That Guy Is Cute....

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Andrew's POV:
I walked into the bus, I noticed the stares of other people, I shivered a bit, because the staring was making it awkward, I have social anxiety, and I don't like when people look at me much, it makes it hard to make friends,
I find my seat on the bus, I pull my iPhone from my pocket of my school pants, and I put my earphones in my ears as I plug in the cord to my iPhone, I then play some anime songs, like Lucky Star OP full, i loved the song, the singing sounded cute, I then also check on my daily social media apps, Instagram, Tumblr, Wattpad, and I then message some of my online friends about me going to school, one of them answered and said "have fun at school! :3" I replied back with "haha, yeah hopefully :3!" And then I go check on my tumblr and wattpad, I smiled lightly, as I lay my head back on the seat and listen to the music, as the song ends, I play the song "pretty little psycho nightcore" I then hum the lyrics of the song quietly,
A few minutes went by, the bus beeped, and then beeped repetitively, because I didn't hear it, I then snap out of my song trance I'm in, and I quickly turn off my iPhone and put it back In my pocket, and I tied my earphones back together and slipped them in my pocket also, I got a bit frightened due to the death stare of the teenage kids, they were pissed off because I was late, I then speed walked out of the bus, and then I ran to class because I was late, then I bumped into a teenage boy, who looked around 6"0 maybe, I'm not sure, I'm 5"10 or something, I gotta admit.... That guy is cute.......
(Hope you liked this chapter! And yes Andrew bumped into Tom! Ehehe, stay tuned for other chapters on the way :3!!)

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