Young Fayble

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You know those people on wattpad who can write a bunch just in one chapter. And it doesn't even have to be a novel. Like even in art books for each entry there's like a full essay talking about the drawing and their life and stuff but I can't do that. Like it isn't that I don't have anything to say but my mind is too lazy to form words and so it will only form thoughts which is why there's usually only like a sentence after my drawings if you guys were wondering. But anyways this is a younger version of Fayble and yeah... I'm not very good at chibi style but meh. I have a bunch of essays and finals and stuff and I really do not want to study and such so I've been procrastinating and drawing. So. Ugh. Finals suck. Also do any of you guys have any ideas on what this book should be called because a bunch of other art books are called Art Zone and I also don't want it to just be Art Book so if you guys have any ideas for titles please pm or comment and let me know.

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