Chapter 13-The Plan Awaits the Battle.

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Kalesy's POV
I thought I would be a bit relaxed since i got here but i hurt all over I've been training non stop since i got here,

and after all that i thought i would be allowed to rest but i was showered with a bucket of icy water, with a middled aged woman standing over me telling me to get downstairs and look at my Mafia suit i look at it and see all sorts of different weapons in the pockets,it looks like a ninja suit with leather everywhere I try it on and look in a mirror

then my eye lands on something in the middle of the room a piece of paper and on it is written

Love has its weird way

I look at it then my mind drifts to Kristen's confession tears form in my eyes but I push them back then I'm distracted by a voice yelling at me to get upstairs,

I get upstairs and the man in his fifties who's name I found out is Kel is holding his car keys and tells me we are going somewhere i need to see we walk out and get into the car and drive for what seems like an hour and reach a big grand house with a gravel driveway with dusty window panes and a big black door with gold handles i ask Kel where we are and he says

“its your house” 

I give a look that asks for approval to Kel and he laughs and says

“ its your house you can set fire to it if you want”

then i say

“oh then give me a matchstick and kerosene we'll watch this place burn ” I say in a serious tone and Kel's face stiffens

i laugh and walk into the building,big circular pillars hold up the ceiling and big chandeliers dangle everywhere in the room,i walk to the central room and i see another piece of paper on a table and it says

when two people have something to say

I add it to the one already in my pocket and walk up the stairs to check out the other rooms,I look at all the rooms and try to keep count,then I get to a huge room with cream wall and yellow walls with white furniture and in the middle of the room a piece of paper lies on a big black table,it looks like the last piece to the pieces of paper I found,I read it and add everything I found together

Love has its weird way when two people have something to say in the end Love is always right.

I look the papers and tears form in my eyes and i tell myself that I'll always keep these words in my heart no matter how old I am. I put the papers in my pocket and go downstairs ,regretting the day i will have to fight Kristen,its true love does have its weird way.

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