Chp.21 Road To WrestleMania Pt.1

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-(YN)'s POV-

Monday Night RAW was still going, and up next is my promo segment I'm gonna have to talk about my match at WrestleMania against Damien, to think I would finally get to attend a big event like WrestleMania! And not only that, This WrestleMania is taking place at my hometown! Los Angeles, California, and the show will take place at the Sofi Stadium. So I have to focus. I was already at the backstage with Hunter and the others as Hunter calls me up...

Triple H: Okay, you're up, good luck (YN).

(YN): Thanks.


Outside the arena, (YN)'s theme song began to play...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As his theme song played, the fans cheered for him, and cheered even more when he appeared and he started pumping the fans up...

Mike: Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome, the unstoppable force: (YN)!!

The commentators began talking through the show as well...

Patrick: Well we've been expecting this moment Corey, (WN) has quite the few words he still needs to get it off his chest against Damien Priest.

Corey: I sure hope Damien is listening here cause he has no idea what he just started with this monstrous freak.

(YN) arrives in the ring, and continues to pump up the crowd more as they all cheered for him. Afterwards, he grabs a mic, and walks around as his music stops and the crowd kept cheering for him and chanting his name...

Crowd: (WN)! (WN)! (WN)! (WN)! (WN)!

(YN) speaks and shouts...

(YN): Phoenix Arizona!!

Crowd: *Cheers*

(YN): Aw man, I just wanna say, these past two months during my days here, in WWE, have nothing but absolute greatness, and I thank each and every one of you folks for giving me a warm welcome to my new home. Thank you guys.

Crowd: *Cheers and clapping.*

(YN): But also, I'm also excited about the biggest event, of all WWE times, which gives us hype, and excitement and give us one hell of a show, and what makes this better...this big event takes place, at my home city, Los Angeles, California, and that ladies and gentlemen, is WrestleMania!!

The crowd cheer loudly for (YN) as this WrestleMania 39 will be taking place at his home city: Los Angeles California.

(YN): And...never would I thought I can get to perform in such a huge event like that, so I am looking forward of meeting each and every one of you guys and will do my absolute best to make you guys have fun....and speaking of, that's also the reason why I'm out here, not only to talk about WrestleMania...but also, my match, that will take place at WrestleMania, against Damien Priest.

Crowd: *Booing*

(YN): So, Damien, I know you're back there, like the little coward you are, so as of right now, I want you to listen closely, as what I'm about to tell you, of who the hell you're messing with.

Crowd: Ooooh.

(YN): You see Damien, back at the Royal rumble, when I eliminated your sorry ass over the top ropes and other superstars, I had no problem with you at all, just toss you out like the trash you are, and mind my own business, had no problem against you anymore...until you decide to cause the problem, and ordered your little maggots, Finn and Dominic to do your work, and eliminate me from behind.

Crowd: *Booing*

(YN): So Damien, I don't know what you're deal is, what problem you have against me, but I can assure that I'll be the one to finish our problem, and I will finish the problem, by kicking your ass this Sunday, at Day 2, at WrestleMania!

Crowd: *Cheering*

(YN): So now,'re not only dealing with a average're dealing with the divine being, an unstoppable force, who likes to kick ass, torture my opponents, beg them for mercy, and make sure they don't mess with me, and you are one of them that'll be the one, begging for mercy, cause I won't show you any mercy this Sunday. So Damien, how about you man up for once, come out, walk over here, get in the ring with me, and talk about our match.

The crowd cheers for (YN) as they waited for Damien to appear and go face to face against (YN)....
But suddenly, instead of Damien, he got this...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Out of nowhere, one of the members from Judgement day, Rhea Ripley's song played as the fans didn't expected her, but at rhetorical same time excited knowing almost all the fans were eager to see r oh Rhea and (YN) together working in WWE knowing how much they always spent time together...

Corey: Well, this is new.

Patrick: You said it Corey, what is Rhea thinking?? I mean she may be the dominant diva in WWE, but trying to be dominant against (WN) is just crossing the line.

Corey: Well I sure hope she doesn't say anything to trigger the unstoppable force.

Rhea was making her way down to the ramp, and stops as she was standing outside the ring, playing in character, smirking as she has a mic on her hands. Her song stopped playing, and spoke...

Rhea: (WN), I don't know what you're trying to do, but whatever it is you're doing, I suggest you stop it. I mean, do you have any idea what you're putting yourself with? You're not only dealing with Damien, but you're also dealing with the Judgment Day. I mean come on, it's 4 v 1...and if you're wondering, I'm the fourth one.

Crowd: Oooooh.

Rhea then walks up to the ring and enters while talking...

Rhea: And just to let you know...I'm not scared of you.

Crowd: Oooooooooh!

Rhea: So here's what I'm gonna tell you, and keep it in your thick skull...: Walk away while you still can, and don't ever mess with us again, or you'll fully regret it, and I'll be the one taking care of you.

The aura was getting intense for some reason between Rhea and (YN)...deep down, (YN) was impress of her mic skills and can see the crowd cheering and hyping this in return, he spoke...

(YN): Listen here, "Mami", or as I like to say it better in Spanish, "Mamacíta"...

Crowd: Oooooooooooohhhh!!

(YN): You quite don't get it, I said I wanted Damien here, not you, not Finn, not Dominic...Damien, only. And right now, I'm am being too patient now that I am already sick and tired of waiting. So, how about you do me a favor hon? How about you take your sweet butt over to the backstage, tell Damien to bring his bitch-ass over here, so he and I can get straight to business.

The crowd went crazy and cheered wildly for (YN) after what he said. Deep down, Rhea was amazed by (YN) on his mic skills, also she almost broke character when he called her "Mamacita". But other that, they were doing great with the segment, hyping the crowd up...Rhea suddenly gave a smirk, and to chuckle after and nods of disappointment for some she spoke...

Rhea: So you're not gonna understand at all? ...Very well then, you're call, and don't say I warned you so.

Suddenly, Rhea slowly backs away, dropping the mic still with that grin on her face, leaving (YN) a bit confused at first...until suddenly, he felt someone behind him, as he turns, and to get chair shot straight to his face by Damien Priest...

Corey: From behind! Damien Priest!

Patrick: He strikes (WN) with a brutal chair shot!! My god that must've hurt!

Damien began assaulting (YN) and continued hitting (YN) with so many chair shots to his back, hurting him as Rhea stood there smiling and laughing, playing in her character...afterwards, Damien then laughs about it too. Then, Finn and Dominic appears and coming down from the ramp. Finn was holding two steel chairs, and Dominic was carrying a trash can filled with kendo sticks...

Corey: The hell are they doing??!

Patrick: Assault! They're trying to injure (WN)! This has to stop now!

They both arrived in the ring, as they, and Damien Priest as Rhea sits on top of a turnbuckle corner, to watch only as the other three judgement members surround (YN) as he tried to get up after the chair shots...Finn gave Dom a chair, as he and Dom holds a chair, and they both began hitting (YN) with chair shots behind his back, taking turns one and another...

Corey: Come on this is sick!! Somebody stop them!

Patrick: Get security over here now!

Suddenly, the General Manager, Adam Pearce came out and to get a bunch of security's to get to stop the judgement day to stop the assault, but Rhea grabs a kendo stick, exits the ring and starts swinging it, backing the security's away...

Corey: Damn it this is ridiculous! Can someone stop her too?!

Patrick: I don't think they can do nothing about that Graves.

Back in the ring, both Dom and Finn stop swing the chairs at (YN), as they drop them, and they both grab and hold onto (YN)'s arms, holding him up as Damien rips his shirt off in half, explaining his upper body as he picks a kendo stick, and started bashing (YN) with it, hitting (YN)'s chest and stomach with the kendo sticks several times...afterwards, Damien tosses the Kendo Stick away, as he place the trash can down, and to then grab (YN) by the neck and yelling at him...

Damien: You want this?! Well here ya go!!

He lifts (YN) up, and choke slams (YN) through the trash can...

Corey: Oh god, enough!

Suddenly, Damien tells both Finn and Dom to get a table out, and set it up outside. The two exited the ring, looked under and pull out a table and set it up outside the ring...once it's set up, Damien picks (YN) up again, and to lift and carrying him in power bomb position...

Corey: Damien what are you doing!!? Put him down! Don't do it!

Patrick: Enough is Enough!!

Damien then power bombs (YN) out of the ring, over the ropes, and him falling through the table outside...

Corey: Good god! (WN) went through the table! Stop this already he can't even get up!

Then finally, the guards manage to stop the assault and to back the judgement day away as the other half of the guards and medic came to check on (YN)...Damien grabs a mic and spoke...

Damien: You should have listen (WN), and none of this would not happen, but instead you kept pushing it. So we had to physically give you a listen, hope that learns your lesson...and also, see you Sunday, if you can make it.

Damien drops the mic as he and the rest of the judgement day make their way back land getting booed by the fans as they started taunting them for Rhea, she walks up to the ropes, looks at (YN) on the ground hurt, as she grins and waves at him and leaves with the others...

Corey: This didn't go as planned for (WN), getting ambush by the judgement day behind, and the fact that that might've broke (WN)'s back getting sent through that table outside the ring.

Patrick: Well let us see what happens next Corey, no dodgy said their match is canceled, so we will have to wait till Friday Smackdown as the judgement day will make their appearance there. So we will find out!


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