Chapter 5: Marked

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to darkness. Cloth covered my eyes, and tape over my mouth. I struggled and realized that I was in a steel chair and that I had steel cuffs on my wrists and ankles that held me down against the freezing steel. I don't remember blacking out.

I struggled and kicked trying to break free but a deep and raspy voice chuckled and spoke.

"Its no use. That metal could drain all your magical Lacrima in your body if I activate it." He chuckled.

I recognized that voice. The one that destroyed my life. Killed my parents, and tried to take me. I fell silent.

"Laxus." I whispered.

"Oh so you do remember me?" He asked.

"How could I not? You took me from my parents. You tried to make me yours. I'm not gonna forget what you did." I growled.

A hand touched my cheek and the blindfold came of. The scar on his face was bigger, and he himself had grown. He was practically a whole new person. And it kinda intimidated me but I could easily kick his ass. If I wasn't terrified as Fuck and tied to a chair.

Warm, charred tasting lips pressed to mine. He was kissing me!! I groaned.

'No no no!!! Stop it!!' I yelled at myself.

'Damn these dragon Slayer instincts!!' I yelled in my mind.

A hand roamed down my side, over my hips, and it touched my inner thigh. I couldn't help but moan into Laxus' lips. I was a bit desperate for a mate since I was a dragon slayer too. Did I not mention that? Well there ya go. I'm a dragon Slayer like Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus and the rest. Since mating season has come up I'm a bit jumpy and ready to mate.

Slutty I know but i cant help it! Laxus rubbed circles on the inside of my thigh making me wiggle my hips and moan louder. His hand began to graze my 'area' as I heard a familiar voice in my head.

'Please be okay, Y/n.' It whispered. was Natsu's voice. My eyes snapped open, I closed my legs, and began struggling. I broke the kiss and shouted at Laxus.

"Get off me!! I don't want you!!"

His hand came in contact with the left side of my face and tears sprung in my eyes. My cheek was red and the clear salty tears flowed down my cheeks. It Hurt.

"Dont ever disrespect me like that again!" He yelled.

I didn't respond and my hand fell in my eyes shadowing my face. All you could see was the tears trailing down and under my jaw. He smashed his lips to my neck and nibbled, sucked and blew against my sweet spot.

I moaned gently and he pulled away to show no mark. His eyes widened.

"W-what?" He whispered and tried again.

Once again, no mark. He began to get frustrated when the metal door blew open and almost tore off its hinges. I jumped and kept my head away. A deep inhumane growl came from the door and I looked up. Natsu stood there, poised and ready to kick ass.

Before a single word could be uttered Natsu tackled Laxus to the ground and the fight broke out. Fire and lighting everywhere. Laxus grew insize but so did Natsu. I wiggled and my left hand slipped out of its restraints. Luckily a small zap of lightning hit the arm where my hand would have been had I not moved.

I slipped out my other hand and popped open the restraints on my feet before hauling ass and running out the door. I ran off into the woods and didn't stop. For a while I kept going but then a root seemed to pop up and trip me. I fell to the ground and scraped my elbow. Like I was a little kid I sat up and looked at it, pouting.

"Owwie." I whispered.

I stood up and a hand was placed on my shoulder. I whirled around to see Natsu, bloody, scratched, and hurt. My eye widened and I hugged his torso.

"Are you alright!?" I cried.

"Dont mind me. Did he hurt you?" He asked back.

I shook my head, regreting the lie I just told. Natsu froze and he knew i lied.

"He did. What did he do!?" He growled.

I showed the red hand print on my face and he turned to go fight Laxus again but I jumped in front of him, hugging his torso again.

"Please don't go." I whispered.

"Fine." He mumbled back.

His soft warm lips pressed against the stinging red skin on my cheek and he kissed down. Around my jaw, over my nose, and back around to my lips before firmly placing his lips on mine. I kissed back and he licked my lip but I denied him. He pulled back and kissed my neck.

"Y/n. Please be my mate. I love you." Natsu whispered.

"Yes Natsu. And I love you more." I smiled.

Natsu let out a deep and throaty groan/chuckle and threw me over his shoulder. He turned and Carried me back to Magnolia. I could tell he was eager, and so was I.

I guess tonight will be interesting.


Hey guys! It's me Shira-Chan!

Just a quick little note.

I'm making a new fanfic.

I'm not 100% Sure what I'll call it but it's for OCs.

It will be like a normal story but instead it will have me and

The first three people who comment on this chapter!

If you want to be a character in the story you need to comment

Your Fairy Tail OC's Name, Gender, Magic Type, Description

And who they like!!! (Can't be Laxus)

Remember! I'm only doing the first 3 people who comment!

Thanks for reading guys!!!

Shira-Chan out!

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