Chapter 1 - part 2|| Luca Evans

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As I looked on at the group of baffoons, I scoffed at the piece of cloths that the majority of the girls called clothing. I'm pretty sure Kimberly was wearing a belt as a skirt.

Now I don't know it its just the fact that someone up their has a huge problem with me, or I just scoff louder than I think I do - but Kimberly herself had turned around on her scrawny heels, and her devious eyes had landed on mine.


Quickly looking down at the table, Victoria had noticed my unusual action and turned around to see just what I had turned away from.

She soon followed suit.

Gulping, the cafeteria had slowly began to quiet and I knew exactly why.

Plucking up the courage, I raised my head to see her standing directly in front of both Victoria and I. Hands on hips and lips pulled into a sickly smirk.

My eyes had flickered from her to her on and off again boyfriend Noah Samuels. The guy that every girl since the beginning of time had had a crush on. I've had a crush on him since he let me use his blue crayon in 3rd grade.

Is that weird?

"Well well well, if it isn't the 2 biggest freaks in school." Kimberly laughed bitterly. Though it wasn't remotely funny, everyone around her thought it was the funniest joke they had heard in their lives.

"Kim." Noah murmured in a bored tone. His eyes were glued to the side of her face, waiting for her to look at him.

Did he think she was going to turn around and say 'you're right Noah, maybe I should have a day off from tormenting the weak and innocent.'

Of course she wouldn't, we all know that.

"Kimberly." Victoria nodded shyly. She had looked at Victoria like she was something she scraped off at the bottom of her shoe, and I hated that I was too scared to say anything.

"Tell me, why do you guys even bother coming here? Like, don't you get the hint? No one likes you guys?" Her arm hooked around Noah's as if she was claiming him.

I always wondered what he was doing with a girl like Kimberly. He was super sweet and a nice guy, and she was a total bitch.

"Common Kimberly, let's just go" he muttered in a sigh once again.

Victoria had lowered her head even more upon hearing Kimberly's words and the laughs of people around us.

I couldn't help the shy smile on my lips, I didn't know if Noah had said that because he was trying to help or because he was truly just bored - either way I appreciated what he was trying to do.

A small twitch of his mouth was enough for me, but obviously was a huge hell no to Kimberly. Her eyes flickered between us both and scoffed out a bellow of a laugh.

"Now that's just adorable." She cooed. Bending over so she was more at my height level, the patronising smile was clear for everyone to see.

"Does the freak have a wittle crush?" She mocked.
Clenching my jaw, I made sure to not give any sign that her words were hurting me, my dad has always said that I had an amazing poker face.

Narrowing her eyes, she had straightened her back and grabbed hold of the back of Noah's head still staring me down. Bringing his face to hers, their lips had intwined and soon enough they were playing tonsil tennis in front of Victoria and I.

Just what I wanted to see after eating a hamburger and fries.

To say that none of this was effecting me would be a lie, but what else could I really do?

Breaking away from him, a dazed smile was on his face whilst a bitter one was on his.

"Doesn't look like he likes you back, Hun." This time Noah had softly chuckled.

Ouch, that hurt.

Running her hands through her golden hair, she let them drop onto her non existent hips.

"Girls like you don't get boyfriends, face it. Who's gonna want to be with a loser like you?" Que laugh of entire cafeteria.

"It just doesn't happen." Her words were sharp like a knife, leaving me feeling wounded as she turned around and began to walk away.

I should have just ignored her, just continue on eating, be the bigger person - but I was just so damn mad.

Standing from my seat, everyone looked at me as if I was being dragged to a psychiatric hospital screaming from the top of my lungs, even Victoria.

"Well your wrong! I do have a boyfriend." I shouted.

Stopping in her steps, Victoria whispered for me to sit down, but I ignored her once again.

Craving her neck to look at me with an amused expression, she shared a few glances between her friends before focusing her attention on me.

"Oh you do, do you? So what's his name?" She dared.

Don't do it Winter.

"His name... His name is Luca.-" don't you do it Winter. "Luca Evans"

What the hell have I just done.



Cause the book deserves it k

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