Chp.25 Street Fight Pt.2

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Back to the fight, we left off where Damien and (YN) are both still outside the ring as Damien was taking the advantage...

Michael: Welcome back readers! We're back here at the no holds barred street fight match between Damien and (WN)! As you all can see here Damien is taking the upper hand now, hitting everything he has towards (WN) and to keep himself down.

Damien takes (YN) to the ramp, and to body slam him to the ground...

Pat: Oh! What an impact.

Michael: Damien is doing everything he can do win this match.

Damien then walks up to the ring, and to scoop under the ring, and to bring out two tables and to set them up standing in front of the ring, and to go grab the steel steps and brings them to (YN), sets them up on the floor and to drag (YN) with him, standing on top of the steel steps and the two tables set up behind him, and is about to perform a Suplex to (YN)...

Pat: Oh this won't be good!

Michael: Damien is gonna look to Suplex (WN) through those tables on top of those steel steps!

But suddenly, (YN) started fighting back, landing punches towards Damien's ribs, and to land some headbutts to his face as the fans cheered...then suddenly, he quickly wraps his arms around Damien, and perform a belly Suplex on top of the steel steps, tossing him over and Damien landing on the ramp...

Michael: Oh damn!! (YN) manage to break out! And belly suplexes Damien on top of those steel steps and Damien falling with an impact to the ramp!

Pat: Damien was being too cocky!

(YN) runs his injured shoulder from the barbed wired, walks over to Damien, picks him up and landing hard hits from his back, bring him close to he steel steps behind, wraps his arms again, and perform another belly Suplex to Damien towards the Steel Steps...

Pat: Oh man!! A Suplex to the steel steps!

Michael: That sure has to hurt Damien! (WN) walks up to Damien and here's the cover!

Ref: One! Two!...

Damien kicks out of two...

Pat: Kick out of two!

(YN) stands up, and to pick and toss Damien back into the ring and entered the ring as well, seeing Damien trying to get up, (YN) spots the barbed wire bat he brought, goes for it and grabs it and stares at it and looks at Damien as the fans cheer ...

Michael: Oh no, this won't be too good!

Pat: Damien I hope you can handle barbed wires! (WN) is about to get his get back after that stunt you pulled!

As Damien barely gets up on his feet, (YN) lifts and swings the barbed wire bat to Damien and lands it behind his back, as some of the barbed wire was attach to Damien's back and slowly coming off...

Michael: Ouch!! Damien is going to feel that tomorrow morning!

Pat: Now that's brutal!!

As Damien screams in pain, and getting up straight up on his feet, turns around, and (YN) sprints to Damien, hits and lands the barbed wire bat straight to Damien's head, dropping him down to the ground again and busting his head open...

Michael: Oh crap!! Damien's busted open!! He's bleeding out crazy!

Pat: Oh man that's painful to watch!

(YN) picks Damien up, tosses him to the ropes, runs back to (YN) as (YN) leaps and lands a clothesline to Damien and drops him again...

Michael: (WN)'s  going back taking the advantage!

Pat: Wait a sec, he's thinking of something!

(YN) exits the ring, goes under the ring and to scoop out yet another table, and this time to bring it inside, and to set it up leaning towards the corner, drags Damien  ext to the table, and to walk over to another corner, looks at Damien slowly standing up and him squatting down...

Michael: Oh boy, don't turn around Damien!

Pat: Don't as Cole says! Don't do it!

As Damien turns, (YN) sprints straight to him, but Damien lifts his boot and lands a hit to (YN)'s face, avoiding being spear through the table, (YN) again sprints to Damien, and this time clothesline him to the ground, as Damien quickly grabs the steel chair looks at (YN) as he stands up, turns around and to get chair shot by Damien and stunning him. He drops the chair, grabs (YN) in a position, lifts him up in a power bomb position, walks towards the leaning table of the corner, and to toss (YN) through that table...

Pat: A powerbomb through the table!!

Michael: Damien manage to fight back! Here's the cover! Can he do it?! No way!

Ref: One-

(YN), again, kicks out at one count...

Pat: Holy crap!! Unbelievable!

Michael: And just like that (WN) kicks out at One count! Chair shot to the head and sent through the table with a powerbomb and yet as always nothing!

The crowd were cheering and clapping the fact they're enjoying this match...Damien was on his knees, couldn't believe that nothing he used against (YN) can put him, he walks and exits the ring, and to again scoop under the ring...

Pat: Now what's he's looking for??

And then, what Damien took out made the fans worried but excited at the same time. He takes out a bottle of fire fluid and a torch.

Pat: Th-That's fire fluid!! And a torch!! The hells is he trying to do?! Is he trying to set (WN) on fire!?

Michael: Don't be dumb Pat! You think WWE would take that far?! He's probably thinking of something else to use it! But what?!

Damien walks around the ring, and to arrive at the front, where the two tables he set up standing before, opens the bottle, sprays the fire fluid all over on the two tables. After that, he tosses the bottle, lights the torch up on the tables, as setting them both on fire...

Pat: He set the tables on fire!! Just what is trying to do?!

Michael: I don't like this a lot, and I KNOW what he is trying to do! We've seen this last Monday at RAW what he did to (WN), and this time it's much worse!

Damien walks back into the ring, and walks up to (YN), picks him up, looks at him and says...

Damien: You won't kick out of this one. It's over! You failed yourself, and these people in LA!

Damien then picks (YN) up from behind and having him in a cross powerbomb position and looks straight at the flaming table's outside the ring...

Pat: Oh no! Damien don't! That's too much!

Michael: Damn it Priest enough!! You're gonna end up burning him alive!! Don't do it!!

As Damien was this close to toss (YN) out of the ring and put him through the flaming tables, (YN) manage to break off from Damien, Damien turns around and (YN) to strike an uppercut to Damien, and to clothesline Damien over the top rope, as Damien was inches away from falling onto the flaming tables but luckily was able to hang on...

Michael: Oh god! Damien was inches away from hiring in hell!

Pat: This is giving me anxiety! I don't k ow what's gonna happen after-

Michael: Wait!! (WN) with the chair!

As Damien was holding onto the ropes to avoid falling to the falling tables, he looks and gets chair shot by (YN) straight to the head, stunning him and him holding onto one rope and trying his best to not fall...

Michael: Oh god!! A brutal chair shot to the head! Damien trying his absolute best to hang on!!

Pat: For the life of me Damien, don't let go! And-

Michael: W-Wait! What's (WN) doing?? N-No!! (WN) don't!!

(YN) sprints to the ropes, and sprints back to Damien...

Pat: LOOK OUT!!!!

(YN) choked the arena as he spears Damien through the flaming tables as rhetorical crowd of the arena erupted with wild cheers...


Michael: JESUS!!! (WN) spears Damien through the flaming tables!!! Oh my freakin god!!!


Damien was grunting in pain as he can feel his skin slowly hurting him due to the flames, and (YN) rubbing his eye from the flames as well...both of them are down, well only Damien as (YN) crawls up to him, and covers him...

Michael: And here's the cover!

Ref/Crowd: One! Two! Three!!

The fans cheer and the bell rings as (YN) won the match...

Samantha: Here is your winner! The unstoppable force: (WN)!!!

Michael: What a brutal, and great match! We have experienced such craziness that has happen!

Pat: Chairshots! Kendo sticks! Steel steps! Tables, Trash Cans! And freaking flaming tables! This match was outrageously good!

Michael: Damien in pain, feeling the flames onto his skin and is bleeding out still!

Pat: And the one standing tall obviously, the badass divine being, (WN), looking down at Damien as the trash he is! And he sure cook this match!

Michael: Also, besides the wins during WWE in these past days ever since his debut, this one here  is (WN)s first ever win in the biggest stage of all: WrestleMania! This is a great start to his career! Let's us look forward to see what happens next for (WN)!

(YN) was hurt, but also stands tall at the same time, and makes his way back to backstage as the fans cheer on him and him waving at them and appreciating their support to him...he then sees some media making a run for to Damien to check on him as (YN) makes his way on the stage and walk back at the stage...
As he arrived backstage, the producers, some superstars and Triple H gave an applaud for (YN)'s performance out there as he smiles and felt great for himself...

Triple H: You did great kid, never have I heard the crowd so loud like that before. You and Damien out did yourselves.

(YN): Heh, thanks, I need to sit...

Triple H: Don't worry, we'll take you to the medic room to treat your wounds and rest up afterwards, you deserve it. Come on.


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