Part Fifteen

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Part 15-

Avni was at a loss. She wasnt sure what had made her pick up the phone and call Diana, she wasnt sure why she now sat in her office after three years sobbing her heart out.
"I want to hate him, hate him for all he's done but I can't" her voice broke
"I want to hurt him like he hurt me, but everytime I look at him, I just miss him"
Diana passed Avni her phone "Three years ago Neil called me, he left a voicemail and I never deleted it incase a day like this ever came"

Her hand shook as she pressed the play button, "Diana, Diana I dont know what to do, she's gone, my Avni left me, I wasnt enough, i've looked everywhere, please help me fix this, I love her, I cant live without her, no, no I can't" Avni heard the rustling then a sob before the phone beeped
Diana put her hand over Avni's "In all my years of doing this, I have never seen a husband look at his wife, the way Neil looks at you" her Irish accent was thick as she patted Avni's hand
"I dont think he did cheat on you again, all relationships have issues, and they can all be overcome"


Avni stood at her printer in her office. She had worked hard for three years, non-stop to get to this place in her life. She was proud of herself and happy where she was but what was a life of luxury if you lived it alone.
The loneliness she felt had covered her, almost suffocating, almost freeing, wrapping her in a cold embrace she wasnt sure how to get out of.
The printer buzzed and Avni lifted the glossy paper out, it was the only picture of herself and Neil she had kept

The only one she couldnt bare to part with. She remembered the day as if it was yesterday, Neil had caught her on a very bad morning, he had sang to her until she smiled then held her close until she told him what was bothering her. It was the first time she had professed her love to him, it had come as easy as breathing. Then he had clicked a picture with her, her eyes watered at the memory
"What are you looking at"

Avni hid the picture behind her back, looking at Neil
"What are you doing here"
"Avni, are you crying" he asked aghast
She sniffed wiping her tears "No, of course not"
She jumped as he cupped her cheeks "Dont be embarassed, I cry to"
"You do" she questioned, as if his answer could fix everything that was broken
"Every day, twice at night"
Avni removed the picture from behind her back and held it out to him

Neil smiled, "Lafzon se tu kar, khushi ko byaan, jo bhi hua sanam, use bhool ja,aa chal basale hum kahin apna jahan"
"You remember" asked Avni, the words hitting twice as hard, they fit to well with the current dilemma
"How could I ever forget" he kissed her forehead "Come back to me Avni, we could get away from here, we could start again, just you and me"
"But how can I trust you" she was torn, between her head and her heart

"I will earn your trust, whatever, we could just be" he sighed heavily, as if the next words would be painful "friends"
"I would like that"
The smile on Neil's face took her breath away
He hugged her tightly "God I love you"
"Neil, Neil were just meant to be friends"
He pulled away sheepishly and looked away
"Sorry, its so easy to forget with you"
"What do you mean by that"
"Well, you're the only love I have known, when I see you I just want to act like you're my wife again, its hard to go from that to friends, when every heart beat of mine beats for you, thats not something you can change"

Clearing his throat he stepped back "Anyway" he outstretched his hand "friends"?
Avni knew the moment she shook his hand everything would change, they would no longer be lovers with a past, just friends, a fresh start where anything could happen, any one could step in between, but what will be will be so she decided to take a chance
Shaking his hand she looked up at him "friends"


It was the next morning and Avni had agreed to go to lunch with Neil, as friends of course.
Zafar had wished her luck and sent her on her way
Avni sat down at the table across from Neil and offered him a smile
"I ordered us both breakfast, I hope you dont mind"
"Of course not, thank you"
His hand stretched across the table to take hers, then clenching his hand he moved it away

"Hey, im really sorry to interrupt, but me and my friend were just debating if you guys were together or not, I think you are, she says you aren't" the girl asked
Neil looked over at Avni who chose to look away
"So, are you single and if so can my friend have your number" the girl continued to pester
Avni looked over at the girl, she was preety, a nice smile and very nice eyes.

"Um its complicated right now, I am single, I just have my eye on someone else"
Avni grimaced, another woman perhaps?
She looked over at Neil who offered her a knowing smile
The girl smiled "Its her isnt it, I can see it in your eyes"
Neil nodded "Youre very intuitive"
Avni blushed, happy that Neil was still interested in her
They ate breakfast silently after that

After paying the bill, they got up to leave, stopping at Avni's car
He stood very close to her, looking down at her lips
"I dont suppose friends give kisses goodbye" he asked hopefully
Avni pressed a kiss to his cheek and then stepped back
"Have a good day Neil" as she got in her car and drove away Neil fell back against his own car
Avni would surely be the death of him!

In love with the new/old naamkaran tune, the words seemed so fitting to this part so I included it, I hope you are all well!

Thank you for all the love you have given this story so far, im rubbish with words so I never know how to reply to all your lovely comments but I do appreciate them! Youre all amazing people, thank you so so much! I also dont feel as if I know my readers very well and I would like to, so if you have some time, tell me something about yourself!

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