Chp.8 Storyline #1: Vs. The Judgement Day

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-Monday Night RAW-

-January 30th, 2023-

As we leap over to Monday, during the afternoon, (YN) has already arrived to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Monday Night Raw will be taking place at the BOK Center. As (YN) spends some of his free time before heading to work for the first time in his career with WWE, he then looks through his very own first storyline script triple h sent him this morning, and will be working against the judgement day, and his first rival between them will be Damien Priest.
Later, on the BOK Center, (YN) arrived as he's then greeted by many fans on side as he walks in the center, and he greets them back and sign his autographs for them. As he arrived, he again met more of the superstars, men and women to talk with like Cody Rhodes, Bobby Lashley, Seth "Freakin" Rollins, Ricochet, Johnny Gargano, Bayley, Becky Lynch and more. (YN) arrived to his locker as the episode of RAW is about to start airing in half an hour now. So (YN) has to read his script first and make sure he nails it.

(YN): Okay, don't have to mess it up. Just gotta role with my script, and focus. But I also need to make a great impression too, which I can work with that.

Suddenly, someone enters his locker, and it's Rhea...

Rhea: (YN)! Knew you would be here.

(YN): Oh hey Rhea. Just here...bit nervous I guess.

Rhea: Aww. It's okay, I've been there before. But hey, if it helps better, I'll stick around with you.

(YN): Oh. That's sweet of you. But, you don't have to.

Rhea: I do, I mean not like I have to-I mean! I mean, not, oh you know!

(YN): Hehe, I know, and...I appreciate it. Thanks *smiles*

Rhea flusters at (YN) as he appreciates being company by her for his first day.

Rhea: So, since I can figure that you ever first storyline will conclude my partners and I, who will be your rival?

(YN): Damien Priest.

Rhea: Oh nice! He's really good in ring, I can see the two of you work very well.

(YN): You think? I just don't wanna mess up. Like botch any moves on him or so.

Rhea: I know that feeling. But don't worry, Damien is a great person to work with, so you two will talk it out about how you will work in ring.

(YN): Heh, yeah. I hope. But, also...I'm literally looking forward to work with you too. It will be fun.

Rhea: O-Oh! Sure, yeah, it will. Heh.*blushing*
As minutes pass, the episode of Monday Night RAW has started as the music plays and the fans cheering as they see themselves in TV, and we take a look at the RAW commentators, Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves...

Kevin: Welcome everyone to Monday Night RAW! We are LIVE here at Tulsa, Oklahoma as the show takes place at the famous BOK Center! I'm Kevin Patrick, joining here my good friend Corey Graves! What you think about today's show Graves?

Corey: Well I tell you this Kevin, tonight's RAW will start to heat things up as our CEO commissioner that is now currently running WWE, Triple H, has just gave us some major news about who will be our superstars to join in at the main event, at our next PPV, Elimination Chamber!

Kevin: That's right Graves! Tonight's RAW episode will conclude 3 major matches that will reveal which superstars from our brand will be qualifying in the elimination chamber for the WWE United States Title! As of course, our current US champ is none other than Austin Theory.

Corey: Also, Austin is in the Elimination Chamber event and will place his title on the line against 5 other superstars in the chamber! Tonight, our first qualifying match will be the Show-Off, Dolph Ziggler, against the tsunami himself, Bronson Breed!

Corey: I don't know how the hell is Dolph gonna survive against that giant! But I give him props to have balls to go in ring against him! And by all means, let us hope he doesn't get tsunami splash, that's broken ribs right there!

Patrick: Speaking off, our second qualifying match for the chamber will be the visionary himself, Seth Rollins, against Chad Gable!

Patrick: Seth has been peaking on that US title for months and he says he will take it and he means it! Chad on the other hand won't allow it as he too will want a title on his shoulder for the first time ever in the main event! So we'll see who gains victorious between those men!

Corey: And lastly, our third qualifying match for the chamber will be Johnny Gargano vs Baron Corbin.

Corey: Here's the thing, I have high hopes for Johnny to win this qualifying match cause Baron makes me sick! He's given chance after chance, and yet to fail! How would this affect him? No idea! Baron thinks he's sow thing but we shall see if he is tonight!

Then suddenly, the lights went dark for a sec...and someone's Theme song started to play...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd started to cheer loud as the theme song started playing, and this theme song happens to be the American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes. He makes his entrance's appearance as the crowd cheers louder for him...

The ring announcer, Mike Rome, introduces Cody...

Mike: Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome, the 2023 Men's Royal Rumble: The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes!!!

Corey: And what a way to start off RAW!

Patrick: You tell me Corey, this man here has given it all ever since he made a major return at last year's WrestleMania! And this time, he will be main eventing WrestleMania and go one on one against the tribal Chief: Roman Reigns! Do you think he will be the ONE to end his reign?? Let us find out soon!

Cody makes his entrance as he walks down the ramp and to give high fives to the fans and kids, and to hype the crowd as he enters the ring, and all of the crowd cheering for him. As his song keeps playing, Cody asks for a mic as he is about to cut a segment promo about his victory at the Royal rumble, his songs stops playing as the crowd cheers and chants his name, and the fans chanting...

Fans: You deserved it! You deserved it! You deserved it! You deserved it!

The crowd chants and cheers for Cody more and more...and Cody speaks...

Cody: So, my league goes to say that there is someone new in this show so I'll say it: I am
not the same person, no I'm not the dashing one, not the masked man, and NO, I am not the stardust. I am different. A different person, who has come back and to prove everyone who doubted me not being at the top. In the year 2014, I left for a personal reason, and had never come back why? Because I know I didn't had it in me yet, so I had to work hard to reach to that high level, get to that level to the ones that became legend, to those that raise the steaks, and no I am not talking about saying I will be the next John Cena, no! I'll be, who I am, and what I am, is that person that will make my own dream! And that to surpass my limits, and be the top level, of main eventing WrestleMania and you know damn well I did that!

Fans: *Cheering*

Cody: Now, was it worth it? 100% yes! And now all of you are saying the word "Kingdom" and it's from my song, well that word has more meaning that that, cause that word will always come with me no matter where I go, and the first words has a l track that I made on my own, and it goes "Wrestling has more than one royal family." And not just that, WWE...has more than one royal family. Which means, I have to stand across to another...stand across to another bloodline...and I have to stand across....the tribal Chief, the head of the table, the WWE universal champ, Roman Reigns.

Crowd: *Cheers/Boos*

Cody: Of course. Roman Reigns, the man himself, the god mode, and the needle mover and the tribal Chief himself. To be real here, I have respect for him, but what I say next, I mean it. As you all know, WrestleMania is within 62 days left. And Roman, you better hope you're prepared within those days, because at WrestleMania, is the biggest place, where it all ends, where eventing changes, where I, the American nightmare, Cody Rhodes, not only will defeat you, but after WrestleMania, you can still be the tribal Chief, still be the head of the table, still be in God Mode, still be the needle lover, BUT.... There is one thing you won't be after WrestleMania, and that is...being the WWE undisputed Universal Champion, cause you're looking at one very soon!

The crowd cheers for Cody as they all cannot wait to see his main event match against Roman at WrestleMania...but suddenly, he then gets an unaware company as a theme music started to play...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Coming from the entrance ramp, we then see three members of the judgement day, Finn Balor, Damien Priest and Dominic Mysterio as the crowd booed them and them having a mic and we're about to talk...

Finn: Cody, I'm a bit confused here. Are you here to do something original? Or, you're gonna knock off all of my old stuff just like before?

Dom: And, on top of that, he ruined the judgment day's plan at the rumble. But of course, Mami Rhea did win the women's rumble, and she will announce her opponent at WrestleMania later on tonight, and everyone will listen to her. But, I, was suppose to win the men's Royal rumble match.

Fans: *Booing*

Damien: You see Cody, our boy Dom here was the key to win that rumble last night, but you have to take that opportunity away from him. Little golden boy wants everything he wants, and not only that, likes to ruin everyone's moment, just like you ruined Dominic's moment! You just want what you want and get in anyone's way. I mean think about, our Rhea, who entered number 1, lasted way longer and eliminated all 29 other women to win the rumble and she guaranteed that win! But when YOU, Cody, entered last at number just lasted less than 30 minutes and won like nothing! I mean Dom, how the hell is that possible?!

Dom: It's alright Priest, cause Cody isn't the only one here who ruined my moment...cause there's someone else, who ruined my moment too.

The fans then started to cheer loud, as they knew who he was referring too last night at the rumble, (YN), who made a huge debut at the PPV, entering the rumble, eliminating big superstars like Brock, Bobby and Gunther, and also eliminated all three judgment day members too...

Crowd: (WN)! (WN)! (WN)! (WN)! (WN)!

Damien: Yea yeah, chant his name, don't matter!Well guess what! We eliminated him, haha!

Crowd: *Boos*

Damien: That's right.! But not only cause we want to, but I said so. So I told my boys here, to eliminate him for messing with us Judgement day!

Finn: That's right. The nerve of him to think he can come here, and think he's the top star of this company.

Dom: I don't know who the hell he think he is. But it felt so good to eliminate him last night. The look on his stupid face, haha! And guess what? He's not even here.

Damien: Of course he isn't. Cause he knows what would happen if he ever shows up, cause we're here, and he's scared of us.

Cody: Woah Woah there...if I were you there gentlemen, I would not bad mouth on (WN). You see...he and I go way back from another company, and let me tell you: He isn't someone to mess with. Trust me, I know him way more than you three. I mean, did you see what he did last night? He eliminated three big superstars, hell I'm surprised he eliminated Brock Lesnar like Nothing! That lets you know (WN) is the real deal, there is a reason why he's is known as the unstoppable force!

Crowd: *Cheering*

Cody: And let me give you guys a little heads up. It doesn't matter if it's a one vs one, one vs two, one vs three, it don't matter, why? Cause not only me, but all of these people know that we are 100% sure...he will beat the living shit out of all of you three together.

Crowd: *Cheering loud*

Damien: ...If that's the case, then how about we give him a little preview, to send him a message, of what would happen if he ever shows up here at RAW.

Suddenly, Damien, Finn and Dom drop their mics to the floor and to March their way to the ring to take down Cody as Cody quickly takes off his jacket to get ready to fight them off...both Finn and Dom enter the ring to jump Cody but Cody fights them off with an ease with some punches, but Damien quickly runs up to Cody and lands a big boot to his fcs ends knocks him down as the three members of Judgment day started beating Cody up...

Patrick: This is sick! These three have no business ruining Cody's moment here!

Corey: That's jealousy is what I call! And that brat Dom has the audacity to think he can win the rumble!

Patrick: Cody is outnumbered here! How the bloody hell is he gonna-

Suddenly, (YN)'s theme song plays...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The fans went wild as they heard his theme song play and the judgment day giving off a scared and surprised look to hear his song, and seeing him coming from the entrance ramp and the crowd cheering for him...

Patrick: Look who's here!

Corey: Oh hell yes! The unstoppable force, (WN)! He's here, and he's here to kick the judgment days ass! He won't forget what they did to him last night!

Finn and Dom both exit the ring to take down (YN) as (YN) sprints towards them and clothesline both of them at the same time as they both went down and (YN) goes in the ring as Damien charges to him but (YN) to tackle Damien to the corner and started beating him up...

Patrick: And look at him go!

Corey: Beating the holy hell out of Priest! Reminder, Damien was the one who wanted (WN) eliminated and he's paying the price for it!

Damien was beaten up as (YN) runs to the opposite corner of the turnbuckle and to run back to Damien and landing a brutal spear towards his gut as the crowd felt that impact...after that, Damien walks in the middle of the ring hurt as (YN) runs to the ropes and back to Damien, leaps up and lands a brutal clothesline to him, knocking him down to the ground as the fans cheered louder for him and rolls out of the ring...

Corey: What a devastating takedown!

Patrick: I'm sure Priest won't get up after that attack!

Corey: And look! Finn from behind!

(YN) turns and sees Finn on top of the rope as he jumps and flies to (YN), only for him to catch him with ease on one shoulder, then to see Dom on top of the rope as well and to jump and fly towards (YN). (YN) catches Dom with his other shoulder, as he catches both Finn and Dom by his shoulders like nothing, carrying them around as the fans went wild seeing that...

Patrick: My god! Are you seeing this?! He just caught those two like a sack of pillows!

Patrick: Unbelievable strength right there ladies and gentlemen!

(YN) runs and to power slam both Dom and Finn to the ground as they roll out of the ring...the fans cheered and chant for (YN) as the judgment day backs away and shouting at (YN)....
Suddenly, (YN) looks back at Cody as he was slowly getting up after the beat down he got...(YN) walks up to Cody, and helps him up as the crowd cheers, and saved him from Judgment day...both Cody and (WN) stand y'all and to look over at the judgement day as the fans cheered for them both and playing his theme song...

Corey: Looks like Cody has backup after all.

Patrick: It seems it is. I have a funny feeling we might have a main event match tonight between Judgement Day, and Cody and (WN).

Corey: We will see later on if it happens Patrick, cause coming up next will be the first qualifying match for the elimination chamber! Dolph Ziggler Vs Bronson Breed! We will be right back after the commercial!


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