old movies from. Who I got my golden hair from. Where my blue eyes come from. How I can dance so well. Why he didn't want me.

I woke up to my Tonys voice, telling me he had news. It was only me, my earth dad, Vision,Scar and Rohdey. Nat was at some conference a few days ago and should be here in a few hours. It is really quite. If Thor was here I would definitely feel better. I got up and changed into...

I walked in the kitchen and gave my earth dad a peck on the head before sitting next to him. I took the syrup from his hands and squeezed onto my pancakes. Getting it on my hands during the process.
" Okay so, Auntie Nat should be back soon. You should know that her conference didn't go well because a bomb went off. The old king of Wakanda has sadly died now, leaving his son T'challa in line for the throne. Anyway from all his anger, he has got Bucky and Cap in our hands. And I think you should talk to them."
I take a giant breath concidering the choice. I look up at my father nodding in agreement. It could possibly prevent a war. I smile at him while he punches his hand up in the air.
" You better not become a cocky shit when we see them." As I leave I make a flower and hand it to him.

I walk into the compound with a smiling face. I cant wait to see Cap. I want to tell him about how I can creat a giant vine and rows of trees in seconds. When he sees me, he suddenly smiles opening his arms for my embrace. I run into him giving a tight hug.
We sit infrount of him trying to make him sign the paper. But being Cap, he doesn't give up. We carry on trying till we hear an alarm. Out of fear a little spark escapes my hands. Cap and Tony tell me to stay here as they go look, I see the cameras showing Buckys face appear.
Oh hell to the nah.
I let my hands start to slowly grow with fire. When I see Bucky, I slowly place my headphones into my ears playing a song...


As I walk over to Bucky I throw a few punches on each beat. Then I spin and duck as he trys a few punches. I wrapp vines around his legs and pull them so he falls. I make a few leg movements trpping him in fire. But as I turn he jumps over the wall and knocks me down, making me wack my head on the floor.My vision goes blurry.

When I wake up, I see my dad at the foot of my bed with a worried expression. I quickly grab my neckless to check it was there and tapped Tonys shoulder. He instantly hugs me. I hug him back, while listening to what happened with Cap,Bucky and Falcon leaving. He also told me that he had another plan.
" I will definitely need you for this plan. So we gotta get going..." He smiled at his plan.
" Where are we going?" I was so confused.

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