Chapter -11-the surprise

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Kristen's POV
I cant believe she's gone AGAIN I cant help but just scream at the guard who pulled me back, he say “its alright we'll get her back,chill” that's when I completely lose it


“but sir.... ”

“GET OUT!!!! ” I sit down and run my hand through my hair and stare at the computer  hoping to receive a call from her,its nearly her birthday and I just lost her.

Kalesy's POV
I was shoved in the back of a van and tied up with a rope and I arrived at a dark room with no windows I was locked inside and now here I am sitting on the floor of a damp cold cell, I pick up the tiny bag my Aunt gave to me and pick out my watch and the letter

I look at the watch and it says 1am I look at the date and see its my birthday I put the watch down gently and remove the floral envelope of the letter I take the letter out gently and read it

   To our precious Kalesy,
We wrote this letter to tell you how we probably died,we gave it to our most trusted friend to hand it to you on you eighteenth birthday,if we are dead by now its because someone probably killed us, i know you thought we were just boring librarians but our true job was really being Mafia bosses we are the head of the Major Mafia group i know it sounds weird but we knew we were going to die so we asked Megan our closest friend to train you how to fight and protect yourself, you are now of age to take up the responsibility,you are now the head Mafia boss, we built a house with an underground passage to your arsenal of weapons there is a note on the table with an address of a house of a man who will assemble all your guards and give you strategies of how to acquire all your wealth again,we hope you succeed.
                  your darling parents,
                        Mr and Mrs Lee

I cant believe what I just read tears roll down my cheeks and I have a feeling of shock and sadness all together, my aunt always told me my parents died from sickness now

I found out they weren't really librarians but Mafia bosses,and I am going to have to become one...  I sit there with my mouth open then the door to the cell opens and a man walks in and snatches the letter from my hand almost ripping it and drags me through  a dark hall and takes me to a room with his boss and ties me to the chair, he moves to stand by the door, his boss is sitting in a chair holding a knife and slowly turns around and faces me and says in a slowly dragging voice laced with evil

“Now you are my piece of bait which I'm going to use to lure your silly lover to give me what i want...... But there's one problem i cant communicate if i don't know how now listen here, i know you know his number so you will give it to me or........”

he moves the knife across my neck causing shivers to go down my back and a bit of blood drips down my neck causing my cheeks to redden by the rush of blood,

I slowly give him the number and he video calls and stands behind me, Kristen answers his eyes bloodshot and face pale he stares at the blood on my neck, then at the man behind me with disgust then the man speaks in his slow evil drawl

“you know what I want”

“what ” Kristen spits

“a gem for your gem”

Kristen remains in an agreeing silence,then the man talking says something unexpected

“it turns out you need this little gem in front of me more than you know......well let me tell you something Surprising this little harmless thing is the Mafia boss of the Major Mafia group”

,shock is in his eyes looking at me to assure him its not true I try to scream

“i didn't.......”

but the demon beside me put a gag in my mouth and the more I tried to scream the more it hurt tears were streaming down my cheeks and the video call went off the demon at my back gave an evil chuckle and left me in the dark.

Readers note the demon is referring to the man behind her and Kristen's eyes were bloodshot because.... You know he was crying cause he lost Kale soo sad😭😭😭😭😭.
BTW could do with some more ship names and votes and comments #MizzyBabbly.

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