Chapter Five

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*Hello! I know I haven't updated all week but I was hoping for more votes. I will update either on Friday or Saturday when I have it typed or if I get four votes. Thank you for everyone who has added the story or voted. I would LOVE to hear from you guys, I haven't got a message from anyone and I would love to, so I can know what you guys thing. Also what you think should happen because I haven't planned it out completely yet*

I looked out the TARDIS door, frowning. Standing about 50 yards away from me was. . .well me. Except I was seven years old. I remember this day perfectly. It was the day I became an outcast at my school.

I turned back to face the Doctor, "Make the TARDIS invisabile," I whispered to him, my words bearly audiable. I have always come to hate this day, I truly didn't want to witness it again. The Doctor stared at me, his forehead creased in a look of confusion but he did what I asked anyway.

I tood a deep breath, as we walked out of the TARDIS, I had changed into jeans and a blue shirt as the Doctor went back to his bowtie and tweed. The Doctor lightly grabbed my arm, "Violet?" he asked, stopped me. "Yes?" I asked, looking at his hand on my arm. He must have known what today was to bring me here. "What's wrong with this day? Why do you look so sad?" he asked, his eyes searching my face for the answer. "You'll see in a few minutes," I said, looking over at the younger version of me.

I was seven, with a TARDIS blue dress and black shoes. The younger me was glued to the ground with chalk as I drew out millionth TARDIS. I drew them every where. Homework, Tests, my diary, and on the sidewalk. I started to walk over to the playground that sat next to the school that I went to. But before the Doctor and I could get very far a teacher stopped us. It was my second grade teacher to be exact.

She was tall and very skinny. Mrs. Adams, was one of my favorite teachers. She would always listen to my stories about the Doctor, and not make fun of me. She wore beautiful dresses and always had her hair done up very nice. I smiled at her, but she of course didn't recognize me because the Violet she knew was seven.

"You can't go over there," she said, crossing her skinny arms over her chest. The Doctor took out Psychic Paper, one of my favorite tools of his and opened it up. "We are here to check in on a few schools to understand the different behaviors of children," he said, making it up as he went along.

Mrs. Adams nodded, falling for the papers magic powers. "Is there any student that seems different in any way?" he asked, taking a step closer to the thin woman as if to keep a secret.

She keep looking at the Doctor and I before contiuning, "There is one student," she said, unfolding her arms. "Who?" the Doctor asked. "Violet Williams," she said, quietly.

I had to keep my jaw from dropping. Me! This was my favorite teacher and she thought I was a nut! I was offended but I did my best to hide it. "How so?" asked the Doctor, who acted like she was going to say it. "She's the one over with the chalk," she said, pointing me out. "You see, Violet has an imaginary friend, but she's closer to this 'friend' than a kid her age should be. She calls him 'The Doctor'. She tells everyone how he travels through time and space saving people and how she met him but he had to go save the world, or something like that. She talks as if this person is real," she said, her eyes glued to the Doctor.

Great, now he knows how I felt about him at age seven. The Doctor nodded, going through all the information in his head. "She also draws this box on all her papers. It's always dark blue and she says it can travel through time. She calls it a 'TARDIS'," she said, looking back over at the younger me.

"That's intresting, I'll take note of that," he said, turning towards me. "What's your name by the way?" Mrs. Adams asked. "I'm John Smith and this is Annie Pond," he said, facing the teacher.

That's when it happened. I held my breath as I saw Billy Clark walk over and push little me to the ground. "What you drawing freak?" he asked, ripping the chalk out of my hands. He looked down at my TARDIS and laughed, "This stupid thing again! Face it weirdo, it's not real," he said, scuffing up my drawing. Little me stood up, tears in her eyes as she yelled, "The Doctor is real! You just watch! He's going to come and save me, just like he said!" The Doctor froze but then took a step forward as I grabbed his arm. His head snapped in my direction. I shook my head.

"The Doctor isn't real. You're a freak!" he yelled, as all the 'cool' kids joined around him chanting 'freak' at little me. Tears started pouring down her cheeks. "Where's your Doctor now!?" Billy asked/yelled at little me, as I turned and ran away from all the bullies. They never let me forget that moment.

The Doctor wanted to run after me, but I stopped him. He looked at me, sadness in his eyes as he lead me back to the TARDIS. "Why didn't you tell me about that?" he asked, shutting the door. "It wasn't important," I said, my eyes glued to the floor. "Wasn't important? Violet you acted like it was the hardest thing you had to watch," he said, coming closer to me. "That's the moment I became an outcast at my school. That's the moment when I questioned if you were really real or not," I said. This hurt him. He always thought that I believed in him, but this was the moment when I wondered if they were right.

"You told me you would come back and take me on these amazing adventures and you never came. I waited in the girls bathroom for an hour for you to come and save me," I said, the memory fresh in my mind. The fresh memory brought tears to my eyes. He just stared at me before he looked away. I closed my eyes, letting one silent tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. The Doctor's head shot up. "Tell you about what?" he asked. I knew it was probably unfair to put something on him so soon, but I had to know. It was bugging me since the Doctor first came back. "You know why i'm having the dreams," I said, taking a step back. He looked at me strange, but didn't comment. "Tell me," I said, walking closer to him. But he still didn't comment. "Please!" I yelled. "I want to know what's wrong with me! Is it so bad that you can't tell me!?" I yelled, waiting for an answer. The Doctor took a deep breath, "I'll tell you Violet but not now," he said, looking at the floor. "Why!?" I asked/yelled. But I never got an answer.

After a minute of him not saying anything I stormed of down a TARDIS hall way. I didn't want him to find me, I turned left, then another left, three rights and a left before finding a room to lay down in. I laid down, tears pouring down my face. Why couldn't I know what was wrong with me? Why I was having these dreams? I was sick of not knowing. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

But before I could fall asleep, I heard the door open and someone walk in and crawl into bed next to me, coving us with a blanket. I couldn't tell if it was real or a dream, I was so close to sleep but before I drifted away I felt a kiss on my forehead and the Doctor whisper "Goodnight, Violet."

*Thank you for reading! Four votes for next chapter and I hope that I can hear from you guys so I can know what you think and what you think should happen. Thank you very much! :) *

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