Part Five

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Neil's POV-

I paced around restlessly, what was Avni doing, what man was she with? Was it Ali? It wasnt like any man could resist my Avni, she was beautiful, fearless and above all she had the biggest heart, I was a fool to ever take her for granted. My head was aching with the multiple assumptions, it was now 4:32am in the morning and she was still not back.

I looked up as I heard the door open, Avni walked in, bending down she slid her unstrapped shoes off, pulling her dress up, flicking her hair over her shoulder she sighed.
I walked forward standing infront of her, she slowly looked up
"Neil, I need to shower"
"No, first we talk"


Avni arrived at the club, hugging Ali she smiled, he pushed a shot across the bar counter and she took it greatfully, smiling she waited till he turned around and she poured it into the plant pot, alcohol wasnt her thing and she was a lightweight, she had one glass of wine the other day when she confronted Neil after the party and that had a major affect on her.
Closing her eyes tightly she pulled her hair down, walking to the dancefloor she danced around, a man put his hand on her hips, swaying with her

"Neil" she muttered, resting her head back
"Ill be anyone you want to be baby"
Avni closed her eyes, she couldnt imagine anyone so close but Neil, he rained kisses down her neck and turned her around
"Im sorry I can't do this" shoving him away she waved at Ali and ran out of the club


Neil's POV-

"No, first we talk"
Avni rolled her eyes, clearly she felt like being irritating tonight, and that wasn't a good idea
"Talk about what Neil" she asked innocently
"Who was he" I could feel my body shake with the anger brewing inside of me
"Why does that matter"

I wasnt sure what had came over me, but I wanted to remove all trace of this man's touch on her body, I shoved her against the wall, she raised her arms trying to shove me away but I held onto them with one hand, my other hand holding her chin, stopping her from moving, pressing my lips against hers roughly, I heard her moans of protest against my lips

Pulling back, I saw the fear in her eyes
"What are you gonna do next huh, force yourself on me"
Like I had been burnt I dropped her hands, and stood back, I wasnt thinking I knew that, the only thing I could think about was another man with my wife
"Im sorry, I didnt mean to"
She shoved past me and stormed into the kitchen, throwing water on her face she grabbed a glass and filled it up


Avni's POV-

"How can you even be jealous, how can you be mad at me after what you did" I asked, genuinely wanting to understand him.
"Cant you just drop it Avni, its in the past, when are you ever going to move forward"
Without thinking I threw the water in my glass at him, his eyes shut, then opened quickly, glaring at me

He walked forward, grabbing my shoulders he stopped "why cant we just move forward Avni, im trying my best"
He shook me lightly, I raised my hand, slapping him across the face, my fists pummeling his chest
"I loved you, I adored you, I was devoted to you, how dare you act like this is something I can just move on from"

As if realising the weight of my words, he stopped, looking back at me "loved me, does that mean you dont love me anymore"
I looked away, unable to remain eye contact with him
He walked forward, backing me into the side, raising my chin
"Come on Avni, tell me, look me in the eye and tell me you dont love me anymore"

I wanted to hurt him as he did me, I wanted nothing more than to break his heart like he had broke mine
I smiled "Im not you Neil, when I love, I love for a life time, I dont fall out of love at the drop of a hat, but if you want to know if I love you, then ask yourself"
He inhaled deeply, his eyes watery "No, no you dont"

I could feel my vision going blurry as he stepped away and turned around, no longer facing me, my heart was racing, I grabbed onto the side tightly, I could hear Neil talking to me, but couldn't make out the words, I felt my body weaken and I fell forward, I looked up, my eyes closing


Avni and Neil had been at the hospital for 3 hours now, Neil waited outside the room, tapping his foot, the doctor asked to speak to Avni alone, leaving Neil feeling even more helpless

Dr Khan shook her head "Mrs Khanna, I am so sorry"
Avni flinched "Sorry, sorry for what"
"You've suffered a miscarriage, its common in women who have gone through heavy amounts of stress"
"I, I was pregnant" Avni asked
Dr Khan nodded "Yes 8 weeks around about"

Avni turned around, lying on her side, it was the night before her and Neil had broken up, she felt sick
"Shall I send your husband in"
"No, I want to be alone"
Dr Khan nodded and walked out of the room
Neil went to walk in but she stretched out her arm
"Im sorry Mr Khanna, she doesnt want to see you"

"What do you mean she doesnt want to see me"
Then he nodded, he couldnt blame her fkr not wanting to be around him
"Whats wrong with her, I mean will she be okay"
Dr Khan looked back at Avni and then nodded "In time, yes"
Neil frowned but nodded, sitting outside he put his head in his hands

Avni allowed the tears to fall, she knew exactly why she had lost this baby, it was the stress. She had been eating healthily, had no issues with her body and in the last 3 months had indulged in just one glass of wine, she wondered when this pain would end


Neil's POV-

I stood infront of Avni who sat up in bed
"You wanted to talk to me"
She nodded and pointed to the chair, so I sat down
"Theres no easy way to say this, but I"
She looked away, her eyes teary
Composing herself she looked back at me

"I passed out because I was going through a miscarriage"
I jumped up "You were pregnant and you didnt tell me"
She shook her head "I didnt know, I thought the changes in my body was stress, I was as clueless as you"
Then it hit me, making me fall back into my chair

"You lost the baby because of me didnt you"
Her eyes widened "It was stress I"
I shook my head "Im sorry, I have to go"
I stormed out as fast as I could, not expecting her to follow me outside
"Neil" she cried, I wasnt thinking about how much she needed my support right now, instead I was being selfish, thinking of my own needs

I opened my arms, she walked slowly to me, wrapping her arms under mine she gripped my shoulders and sobbed
I stroked her hair, closing my eyes, it was the first time she had hugged me back, "I want to say goodbye" she whispered
I nodded, anything to help ease her pain

"Im so sorry for this Avni, its all my fault"
She remained silent, "Things happen that arent in our control, now isnt the time to place blame"
"How can you be so good to me"
"Because this is both of our losses and right now we cant think of us "


Avni and I stood, finally able to go home, we had arrived about 30 minutes ago.
She wiped away a tear as I lit the candle and held her hand tightly.
She sighed heavily and bit her lip
"Ive always wanted a little boy, one that was just like you" she whispered, her voice cracking

"Ive always wanted a little girl like you" I replied, she looked up at me as if in shock
I nodded
"Why has this been so hard, love isnt meant to be this hard"
I nodded "Love is a bed of roses, but those roses have thorns, and I know, I know I cant make this right, no matter what I do, once broken, the cracks will always show "

"What are you trying to say" she asked
"Im saying, maybe we need to do the right thing"
"Whats the right thing Neil"
I didnt even want to utter the words, surprisingly someone beat me to it
"Because if you love her, sometimes you have to let her go, there's a difference between love and selfishness"

We turned to face my mother, her eyes glowing with anger and unshed tears
She stepped closer and cupped Avni's face
"Neil told me everything, im so sorry"
"Ma I"
She shook her head "Dont say anything Avni, heres the divorce papers, all you need to do is sign them and you will be free"

Sorry for a sad update again, will Avni sign?
Will Neil fight for his love or do they need to be apart to fall in love again?
So many questions that even I dont have the answers to! Do let me know your thoughts

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