Chp.4 An Unusual Meeting

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As we left off, we then see both (YN) and Demi(Rhea), lay eye contact to each other and yet did not expected to see each other in Triple H's office...

(YN): O-Oh! Hi there.

Rhea: Oh! Crap, I..I didn't expect someone here, I thought Hunter was here.

(YN): He should be here any minute now. Waiting for him as well for a meeting.

Rhea: O-Oh! Really? How coincidental. I was expecting him to have a meeting with him too.

(YN): Oh nice. Must be important for a beautiful lady like you.

Rhea: *giggles* Oh stop it. But, it seems like it, he did said it was urgent.

(YN): Ah, I see.

-Rhea POV-

Oh my, for a guy like him he doesn't seem like an ordinary dude who works at a office. He's huge and those muscles like...damn! Damn make yourself look dumb.

Rhea: By the way...I'm Demi.

(YN): Oh. Nice to meet you Demi. Names (YN).

Rhea: Nice to meet you too (YN). And also, when it comes in ring, I'm known as Rhea Ripley.

(YN): O-Oh! You're a diva wrestler??

Rhea: Yup. Been in this company since 2016.

(YN): Oh wow look at you. That's good to hear from you.

Rhea: Thanks, so what brings you here?? Trying to join in the company?? You seem new.

(YN): Actually, that's what's happening.

Rhea: Wait really?!

(YN): Yup, crazy right?

Rhea: That's great! Congrats my man.

(YN): Thank you, Thank you.

Rhea: But you know, scrap the "new" part I do look familiar though. Like I've seen you somewhere in TV from another wrestling company some time ago...did you work at New Japan Pro Wrestling??

(YN): Why yes I did.

Rhea: Knew it! But...I can't quite get your wrestling name tho...ugh! I know it, but I can't put my finger on it.

(YN): Does the name "(WN)" ring any bells??

Rhea: (WN)...(WN)?!!? W-Wait! You're (WN)!!? The unstoppable force?! The divine one!!?

(YN): In the flesh.

Rhea: Holy shit!! O-Oh my god!! Haha! Like, wow!!

(YN): Heh, you seem very happy.

Rhea: I'm sorry. But when you told me your wrestling name, I knew it! I've looked up to you!

(YN): Wait, really???

Rhea: Yeah! Before I joined WWE, and was still wrestling on Indie shows, watch some other wrestling companies on TV like TNA and NJPW, mainly NJPW, and when the name (WN) came up and made his debut, which is you, and went at it agains Adam Cole, and saw your match with him...I was speechless and amazed how you were in the ring. And as the days go by and seen you in more matches...I knew, I wanted to be like you, talented skilled and strong. Even your mix skills, my god you're so good at it!

(YN): Heh, thanks.

Rhea: So, I had the guts to join WWE and enter the Mae Young Classic Tournament, and won and then to NXT, and now as a main event. And I thank you.

(YN): Heh, well your are welcome. It's good to hear and see someone who is inspired by me to enter in the big leagues. And of course, they can't say no to a gorgeous lady like you of course.

Rhea: *blushing* Oh stop it you, hehe.

(YN): Just trynna be real here.

Rhea: Heh, I appreciate it. And to be real here...I hope you become part of this company.

(YN): Heh, thank you.


(YN) and Rhea were starting to get along but by bit as they were talking. They lay eye contact to each other, smiling as well as Rhea was fluster by him. Suddenly, someone arrives at the office, and at last, it was the boss himself, Triple H. And sport Rhea and (YN) looking at each other and didn't even hear him enter...

Triple H: Uh, earth to you two??

Rhea/(YN): Hunter!

Triple H: .....I hope I didn't interrupt anything between you two??

They both looked at each other and felt a bit embarrassed and flustered...

Rhea: N-No!

(YN): Not at all!

Triple H: Hmm. If you say so. Anyways, you must be (YN).

(YN): Y-Yes! And can I say, it is an honor to meet you sir. Like, I grew up watching you wrestling, you're matches were great too!

Triple H: Thank you, I appreciate it, and glad to hear that. Okay, let's get this meeting started.....and speaking of it, who do I start first?

(YN): O-Oh!

Rhea: Oh! Um...I mean, since you were here first...

(YN): Oh no no. I insist, ladies first.

Rhea: Why, how gentleman of you, but you sure? Don't wanna make you wait longer.

(YN): No worries. I can wait more. Really.

Rhea: Heh, alright then.

(YN) walks out of the office as he and Rhea kept looking at each other, smiling still. As he leaves the room, Rhea looks over to Hunter, sitting at his desk...

Triple: So, you two seem like you had a chat.

Rhea: We did. And, I never expected him to be part of WWE! Like, do you know who he is??

Triple H: Of course. That's why I called him here...from the sounds of it, you seem to know him??

Rhea: Of course I do! He's literally the most dominant wrestler from NJPW. That dude is really talented and athletic too. And also...he seems like a sweet guy.

Triple H: like him already?

Rhea: Yea, b-but not like that! You know? Like, like him as the person he is, and the wrestler he is in ring.

Triple H: Hehe, I get you. Now, let's get to business. Have a seat Demi.

Rhea takes a seat down...

Rhea: So, what is it you wanted to talk to me??

10 minutes later, outside the office, (YN) was leaning against the wall, waiting for his next turn. Then, Rhea comes out of the office, and seem to be more happy and excited for some reason.

(YN): Hey again.

Rhea: Hey!

(YN): You seem excited. Guess the meeting went good?

Rhea: Good? No, it went great! Guess what? ...for the first time, I'm gonna enter in the women's Royal rumble! And he expects me to win and head over to WrestleMania to main event!

(YN): What?! That's great! And...women's Royal rumble?? Is that a thing??

Rhea: Yeah, I mean...have you not keep up with WWE??

(YN): I mean yeah, I grew up watching Ruthless Aggression and the Attitude Era, and some in the modern era...but I stopped watching since 2014.

Rhea: ...CM Punk??

(YN): CM Punk.

Rhea: Ah. I get you. But you should start watching again, it's going great.

(YN): Mmm, yeah, I will. But still, that's great to hear you're gonna be part of something like the Royal rumble.

Rhea: I know right!

(YN): And, I too hope you win. From what I see from you, you got the potential to be a big star.

Rhea: *blushes* Heh, thanks, and I could thank to you for that as well, you really inspired me of being a top wrestler, really.

(YN): You're welcome.

Rhea: Anyways, the boss is waiting for you. I have to go back home and get myself ready for the rumble.

(YN): Sure, I understand.

Rhea: Good luck.

Rhea began to walk away as (YN) look at her walking still, Rhea looks back to him, smiled at him and waves at him, and (YN) waves back...and Rhea says...

Rhea: I hope we can see each other again soon.

(YN): Same here.

She walks down the hall and to leave...

(YN): ...She is one good looking girl. Ahem! Focus (YN)! This is your chance! Don't screw this up.

-(YN)'s POV-

I take one good breathe, and to enter Hunter's Office...

Triple H: Ah, there he is. Come, have a seat (YN).

I take a seat on his desk...

Triple H: Now, it's obvious why I called you to have a meeting with me here.

(YN): Well, I can take a wild guess here why.

Triple H: And you know why. So, how about it? Start off a new chapter of your life, become one of the biggest stars, like me, John Cena, The Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Batista, Randy Orton, The Rock, Ric Flair, and many more. You got that potential, to be part of those legends. And the ones who are earning those spots to be part of the legends as well like Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Drew Mcyntire, Roman Reigns, and more modern superstars.

(YN): That would be-no! I would be honored! To be part of WWE alongside with the legends and the modern ones too!

Triple H: Good, just the answer I expected.

(YN): Cool! So, when will I debut?? Raw?? Smackdown? Oh! Maybe after WrestleMania?? What about the upcoming Paper Views like the elimination chamber!?

Triple H: Oh no. You're not gonna debut neither Raw or Smackdown or any PPV's upcoming.

(YN)): O-Oh...then??

Triple H: You'll make your the Royal Rumble.

(YN): The Royal Rumble??! As part of the 30 men Royal rumble?!

Triple H: That's right.

(YN): Oh man! Yes! I would love that!

Triple H: Great. All you gotta sign this contract, this contract here allows you to be part of us, and how much you'll be paid and how long your contract expires and have a renew one before it expires.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the pen, read the contract, agreed with it, and sign my name. After that, Triple H and I stood up and shook hands.

Triple H: Welcome aboard son.

(YN): Thank you! Really, like, wow!

Triple H: Don't just thank me, thank you for being the wrestler you are and worthy to be something big here. So. You got two weeks to get yourself ready for the Royal Rumble PPV. Saturday, takes place at San Antonio, Texas at the Alamodome stadium.

(YN): Okay, gotcha! See you there!

Triple H: Same here.

Hours later, I arrive back to my home city, it was night already. I was sitting watching some of today's WWE shows and events, so's pretty good since Triple H now runs the company now, the matches are great, Edge is back like what?! That's awesome! And even Cody Rhodes too. But right now, my main focus was making my debut at the Royal rumble, and being part of the 30 men royal rumble too.
But also, my head has been thinking about Demi (Rhea)...she seems like a wonderful lady, outstandingly gorgeous as well like...damn.

(YN): I don't know why...but I just Can't wait to see her again at the Royal Rumble.


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