Chapter 20: Disturbing Thoughts

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Chapter 20: Disturbing Thoughts

Ember Corbin

I was still sitting on the couch while staring blankly at the door from where Lance exited. I couldn't believe what happened, even though it was an accident.

"Pull yourself together. It's not like you've never kissed someone before. You have a lot of kids in your class who are always asking for kisses. This is nothing..."

Was I right? I mean, the kisses with the kids were the same as Lance's, just the kids would kiss on the cheek while with Lance, it was on the lips—not like he did it on purpose.

When bedtime came, I couldn't sleep, because every time I closed my eyes, Lance's face was popping in my head continuously—the way our lips locked by mistake.

"Argh, get out of my head!" I shouted like a crazy person while hitting my head like it would help me magically forget what happened with Lance and me today.

But all I could think of was his lips which were so soft. I wanted to try it again next time. Maybe make it last longer—

Oh, my God, was I fantasizing about Lance?

I needed to have a deep sleep before I went fully crazy.

# # #

I hate everything at this moment.

Lance didn't give me any chance to even catch a blink of sleep last night. He was all I could think of last night, so I woke up looking like a zombie, and I had work today. I skipped it yesterday to spend some time with Alena, but I couldn't use any more of my sick days' leave.

I was startled and dropped the notebook I was holding to put in my bag when my phone suddenly beeped loudly.

Who is missing me so early in the morning?

I stomped towards my phone while putting the notebook in my bag once again after picking it up from the floor.

My Rescuer: Hey, I need to talk with you.

My mind traveled to the kiss last night again when I saw that it was Lance who texted me. I stared at it for almost a minute before deciding to ignore it.

"I need some coffee because that guy is bad news for now," I convinced myself and made my second cup of coffee this morning.

After that, I got ready for work and saw that I was prepared early. Maybe this time, I would have one less late attendance on my record.

I immediately grabbed a cab outside my neighborhood since this time the streets barely had any traffic. I actually thought of taking the shortcut, but remembering everything that happened to me there, stopped me. What if I got kidnapped again? I couldn't risk the only chance I had to not be late for work.

"Good morning, Ms. Corbin," chirped one of my students, Ella, who was walking toward the school building while holding her mother's hand.

"Good morning, Ms. Corbin," Ella's mom greeted me.

"Good morning, Mrs. Gray and Ella." I smiled at them and offered my hand to Ella to take her inside.

"Have a good day, Mommy," Ella said to her mom and continued walking inside with me. "Ms. Corbin, is that gentleman going to come to play with us again someday?"

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks at the mention of Lance.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask him. Why? Did you like him?"

"Yes, he was awkward at first, but he turned out nice," she said, grinning. I couldn't help but smile, remembering the effort he put in to get along with the kids. "Ms. Corbin, did someone hit you?" she asked all of a sudden.

"What? No, why?" I asked in confusion.

"No, just your cheeks are red as if someone slapped you."

My eyes widened as I realized what it all might be indicating. I took out my pocket mirror and checked my face. Indeed, my cheeks went into a deeper shade of red. But I knew they weren't from getting hit, but rather from thinking about Lance.

Was this happening because of the kiss?

"It even got redder," Ella pointed out in amusement. I flushed even harder while thinking about the kiss.

Fuck you, Lance. Get out of my mind.

"Let's get inside the classroom, Ella," I urged, not wanting to think further about Lance and make my students think that I was getting beaten by someone.

My day went by in a blur, and before I knew it, I had nowhere to go after work. I didn't want to go home because I had this feeling that something would happen. Plus, I think I'd go crazy if I saw that couch again.

I decided to distract myself by calling Candy.

"Hey, why are you calling now? What made you remember this awesome girl?" Candy greeted me on the other line. I knew Candy was at work, but I hoped that she could spare me some of her time because I needed to get Lance's face out of my head.

"Do you have time? I actually have some... problem," I said, sighing to myself because even I didn't know why I couldn't stop thinking about Lance.

"For you? I always have time. But I am at the casino right now, so you should come here."

"Oh, no. Candy, if you have work to do, it's fine. We can talk some other time—" I was cut off when Candy suddenly laughed on the other line.

"I am free, Em. Don't worry, you don't have to pay the entry fee. You can just say you are here to meet an employee, and they will let you in because I'll give your name and description to them. Plus, I'm just hanging around here with some of my workmates, so you should come and join us. I'll wait for you."

Without even waiting for my answer, Candy ended our phone call, so that left me without any other choice but to go to the casino. Lance wasn't going to be there, right?

Damn it, I should've asked Candy.

# # #

"Is that really a problem?" Candy asked me curiously while we were sitting on the vacant seat inside the casino.

"It is. Look, I couldn't even sleep even a wink last night. Plus, every time I closed my eyes, or even when my eyes fell on my lips, I always remembered what happened. For some weird reason, I keep touching my lips, hoping to feel his lips on mine. It's like I am cursed to have this kind of experience," I complained nonstop, pouting at Candy, who was now snickering at me.

"Like you're bewitched or something?" she asked, and I nodded at her. "Look, Em. I never thought that you were this dense, not even to notice how you are feeling, but let me ask you this. Is this the first time that Lance gave you this kind of feeling?" she asked curiously, and I stared at her confusingly.

"What? Like an annoyed kind of feeling? No."

I saw how Candy's eyes closed while sighing like she was surrendering to me. "No, Em, you are not annoyed!" she almost hollered at me, causing other people to stare at us.

"Who are you to know if I'm annoyed or not?" I whispered to myself, but it looked like she heard me because she glared at me.

"Because. When. You. Are. Annoyed. Your. Face. Is. Always. Frowning. Not. Smiling," she punctuated each and every word so that I could understand her like a kindergartener.

"Smiling?" I questioned her.

She pointed at our side, and there, I saw a big mirror in the distance. Anyone could clearly see the small smile on my lips that looked like a creepy villain's victorious smile.

"So, if I'm not annoyed, then what? — Fuck!" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw who just entered the casino.

I saw Sebastian behind him, and I averted my gaze.

Why was luck never on my side? One day... just one day! Why did he have to come to the casino just this one day?

"I'm going to the restroom first," I quickly said to Candy, and she agreed even though she had a confused expression on her face.

I saw Sebastian whisper something to Lance, and that was when he saw me.

"Ember—" He was about to hold my hand to stop me when I dodged him and passed by him without saying anything.

"Stay here," I heard Lance say to Sebastian before I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me. "Ember."

I could already see the restroom's sign, so I increased my pace. And thank God, I already entered the ladies' restroom so he couldn't—


I jumped when the door suddenly opened loudly. I scanned the room with my eyes to see if there was another girl inside, but hell, even the cubicles were wide open.

"Ember!" Before I could even turn to Lance, I already felt his hand on my elbow, and he pushed me slightly, cornering me against the sink.

"L-Lance? This is the ladies' restroom, and from what I remember, you are not a lady, and —" I was about to push him back and run away, but my plan failed even before I could even put it into action when Lance caged me in between his arms.

His face was getting closer and closer to me until he started to wrap his arms around my back.

"Lance, what are you doing?" I said while slowly leaning back so that I could stop our faces from colliding with each other. If he didn't pull away soon, my heart was going to jump out of my mouth.

God, our position was so intimate that I was afraid someone would think something inappropriate was going on here if they saw us. Hell, this is inappropriate!

"Why are you avoiding me?" he said with his most stern voice ever. It made me go silent.

Why was I avoiding him? Was he really asking me that? While I was caged in his arm? While my back was bent because he kept leaning forward? God, my back would ache big time later.

"You're silent. Are you perhaps..." He leaned even more forward this time, and I swear I could already feel my heartbeat running a marathon ".... mad at me?"

I shook my head and inhaled deeply when I felt his big palm flat on my back to stop me from shivering. God, his hand feels so good.

"Ember?" I heard a feminine voice call out. I snapped my neck toward the door and was expecting it to open, but it didn't. It was Candy outside.

"It's locked," he said like he was assuring me.

I sighed and immediately tried to push him, so I could stand up properly, but he didn't budge.

"Fine," he said when I glared at him this time and stepped back from me. I suddenly missed the contact between us. "Are you going to practice later?" he asked as I was heading toward the door.

"No, I have some other work to do tonight," I said without meeting his intense gaze and opened the door.

"Why is the door lock—Gosh, your face is so red. Are you okay? You aren't having an allergic reaction or something, are you?"

"I'm fine," I simply replied and started walking away. I stopped when I remembered Lance and my position a moment ago.

"It can't be..." I whispered to myself while feeling every thump of my heart.

I calmed myself by slowly placing my hand on my heart, but immediately removed my hand when I felt how hard my heart was beating. I couldn't think about it much back in there, but...

No way! I think...I think I like Lance.

A/N: If you are enjoying the story so far, please follow me, trimagical_ for regular updates. Thank you and have a great day! Don't forget to keep smiling.

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