Chp.2 The New Beginning

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-(YN)'s POV-

-Year 2023-

The year was 2023, well to say it just started as new years have begun. Like they like to say, "a new year, new me." With that said, nothing changed for me of course. Ever since 2016, till today, for 7 years, I've been a top wrestler in New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), I've been hearing my name left and right from all over the world. Never would I've thought this day would come as I would turn out to be a famous wrestler, even from Japan too....but, things have changed. Around Mid November, I've noticed that the President of the NJPW hasn't been using me in the ring that much ever since new upcoming wrestlers started to shine. Which is understandable, of course we have to let someone get the shine in the ring, but...the fact I'm not being used in the ring time to time...makes me feel like my job here at the company is done. Nothing much for me to do, I've gave everything in this company for 7 years straight. So...I stepped down, talked with the president...and left NJPW, and Japan too.
As I left and arrive to my hometown, Los Angeles, I then went to social media and to stare my leaving from NJPW, and guess where I announced it?? .....Twitter. Yes, the most dangerous and toxic media app, with so many negative comments, but yet matured comments as well, but mostly toxic comments. So I stated my announcement from leaving NJPW for good and appreciated everything I got from there, and from what I gave it in the ring and will be the best 7 years of my career. As I tweeted my comment. I get some good and respectful comments, and of course some people who doesn't have common sense would say things to me like "Good, you're boring already" or "Yea, we don't need you anymore bro" like who the hell ruined your guys day to respond like that??.
Anyways, I already stated my announcement that I'm no longer in NJPW for good, talked with the president about it and he agree and understood and wished me the best luck in my future. And that future...has turn my life even better.
On Mid January, 2023, One Day, at my home, I was doing my usual workout, and which I do all day now that I am not wrestling....yet. But I also work online through computer to earn more money. As I finished my workout I head back my house and arrived to the kitchen and went through my computer.

(YN): Hmm, you know, I haven't seen WWE in a cool while, last time I watched WWE was when CM PUNK made his last appearance in the Royal Rumble 2014. So I'll see what's up.

I went through their websites, and looked through the news about WWE...and things Really changed alot.

(YN): Woah. Triple H now runs WWE full time?? That's cool. And Shawn Michaels runs NXT?? Sweet. Guess Vince can't handle the work anymore, heh.

I even looked at the ratings of both shows RAW and Smackdown, they were pretty high ratings, even the PPV events like SummerSlam 2022, Clash Of Castle and more. I then looked through the upcoming PPV events as well...

(YN): Oh damn, the Royal Rumble is in two weeks. I think I'll give it a shot and watch it when it comes out. Wonder how it feels to watch WWE again after 9 years....Speaking of...

It hit me, knowing that I don't work in a wasteland company like NJPW anymore...I wanted to try working with WWE, at least sign up in the try outs and show them my performance. So I reached for my phone to give a call...but then again, it's too early, knowing the Royal rumble is coming I rather wait for a little longer.

(YN): Too early. Probably wait till after WrestleMania I guess. Who knows, maybe-

Then, I get a phone call from an unknown phone number from Stamford, Connecticut. So I still answer and tell them they got the wrong number...

(YN): Sorry, wrong number.

???: Oh sorry, but Am I speaking with (YN)??

(YN): O-Oh. Yes, that's me...can I help you? *drinks water*

???: Hi (YN). I want to reach you out to see if you are interested in working with WWE?

I immediately spat my water out and choked on it what the lady said to me...working with WWE?!?

(YN): Work with WWE??! Hell Yea-I mean, why yes! I would absolutely love that.

???: That's great to hear. The boss has been talking about you lately and has seen lots of videos of you in the ring. He wants to meet you in person this week to sign a contract with you to join in.

I dropped my water bottle to the floor, stood still to hear that I've been mentioned from a different company, and not just any company, a huge company like WWE, talking about me and wanting me in their company!

???: Hello?? (YN)?

(YN): O-Oh! Sorry...and, I would also like to meet the boss in person to sign up in WWE.

???: That's perfect to hear. He says he wants to meet you this week. Does tomorrow sound good for the meeting?? I noticed you're located in Los Angeles, so does the Afternoon at 5pm sound okay for tomorrow?

(YN): Yes! Tomorrow at 5pm sounds great.

???: Perfect, you're all set with the meeting with the boss then. Thank you for your time, and see you tomorrow.

(YN): Thank you as well.

We both hung up...I stood quiet after, as I witness to hear the best news in my life. I walked out from my kitchen quietly, passing the living room, exiting my house as I stood out front of my yard...and yelled...

(YN): LETS GOOOOO!!!!! *Rips shirt off* ...Ah shit, my workout, I'll buy a new one. No wait! I have to see how long it takes to get to Connecticut.

I jog my way back in the house and go through my computer to see how long it takes to get to the headquarters...

(YN): From LA to Connecticut....5hrs 30min, not bad. Now, book my flight there.

I booked my flight at the LAX Airport and paid my flight, and confirm to be ready to leave at 11am.

(YN): Okay, good. From 11am, I should be there around 4-ish. Hopefully. Okay, my flight is all set. Now...enjoy the rest of my free time till night.

As time goes by, it was night, 10pm, I was set to go to bed and get some rest to wake up early to head over to the airport. I set my alarm as well. Once I was about to lay down....there, near my bed, in the counter, I looked at the picture of me when I was a kid, and hugging me, was my mom. That picture was taken around the ruthless aggression era and my very first live PPV event at Survivor Series, the year 2006...

(YN): Oh mom, I know you're around here in LA, we've never spoken or contacted each other ever since I graduated high school...and after that, the plans I had to become a wrestler....didn't go so well when I told you about it...I wish it turn out different...but I guess it stays how it stays. But,  o matter...where ever you are right now...I hope you're doing alright...and I love you.

I place the picture back where it was, took one look at it...and head straight to bed. I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling...and to think about tomorrow.

(YN): Welp, tomorrow's the big day.


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