Chapter 16 Suddenly, Spot Less?

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            The next few weeks, are tough on Marinette. She cannot seem to think straight around him both as Chat and as Adrien!  She knows he is the same person.  She tries to be happy, but cannot since he still does not believe her when she says she is Ladybug.  Why should he doubt her?

            Marinette arrives at school  late as usual. She sits in her seat in silence. She dares not to look at Adrien. She does not speak to him anymore either. Why should she when she thinks he must have told her a lie.  She believes all his kisses were just plain cruel.  She does not want to have anything more to do with him.  

           Adrien sees Marinette is late. He smiles when she enters the classroom. He tries to catch her attention only to have her ignore him. He thinks, wait why does she not speak to me or wave to me at least?  Is she really that upset with me?  He sighs.  He wishes he knew how to fix everything between them.  He truly loves her.  He hates to see her in what appears to be obvious pain.

        Later after class, Adrien tries to speak to her once more! 

        "Marinette, please tell me what this all about now!  I  cannot go on like this.  What is it?  Why do you refuse to look or talk to me?  What have I done that was so bad?"  Adrien remarks.

         "Adrien, sorry that is rough, dude!" Nino says.

       "Sorry, Adrien, but Marinette does not wish to say anything to you."  Alya says.

        "I  do not get it. Why is she sore with me? " Adrien says.

           "Adrien, you know I think she needs some time to think.  I am sure she will come around soon!"  Chloe says.

         "Wait, a minute!  If I was your girlfriend, you would not see me not speaking to you."  Lila brags.

          "Ugh, if you were my girlfriend, I would dump you like the trash you are then!" Adrien retorts.   He walks off before Lila can say anything more to him.

          "Whoa, did you just see that Alya?  Lila got burnt by Adrien!"  Nino says. He high fives his girl friend.  He thinks the whole situation to be quite funny.

          Boom!   Everyone runs to hide as usual.  

             Alya breathes a sigh of relief!   With how tense things are between Adrien and Marinette, she rather fight an akuma then watch those act so strangely towards one another!  What could have taken place anyway to make them behave this way?   Alya wonders.   "Trixx, lets pounce!" Alya says and transforms into Rena Rogue.

           Elsewhere, Adrien calls out "Plagg, claws out!"  Immediately, he transforms into Chat Noir!  This time though his outfit looks funny!  As it is a bit different than usual, as in his suit is black as usual, but this time he has a few green tips to his ears and on the end of his tail.  He does not realize it though.

            Not far from where Adrien hides, Marinette is hidden.  She calls out, "Tikki spots on! Yeah!" She transforms into Ladybug.  This time though her costume seems to be different. Instead of the usual red pattern with black spots suit, she has on a red outfit, with a black collar, and no spots.  She does not notice though.  How could she when she does not exactly have a mirror in her hand right now?   Also, her yo-yo is bright red, and has no black on the surface to it either!  

         Nino feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks up to see no one there.  How odd, he thinks. He then sees a funny box beside him. He opens it.  He sees a bright light, then a turtle that speaks comes out to say,  "Hi, I am Wayzz!"   

           Nino smiles, "hi, dude!  I am Nino!"   

            Wayzz smiles back,  "Nino, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rogue need your help!  To transform say, Wayzz shell on!  Your turtle suit will give you a shield you can use for protection.  You will also be able to make force fields when you need them and to climb walls. "

          Nino nods his head in agreement.  "Sounds, cool!  Wayzz, shell on!"  He transforms!  

           Ladybug plops down between Rena Rogue and Chat Noir once she spots them!  This is to say as soon as she sees them, she lands with a thud beside them both.

        "Ladybug, you look great!"  Rena says.

        "Yes, you sure do m'lady!" Chat Noir says. He seems to be a bit off though.

        "Thanks, Chat!  You look nice too!  In fact, nice green tones with your ears and tail today."  Ladybug says.

          "Now, that she mentions it there is some green in it.  Whoa, that is odd!" Rena remarks.

           "What is odd?"  Ladybug ask.

            "Yes, do tell us!" Chat Noir replies.

          "It just that not to alarm you or anything, but the spots are all gone!"  Rena points out.

           "Spots, what is this about spots anyway?"  Both Chat and Ladybug says together.

         "I  mean that Ladybug's  spots are missing!  She has none in her suit.  The yo-yo is plain too."  Rena Rogue blurts out.

           "Oh, that is nice!  Wait, what?"  Ladybug replies.

           "Oh, my goodness, LB!  She is right!  There are no spots anywhere!" Chat says. He gasps at the remarkable discovery when it comes to the whole thing.

            "How?  How is this even possible?   How can I be in my ladybug form without spots?"  Ladybug says.

           "Look, I am not sure!"  Rena says.

           "How should I know?  It is the first I ever seen you with just a solid suit."  Chat tells her.

              "Haha, sorry to interrupt, but your miraculous are all mine!" The villain brags.

               "No!" Chat says.

              "No way!" The girls say.

               "Fine, then take this!" She says. She sprays them all down with the water pistol she holds in her hand.  She laughs as they all get wet.  She laughs even harder at the sight of  Chat Noir with wet hair. She thinks, boy he looks funny as a drenched  feline!

               "I do not think so, spray girl!"  A voice says.  The others look up to see a young person close to their ages in a turtle costume.  His appears to have a hoodie too.  

               "Who on earth are you?"  The girl who calls herself  "Eau"  (*french for water according to google search) demands to know.

               "Carapace, call me Carapace!"  He says.  He forms a force field to protect himself and the others when she sends an even bigger blast of water their way. 

              "Thanks, newbie!"  Chat Noir says.

             "Yes, thanks man!" Rena Rogue says. She appears to be a bit of a daze though.

            "Yes, thank you for your help!"  Ladybug remarks.  She acts like she does not know where he came from even though she was the one to give him the miraculous in the first place.

           "No problem!  Glad to help dude and dudettes!" Carapace replies.


       A   few minutes later, after Rena's illusion of  bathtub full of bubbles, Ladybug's  lucky charm which is a water balloon, and Chat's cataclysm of the water pistol  "Eau"  holds the akuma flies free!   Ladybug catches it, purifies it and calls out, "Miraculous Ladybug as she throws the water balloon into the air!"

       While everything goes back to normal, all four heroes "pound it!"   Carapace destransforms far off from the others. Rena does the same.

       Chat drops his transformation behind the school.  

        Ladybug hides at home. She soon destransforms too.  She does her homework, then with an excuse to go for a walk goes to speak to Master Fu.

          "Why, hello, Marinette do come inside!"  Master Fu says.

            Marinette enters his place. "Master Fu, why?"  Marinette ask.

            "Why what?"  Master Fu replies.

              "Why did I transform only to have no spots?  I was a spotless ladybug today!"  Marinette remarks. 

         "Hmm, perhaps it is because you and Chat are not able to fully trust each other!  I am sorry, Marinette!  Until Chat Noir comes to believe you are Ladybug as you say then their will be no more spots for you!"  Master Fu responds.

          "Oh, dear me!"  Marinette says.

           "Oh, dear is right!  You must find a way to get him to regain his trust in you.  It is important for the safety of you and the other miraculous team members!  It is also, important for you in your civilian lives too.  One more thing, Adrien does love you! "  Master Fu tells her.

            Marinette leaves. She thinks, on the way home, What can I do to get him to  trust me though?  How?

             to be continued in Chapter  17   Akuma Caught Without Powers?




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