chapter 18

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Next after the twins sat down was the boy who was very interesting to me. Not as sexual way. Okay maybe he was pretty hot if you asked me.

But mate is more Mmmm sexy.

I laughed as I thought about that

Yeah well I don't trust him with miss get around miss spread them.

Well he is more lovable and loves us

Well he has to prove to me he can stop being so clingy

Well at least he cares for and never left you like your family did.

I growled loudly I could felt eyes changing colors.

"L..Luna Abby...Abby are you okay" I looked to see all of them with widen eyes.


"Sorry I zoned out a little bit. Just thinking about things." as I looked around they all nodded.

"Its okay Luna we will find Hayden" both Sophia and Oliva said together. But what they didn't know is that I was about to beat the crap out of sky.

I just need to clear my mind I thought. Getting up I looked around.

"Im sorry everyone but in am not feeling that okay". I mumbled as i walked towards the door.

Opening the door I walked to my room if felt like everything around me was dark and soundless. Walking to my room it was dark and gloomy. Slowly laying on the bed i closed my eyes.

I could hear the door opening. Can't people tell I am not in the mood to talk.

"Michael Im not-"

"Well I  am not him but I was hoping we could talk" I opened my eyes seeing the boy from the meeting. Sitting up I moved side ways to let him sit on the bed.

"So what's up" he said as he jumped on my bed putting his hands behind his head. Looking up at me.

"Fine." I said looking away as I rubbed my hand through the bed sheets. I felt warm hands on my hand.

Looking down I notice how his blue eyes twinkle in this dim room. Something about this guy.
I was about to say something when I got caught off.

"Dylan standfield" I watched as he put his hand out for a shake.

"Nice to meet you" as I grabbed his hand shaking it. He smiled as I smiled.

"So Dylan I have a question for you" I said he gave me the go for it look.

"Are we related in any way" I notice how he looked at me.

"Well we haven't been friends for not even 2.0 seconds. And the Luna of this pack is asking  if we are already related." he said in a matter of fact tone.

Looking at him I nodded. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

It was quiet I wonder what everyone in the pack house was doing.

Then something pop in my head.

"Hey you want to go for a run"

He smiled and nodded getting up we walked towards the door. Only to stop when I saw Mrs. Elizabeth at the door.

"O hi Mrs. E we were just- "

"O I am sorry to interrupt but we have a slight....situation" I looked at her weird.

Present minute

"Let me out god dammit I want her now" my eyes widen as I looked at Michael.

" how long has be been in the cage?" as I looked around the metal cage.

"Well this morning after breakfast he hasn't been the same."

" see " I notice how everyone was looking at me weird.

"O come on princess it can't be that bad" as Dylan rested his arm around my shoulder.

Earning a very big loud from Michael.

"Get the hell away from her you son of a bi@ch. Everyone that you meet d-" before he could finish his sentence Dylan growled at him. 

"You stay out of my life and what I do. You don't know me you man slut. You have all the reasons to shut the hell up."  my eyes widen as looked back at each other.

Well then.

After grabbing Dylan arm. Which let me tell you was hard. I dragged him to get him. Which was even harder than grabbing him. For him to get the hell out of here. Even though I wanted to be with Michael I also wanted to be with Dylan.

As we walked down the hallway I could hear growling and whimpers.

But I kept moving forward as I go.

"Im sorry you could go back-"

"Its alright.  Really I just need some food and I will be good. Which you will be paying right. I am to lazy to cook right now." I smiled.

"Well at least your honest and why not I could go for some nuggets." I laughed as we headed out the door. Only to be stopped by the stench of blood.

As I looked in front of with terror in my eyes.

As they hung against the wooden pole dead and bloody.

My vision gotten hazy as I took one more good look at the bodies.

So who are the bodies?

Is Dylan all of that and a bag of nuggets?

What's going on with Michael?

And what happened to her past?

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