Chapter 8-The Anger Date

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Kristen's POV
I don't know what that idiot is doing with Kale but i don't like it,

I stand at the door and look in just to see if Kale has settled in and I see them standing hand in hand and Kale's cheeks are red which she only does with me....

is someone jealous....

No I am not jealous,I do the only thing reasonable
“Tres come here” ,

“I don't know what sick game you are playing but you better stay away from her”

“chill out man, I will, I was just getting to know her, I didn't know mi amigo has feelings for her”he says

It was my turn to redden up

“Yo, dude your face looks like a strawberry”he says

I roll my eyes and walk downstairs to the kitchen

I don't know why I have an idiot
for a best mate,

I go into the kitchen and Anne is helping herself to cupcakes I grab one and sit down and she cleans her mouth and says

“I was packing and I saw these dinner coupons at the restaurant down town for four,they expire tomorrow so lets go tonight”

I give her a quick nod and she goes to tell the others and get ready I finish my cupcake and do same.

Kalesy's POV
Anne comes rushing in after  Tres has left and tells me that we are going to have dinner tonight at a downtown restaurant

I moan and tell her I have nothing to wear and that just makes her smile bigger

She pulls me up and takes me to her room we look at different dresses for what seems like hours then she settles on a deep blue dress with designs up the front.

I go and change into the dress and Anne tells me to sit in front of a mirror,

She covers the mirror so I cant see what she's doing then she puts blood red lipstick on me and curls my hear into big curls and puts sapphire earrings on me and ends it with a tiny silver chain

When she's done she picks a pair of black heel boots and leads me to a big mirror

I look inside and my mouth drops “Anne this is.... ”

“Amazing i know”she says,

she runs inside and puts on a red and rather short dress with the same black heeled boots and ruby earring with a simple silver chain just like mine

She wears the same makeup as I do and says

“Now we look like proper BFF's, that's if you don't mind”

“I don't ,we look gorgeous”

She smiles and we walk down and we see that Kristen and Tres have done quite the same thing they look at us with their mouth open

Kristen walks up to me and Tres walks up to Anne they take our hand and lead us down the gravel to the cars,

Anne goes with Tres while I go with Kristen we get into the car and after a while I say

“what happened earlier with Tres I wasn't.........."

“I know nothing happened,you looked quite angry at him”he said by pointing to my cheeks

And my natural makeup returned he noticed and chuckled making the situation worse

“I just love the way your cheeks redden” he says

“Well I dont it comes at worst of times” we get to the restaurant way before they get there so we decide to wait seen as Anne has the tickets then we start a weird conversation I say

“when you met Tres and I what did you think....?”

Kristen's face then reddens and I give out a chuckle then he says in a low tone almost a whisper

I thought you were doing what I'm about to do he leans forward and my cheeks redden for the hundredth time tonight then he gives out a charming laugh and says

“Now who's face is red..... ”

“your gonna regret this”

I say pretending to be angry we both laugh

then we realise Anne and Tres standing in front of us looking wide eyed at us.

We quickly get out and Kristen goes in first and Anne Says

“we all saw what happened and Kale you said hes gonna regret so lets do it”

“do what” I say

“Make him jealous"

she replies and looks at Tres then at me,then we all smile and enter the restaurant.

Anne tells the waiter something then winks at us then the waiter takes me and Tres to a two seat booth and i sit by Tres and takes Anne and Kristen to one in front of us where he can clearly see me and Tres, the waiter takes our orders then Anne winks at us then it starts

Tres pretends to whisper something to me then I giggle and lean into him with his arm around me

I can see this is disturbing Kristen a lot but we don't stop the whispering and giggling till the food comes me and Tres finish at the same time

Anne and Kristen do the same,

Anne gives us another wink then he whispers something in my ear again then I lean in close to his face as if I'm about to give him a kiss then Kristen stands up and says a bit too loud

“I think we are done here” and walks up to me and takes me to the car and starts screaming


and I say in a calm voice

“what? ”


“so how does that affect you?? ”

“CAUSE I......never mind”

then I say

“I told you,you'll regret it”

he looks at me as if I've gone starking mad and starts smiling “I guess I did regret”

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