Chapter Twelve

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*Sorry it's taken so long. I was busy. But I have chapters 13 and 14 planned as well now. I hope you enjoy and I have another story in mind but I will finish this story before I start writing a new one. If you want to know about my new story then message me and I'll tell you. (It's not a Doctor Who fanfiction but I will of course write another fanfiction! I love writing about the Doctor! I hope you enjoy!*


I woke the next morning smiling. All the memories from yesterday coming back to me. I looked up to see the Doctor's face. I smiled wider seeing him. He was still asleep. I smiled to myself before kissing him gently. He streached his arm and wrapped me in it before kissing me gently back.

We broke apart smiling. "Good morning," I said, kissing his neck. "Good morning," he said, kissing my forehead. Then he sat up, putting his bow tie on. I frowned slightly. He looked at me before kissing my forehead again. "I have big plans for us today," he said, sliding his boots and tweed on.

I sat up, seeing that I was still in my starry dress from yesterday. "What are we doing today?" I asked, standing up. "You'll see," he said, running towards the console like a little kid. I smiled running after him.

He started pressing buttons, before pulling down the lever. We landed before he ran toward the door throwing it open. We stepped out to see my parents house. I looked at him to see him smiling. He grabbed my hand walking toward the door.

He knocked on the door, still holding my hand tightly. Mum opened the door to see a surprised look on her face before she took up both into her arms hugging us tightly. "Hey Mum," I said, smiling at her. I couldn't wait to tell her the great news. I was so excited to see how she would react. "Violet! How have you been?" she asked, still hugging me tight.

"Things are going great mum. But there's somthing I should tell you and dad," I said, holding the Doctor's hand tight. "Rory!" Mum called behind her, not wanting to leave the Doctor and I. I smiled as dad came up. He hugged me before saying "Yes," to mum. She didn't even look at him, her eyes were on me. It was like they haven't seen me in ages. "How long have I been gone?" I asked, my eyes filling with concern.

"It's been five years since we last saw you Violet," she said, her eyes frowning at the thought. "Five years?" I asked. I only saw them a week ago. Looking at them now, I could see that they had, in fact, aged. "Oh," I said, when mum nodded. She took me in her arm again, hugging me tighter. "So Lily's 15?" I asked. They nodded. "Lily!" mum called.

Lily came up to the door. She wore a light blue dress that went well with her red hair and brown eyes. She looked so much older, well of course she did. It had been five years since I saw her last. As I was only 2 or so months older from the last time she saw me. "Violet?" she asked, her eyes widening. "Hey sis," I said, tears filling in my eyes.

Her eyes suddenly became harsh. "Why did you leave!" she suddenly shouted at me. My heart jumped into my thoart. I didn't really think about her when I traveled. "Lily!" mum shot back. "What mum?! She left us!" Lily yelled at her. "Lily, thats what she is. She is a Time Lord like the Doctor. She belongs traveling with him," dad said, stepping between them. Lily stayed silent after that. She just shot me looks that made me feel horrible.

The Doctor gave my hand a little squezze. "So what was your news Violet?" mum asked, after taking a deep breath. I gave her a week smile before lifting my hand to show my parent the ring. Their eyes widened as they looked from my hand to the Doctor. Who just stood their smiling.

"Tell us everything!" mum yelled, happily at us. I smiled telling the whole story from the golden castle to the Doctor asking me. They smiled before mum said.

"We should have a wedding! A big white wedding!" "Amy, I already have a wife, Violet's my soul mate and that's what the ring stands for," the Doctor said. "What! He's already married! Violet's the other women! This is the man that you all said was so great and you want Violet to be with!" Lily yelled at us. "Lily!" Mum and I yelled at her. The Doctor smirked at mum and I both acting the same. "What!?" she yelled back at me. "Lily, I love the Doctor. He's the only one in this universe that understands me because he's like me. And I would appriate it if you wouldn't judge my choices!" I ended up yelling at her. She just stood there staring at me.

Mum turned back to me, trying to get by what had happened. "So we'll have a soul mate joining," she said, smiling. I looked at the Doctor to see that he looked unsure. He looked at me. "What do you think?" he said, kissing my forehead. "I've always wanted at wedding type thing," I told him, smiling at the thought of him waiting for me as dad gave me away. He smiled. "Ok then! Rory i'm going to need your help," he said, jumping up, clearly excited about it. I smiled watching his childish ways. "And mum, I'll need you," I said, standing up. "Shopping trip!" she yelled, grabbing her coat.

"Lily would you like to go?" I asked, quietly. She softly shook her head before walking into her room and slamming the door. I frowned. Mum patted my shoulders. "It'll be ok. Just give her time," she said, leading me out the front door.

Mum took me to my favorite mall and we tried on several dresses. But mostly it was about having fun and spending time with mum. I missed her while I was gone. "So why is Lily so upset with me?" I asked, when we were done shopping and headed out to the car. "She's mad that you never said good bye to her," she said, pulling out her keys. "She was asleep when I left," I said, remembering the day perfectically. "I know but she doesn't care," mum said, sighing.

"I'll make it up to her," I said, searching my mind for things to do to make it up to her.

When out of nowhere a man grabbed me back the arm forcefully.

*I hope you really liked it! Message me about the new story and i'll tell you about it. But I promise I will finish this story before I start another one. And there might be a squeal to this story but I'm not sure yet. I truly love Violet! Please vote, comment, message and fan! Thank you for over 900 reads and 70 votes! I appriate every one! :)*


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