Chapter Eight

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*Sorry it's a short chapter! I'm painting my room and I don't get a ton of time to write so i'll try and get a new chapter soon*


Doctor's POV. . .

"Violet," I called, walking around the cave to the entrance. But she was gone. I couldn't find her. I looked inside the cave, everywhere. "Violet!" I cried, getting worried. I looked down to see a wooden object and a puddle of blood.

"Violet!!" No she couldn't be gone, she had to be here. I suddenly turned to see drag marks in the snow. My breathing became heavy as I became more worried. I couldn't have lost her! She was right here a second ago!

I quickly ran after the drag marks to see that they ended a few feet away, before they just disappered. I looked up now scared. "Violet!" I screamed, any hope of her hearing me gone.

After a hour of looking, I sadly went back to Randy's house. It was getting dark, and it would be too cold to keep searching. I walked into the kitchin to find Randy cooking his newly caught fish. "Where's Violet?" he asked, looking up at me. A confused look displayed on his face. I couldn't hide the worry in my voice. "I can't find her. I was gone for a minute. When I came back she was gone," I said, not wanting to give too much away. Randy shurged, "I'm sure she's fine," he said, cutting up carrots to go with his fish.

"Fine!" I yelled slamming my fist against the wall. "Do you know what fine is!? I'm gone for a minute and when I come back shes gone! All that's there is a wood, a pile of blood and drag marks! You tell me if shes fine!" I yelled, unable to control my anger. Even if my anger was mostly against myself.

Randy gave me an uncertain look. "Where did you get carrots?" I asked, new thoughts running through my head. "Carrots?" he asked. "The ocean is frozen, the ground is frozen. How did you manage to get fresh carrots, as if you have a garden out back. The grounds been frozen for six years," I said, walking up and finding tomatos and beans, all fresh. "How?" I asked. "We've found a way to grow fresh vegatables," he said. "But everyone i've seen has been straving," I said, giving him my own confessed look.

"Just forget about it. What about Violet?" he said, trying to change the conversation. "I'll go and look for her as soon as it's light," I said, walking out of the room and into the room that Violet and I shared. The room made me sad.

I was right there, I should have helped her. I was right there! I should have known, I could have been there! I was so angry with myself, that I let her be taken. But I couldn't do anything. All I could do was wait till morning then I could go back and try to find her.

It was hard to sleep that night. Violet's warmth was gone. I took a deep breath as I tossed and turned thinking of everything that had happened.

In the morning, I headed out to the cave as soon as it was light. Violet's blood had dried on the hard snow. I wasn't there five minutes before I heard strange sounds. I hid. Was this the creature that took Violet?

Within a minute a Dalek appeared. It was gray. I slowly moved through the snow as it went into the cave. Why was there a Dalek? It must have taken Violet! I was so sure, that when it started to move, that I followed it. I stayed pretty far behind so that it couldn't see me. Where was it going? I asked my self a million times.

I followed the Dalek for at least a mile before I felt something in my back. I turned around quickly to see that there was another Dalek. It's gun was pointed into my stomach now. "Doctor," it said, it's eye moving up to meet my gaze.

They knew I was following them all along. My eyes widen. How did they trick me? "Move Doctor," they said, moving and pushing me along.

I hoped deep down inside that they were taking me to where ever Violet was. I wanted answers and I was going to get answers.

Violet's POV. . .

My head hurt as I groaned, my eyes slowly opened. I quickly closed them as the room was too light for them at first. My head hurt so badly as memories came back to me. Standing in the cave, looking at the drawings when I was suddenly hit on the head. I heard someone walk into the room as my eyes flew open as I became nervous. Who was here? I asked.

My vision turned dark as a piece of dark fabric was placed over my eyes.

I could tell the person was a woman when she spoke. She only said two simple words.

"Hello Sweetie,"

*I hope you liked it! Please vote, message, comment and fan! Tell me what you think! :) *


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