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Back to commercial...

Michael: We're back ladies and gentlemen! And as y'all can see here Solo is not looking too well in his match against (WN)!

Pat: I've never seen Solo struggle this much before!

Michael: As you all can see here folks, during our commercial break, Solo was barely taking the advantage as he landed some hits on (WN), but as soon he runs to the ropes and back to (WN), (WN) delivered a brutal clothesline to Solo, knocking him down!

Pat: And speaking of Knocking down, Jey and Jimmy both are still hurt after the attack (WN) gave them before his match, and this time they're making sure to keep their guard up.

(YN) picks Solo up, wraps his arms around him and performs a Belly Suplex to Solo, tossing him across the ring, and again belly Suplexes Solo across the ring...

Michael: (WN) just loves suplexing his opponents. He shows them no mercy.

Pat: What do you expect Cole? "Mercy" is his middle name!

(YN) then walks up to Solo, picks him up and holds him, wrapping his arms around and started squeezing Solo around his ribs...

Michael: And there's a bear hug, Solo has no where to escape!

Pat: Getting bear hug by (WN) is literally the definition of getting bear hugged by an actual bear!

Michael: And look! Solo's slowly fading! He's slowly losing strength to fight back!

Suddenly, Jimmy started taunting and interfering the ref..

Pat: And Jimmy being the distraction? What is doing??

Michael: Wait Wait! Look at Jey!

With the ref not looking, Jey quickly enters the ring and super kicks (YN), letting Solo go and quickly exiting the ring...

Michael: What the hell! Jey superkicks (WN), stunning him!

Pat: Now we know why Jimmy did a distraction! For the ref not to let Jey See interfere the match!

Solo as well lands a superkick to (YN), stunning him again, he grabs him, and to thumb spike (YN) towards his neck, dropping him to the ground and solo to rush and climb up the turnbuckle...

Pat: Solos going up!!

Michael: He's going for the splash!!

Solo leaps off and to fall and land a frog splash on (YN)...

Michael: Frog Splash landed!!

Pat: Here's the cover!

Ref: One-

(YN) kicks out...

Michael: And just like that, (WN) kicks out at one count as always!!

Pat: Superkick from Jey, Samoan Spike from Solo, and a frog splash as well! And yet kicks out at one! (WN) is just different!

Michael: This ain't new Pat. During his career at NJPW, he always kicks out at one count! So keep this in mind folks, no matter how many damage you do to (WN), he will always kick out at One count!

And solo finding a way to finish off (WN)...Solo exits the ring, walks over to the announce table and grabs a steel chair. The ref was being distracted as Solo wanting to attack (YN) with the steel chair and the ref not letting him. As the ref being distracted, the USOs pulls (YN) out the ring and started attacking him...

Michael: And look! Those damn USOs!

Pat: Damaging (WN) to get their brother to win!

Michael: And now Jimmy holding (WN) in a position for Jey!

Jey starts taunting him as Jimmy was holding (YN) up. Jey goes for a Superkick, but as he does, (YN) quickly manage to move away, and instead being kicked by Jey, Jimmy gets the kick...

Pat: Oh!! Jey super kicked his own brother!

Michael: (WN) with an ease moves out of the way!

(WN) quickly grabs Jey around his waist, and belly Suplex him, tossing his body towards Jimmy and both USOs down...

Michaels: The USOs are down again!

Pat: Second time won't work! The USOs once again fail to take the unstoppable force down!

Solo saw everything, as he pushes and drops the ref on the floor, entering the ring and (YN) as well, Solo rushes and to swing the chair at (YN), but misses as (YN) dodges runs to the ropes, back to Solo, leaps and lands a dropick straight to Solo's face with the steel chair holding...

Michael: Good god!! A drop kick with the steel chair straight to Solo's face!

Pat: The ref is still down! He hasn't seen anything at all!

(YN) quickly kicks the chair out of the ring, Solo is still stun as (YN) backs up from the corner, squats down and glares at Solo...and as Solo slowly turns, (YN) sprints and spears Solo...

Michael: Spear!!

Pat: A d brutal spear by (WN)!!

Suddenly, the ref manage to enter the ring and sees (YN) about to pin Solo and quickly crawls over...

Michael: Here's the cover!!

Ref: One, Two, Three!!

Crowd: *Cheers*

Michael: And just like that, (WN) takes the win again!!

(YN)'s song plays and the crowd cheering for his win...

Samantha: Here is your winner: The unstoppable Force: (WN)!

Pat: Another day, another victory for the divine being!

Michael: That's right Pat! Let's take a look here folks. In the beginning of the match, (WN) took down both USOs before his match, spears Jey from the steel steps, grabbing Jimmy in mid air, and putting him through the barricade!

Pat: And let us not forget the Suplex he gave Jey and tossing his body to Jimmy! And afterwards Solo trying to hit him with a steel chair, but gets hit instead by a drop kick, and on top of that, a devastating spear! And pickups the win!

As (WN) was celebrating his match with the fans, suddenly, he has a mic on his hands and ready to speak as the USOs and solo started backing up from the ring on the ramp...

Michael: Wait a sec here folks, looks like (WN) is about to say something.

(YN) then talks on the mic towards the USOs and Solo...

(YN): USOs, Solo! I don't know what you guys are trying to do, but no matter what, it won't work at all! Trying to take me out before the match, and I'm the middle of the match, no chance in hell will that ever work on me! There's a reason why I'm the unstoppable force! Why? Cause I'm just that guy!

Crowd: *Cheers*

(YN): So, tomorrow, at the Elimination Chamber, I know you three jackasses are probably wondering who are my teammates for our match. Well guess what? guys are gonna have to see it for yourselves tomorrow! But...I also have a little message for the judgement day as well, especially towards Damien!

(YN) looks at the camera man...

(YN): So Damien, don't forget, you and I aren't done yet! So once I'm done taking care of the bloodline tomorrow night. After that, I'm coming back for you again! And this time, you and I will settle this once and for WrestleMania!

The crowd cheers and (YN) drop the mic and his theme song playing as he again celebrates with the fans...

Michael: Well you heard here first folks! Tomorrow, at the Elimination Chamber, the bloodline will take on against (WN) and his mysterious teammates and will be revealed tomorrow as well!

Pat: And also, once he's done with the bloodline, is back again to kick Damien's ass, but will do it at WrestleMania!

Michael: What a way to end the show! Stay tune off tomorrows PPV event ladies and gentlemen! Have a great night, and we will see you guys tomorrow!


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